
Fingerprints of our mind: Killers beware - a computer could sense your intentions

WE are the sum of our parts. Our experiences. Our thoughts. Our moods. So what happens if we crack that equation? Terrorists — beware.

In the wake of a string of terror attacks across the world - with Melbourne once again the setting of an attack - one question dominates security agencies: how can we get reliable early warning?

Media and politicians have reacted with outrage at revelations that some terrorists had already been ‘known to authorities’, or were classified as ‘person’s of interest’.

So how could they not have found out something was being planned?

Australian researchers believe they can help.

And it’s because of something we already know: our words can be revealing.

Remarkably revealing, in fact.

Even more so than a fingerprint.

It’s not what you say.

It’s how you say it.

It’s about the words we use. How we use them. And the extraordinary influence our moods, memory and state of mind influence their choice.


David Kernot from Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Group is seeking to uncover telltale ‘fingerprints’ buried in the way we write.

“I’m not looking at what people say. I’m not interested in what people say. I’m interested in how people say it.

“We’re all subtly different on the way we perceive things based on who we are. Those subtleties, they come out in language.”

He’s since found his research to be a matter of pressing national importance.

“Australia got hit quite badly in Melbourne and Sydney by lone wolf terror attacks. So the country naturally started getting quite concerned,” Kernot says.

“This was all happening in the middle of my PhD. We had the growth of social media becoming an avenue for radicalisation, and encouraging people to become lone wolf terrorists.”

At this point, Kernot was examining how the words people used could indicate tipping points for depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

“Then one of my professors, Roger Bradbury at ANU, said ‘I wonder if we could apply it to the lone wolf problem’. So I started doing some research.”

He quickly found previous studies revealing terrorists were particularly prone to mental health issues.

“As it turns out, many actually suffer intensely from anxiety and from depression,” he says.

“That’s how it started.”


Kernot was a defence IT analyst. After doing an apprenticeship in electronics, he continued part-time education until he finished a degree in information technology.

“So I had this idea about designing a complex IT structure to contain data, to be able to store data better and retrieve it.”

After a 1200km drive to the University of NSW in Canberra, his new supervisor pulled a book off his shelf on neuro-linguistic programming. He said, ‘find something in this’.

Kernot says he found the subject immediately interesting. But also daunting.

The whole field of neurolinguistics was considered a pseudoscience. Something that sounded good, but not based on verifiable fact.

“At the time this TV series Lie To Me was on, where Dr Cal Lightman was looking at all these little nuances and hidden features that give away people’s intentions. Being a former police officer myself I had an interest in this whole forensic linguistic approach to find out things about people.”

And, to his encouragement, Kernot soon found there may be some substance behind neurolinguistics. Advances in technology allows brain activities to be tracked.

And it used sensory words.

“The whole concept is based in embodied cognition,” he says. “The sensory aspect of the words and the processing of the senses are actually very embedded in neuroscience. All of our senses actually determine who and what we are through our experiences.”

Now working for the Defence Science and Technology Group, he resolved to do his PhD thesis on the subject through the Australian National University.

“It started off very much as a linguistic forensic approach to identity. So I wrote some algorithms and did some tests”.


Kernot set his sights was the complete works of William Shakespeare as a test study.

For centuries scholars have been bickering over whether or not he was real, wrote all of the works attributed to him, that he was the pen-name of one or another famous individual or individuals …

Could in-depth analysis of the language linked to him offer any fresh insight?

Identifying what was genuine Shakespeare was the easy part. A breakdown of his Sonnets revealed his individual thought processes and personality.

Analytic algorithms were even able to sift them into the different ‘voices’ he had adopted, including the Dark Lady and Young Man of the sonnets’ sexual intrigues.

None of these matched those employed in other works.

“We’ve reinforced some doubt about Shakespeare’s poems: The Phoenix and the Turtle, and Venus and Adonis, which are very different in style.”

But Kernot got more than he bargained for.

“When I analysed the works Shakespeare did write, there were some discrepancies,” Kernot says. “But they kind of tied with the times they were written. One time was when his son died from the plague, and another was when he was probably struggling financially. He was stressing. He was worried he may catch the disease himself.”

So could an analysis of words reliably reveal stress, distress, excitement, and the onset of mental disease?

Kernot turned his algorithm on the collected works of Iris Murdoch and P.D. James.

They lived in the same time frame. They had similar social, experiential and economic circumstances.

James led a relatively stable and normal life.

Murdoch did not.

“Using the algorithms we could identify her anxiety and depression. So we wondered if we could also use it on Alzheimer’s.”

So he searched through Murdoch’s writing style for a ‘tipping point’ that could be used as an indicator of its onset.

“We found faint signals 20 years before her formal diagnosis that might be an indicator”.


Early in his research, Kernot discovered one of his key predictions was wrong — partly.

“I started with the premise I could identify males and females from their writing. There was actually more to it.”

Essentially, he could determine the masculinity or femininity of a person’s thought processes — but not the person’s physical gender.

“We’re not looking at what people say,” Kernot says. “We’re looking at the whole cognition aspect of language. It’s a symbol. When I hear something, I hear a sound. When I smell something, it’s an aroma. When I taste something, my tastebuds react. These are language independent. They’re part of my body.”

In layman’s terms, it’s about how our senses stimulate our brains.

“Those signals go through to the sensory cortex. And that cortex is language independent. It goes through the Entorhinal Cortex to the hippocampus which fuses emotional context with sensation to create memories.”

The more intense the emotion, the stronger the memory association.

“We are the sum of our experiences. I suppose that’s the whole crux of my identity premise. You can identify people and their states of mind because we all have different experiences”.

Do you remember the first time you ate a toffee apple? Was it at a fair or show? Does merely seeing one evoke those associated memories and emotions now?

“If the same event happened to someone somewhere else, say in a war zone, the first memory may be a bad one. There may have been bombs going off. There will have been a whole set of different impressions being formed, a whole set of different emotions attached to that memory. That will actually become part of who they are, and it will come out in their writing and their language.”


“You can’t think of thoughts as separate things,” Kernot says. “It’s about the whole body, the way it acts and takes in our environment and our emotions. It’s how they’re all fused together to form ideas and retrieve ideas and to sort of create who we are.”

And our choices of words are guided by the state of our brain at the time we recall them.

“If we’re stressed, that choice narrows as our brain is focused on other things. If we’re depressed, we focus on words grounded in reality. If we’re angry, imagery imprinted on our minds when we were in that state in the past will leap to the forefront of our minds the fastest.”

So, Kernot developed a set of algorithms to look at four different aspects of what makes an individual who they are.

One is mental gender. Another is the choice of sensory words. There is the impact of depression and mental disease. Then there’s ‘richness’ — something akin to vocabulary.

“So through doing a piece of analysis on text, you can see what the writers’ age may be based on their word choices, you can have a look at education levels … and, typically, if you were to compare two people, if one had a cognitive disease, for example, it stands out.”

Another element is based on studies into depression.

“A depressed person uses less imagery and is more abstract, is less grounded,” Kernot says. “They would typically use fewer words. They would have a smaller set because they can’t process the same number of words as someone who is less constrained by depression.”

His set of algorithms is programmed to detect — and compare — the words that relate to our internal state of mind.

“The fourth element was the use of sensory adjectives,” he says. “Adjectives are the words that people use all the time to describe things. So they are used a lot. But they sometimes mean more than one thing. And they can mean something different to different people.”

Take, for example, ‘lemon’.

It is a fruit. It is a colour. It’s a taste. It’s a smell. It can feel bumpy. It can also be a derogatory term.

“So I broke these words down into these groups and applied a score and created an algorithm based on people’s choices.

“These words are all actually symbols. They’re not actually language. It’s not until I want to speak to you that those symbols get translated into one language or another,” Kernot says.


When it comes to the war on terror, often all investigators have to go on are a few social media posts and a handful of emails.

But Kernot’s algorithms need only one to two thousand words to produce a reliable result.

“We asked the question, imagine if you’re a suicide attacker planning the early stages of an attack — would there be any indications in your writing that might be used to predict it before it occurred?”

Such people would have experienced a mental tipping point, he says. Could such an “end state” be identified, and used to warn authorities?

“People that are already known to authorities, people that are already being looked at and watched as people of concern … if you could apply these techniques, it could give us a heads up.”

As expected, a few telltale signals stood out.

“Attackers are typically quite angry people. They’re very negative,” Kernot says. “Normal people are not angry. They’re quite balanced.

“So we did a comparative set: ordinary people versus suicide attackers. We found differences.

“We can actually show that the suicide attackers are different linguistically. We were able to classify them much better than had been done in the past.”

And, again, it comes back to identifying a mental tipping point.

“If you go back and look at the writing of those people when they were normal people — the anger and the emotion is not there. You wouldn’t tell the difference,” Kernot says.

“But when you apply the tipping point algorithm over the stages of their writing as they progress from one state to another, you can see a change in their tone. And it’s actually quite significant. You can see their anger increase. You can see all this build up in their writing. It’s quite clear. You can actually see a shift prior to attacks. It’s feasible that this is an early warning signal for radicalisation. It’s possible. That’s really exciting.”

Follow: @JamieSeidelNews

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