
Winner named: The Gold Coast’s cutest baby January, February 2022

The votes have been tallied, now meet the Gold Coast’s cutest baby and the adorable runner-up. Find out why she’s the apple of her mother’s eye.

Kidspot – Cute Craft for Budding Singers

Little Aryana Syed wasn’t waiting for anyone to enter the world.

She was in a posterior position – head down, facing mum's abdomen – as she tapped her toes waiting for clean air, causing no end of pain for mum Samantha.

Aryana Bishop was the Gold Coast's runner up cutest baby, and its easy to see why. Aryana at her Pimpama home and also with mum Samantha Bishop. Picture Glenn Hampson
Aryana Bishop was the Gold Coast's runner up cutest baby, and its easy to see why. Aryana at her Pimpama home and also with mum Samantha Bishop. Picture Glenn Hampson

“I was lucky to have a pretty easy pregnancy, but the labour made up for that,” she said.

“She was posterior the whole time and with no pain relief, the pain was indescribable.

“But it really is true that all that pain goes away instantly the moment you see them.

“She then spent three days in NICU as she wasn’t breathing on her own initially but after her rough start, we have never had any health issues with her since.”

Aryana is now seven months old and was this month voted runner-up behind Matilda or “Tilly” Mae Burns in the Gold Coast Bulletin’s Cutest Baby competition.

Ms Syed said she struggled with fertility problems for 17 years but was blessed with a miracle.

Aryana Bishop was the Gold Coast's runner up cutest baby, and its easy to see why. Aryana at her Pimpama home and also with mum Samantha Bishop. Picture Glenn Hampson
Aryana Bishop was the Gold Coast's runner up cutest baby, and its easy to see why. Aryana at her Pimpama home and also with mum Samantha Bishop. Picture Glenn Hampson

“Aryana is my first biological child with my husband Sabah,” she said. “I also have two step kids who are 13 and 10 and I have had the privilege to co-parent for the last seven years.

“We were worried initially of the age gap between our other two kids but they have both been the biggest help and absolutely adore her.

“I am constantly in awe of watching them all grow.

Ms Syed said Aryana “feels all the feels” when she hears an Adele song.

“It’s just too much emotion for her little heart to handle. She’s a huge animal lover and giggles hysterically whenever she sees our staffy, Luna.”


A GOLD Coast mum says having her second baby allowed her to enjoy the process and worry less.

Matilda or “Tilly” Mae Burns, 9 months, was voted as the Gold Coast’s cutest bub and her mother Katrina Burns said it was because of her smile.

“The best way to describe Matilda is like sunshine,” she said.

“Just like her hair she is bright and full of light.

Matilda Mae Burns won the Gold Coast cutest babies competition. Picture by Richard Gosling
Matilda Mae Burns won the Gold Coast cutest babies competition. Picture by Richard Gosling

“We joke that she was born with a smile on her face, always giggling, always smiling and definitely a little talker in the making.

“Even at 5am she wakes up smiling and always wanting a chat.”

Ms Burns said Matilda was her second baby following her first Sophie, 5.

“I think the second time around you enjoy the process more and worry less,” she said.

Matilda Mae Burns with her mum Katrina Burns. Picture by Richard Gosling
Matilda Mae Burns with her mum Katrina Burns. Picture by Richard Gosling

“I can’t tell if she’s a dream baby or I’m just a more confident mum second time around.”

Ms Burns said Matilda’s favourite person was her dad who she gets her red hair and blue eyes from.

“After a long night shift as a fireman he comes in the morning and nothing makes her smile more than seeing him walk through the front door.”

Jordyn Beasley’s incredible story.

A traumatic start in life hasn’t been enough to keep the smile off four-month-old Jordyn Beasley’s face.

The Robina baby is one of dozens of babies now in the running to be named the Gold Coast Bulletin’s Cutest Baby.

Mum Danielle Gibson told the Bulletin the cheery bub had struggled through health issues straight after being born in October last year, and again at just five weeks old.

Danielle Gibson's baby daughter Jordyn Beasley. Picture: Glenn Hampson
Danielle Gibson's baby daughter Jordyn Beasley. Picture: Glenn Hampson

“She was an IVF baby, we got pregnant on the first go,” she said.

“Throughout my pregnancy there was some health issues and concerns.

“When (she was born) she wasn’t breathing. They put her right on a machine in the ICU.

“We were told she potentially had brain damage (but) she’s healthy as anything.

“You would never know what she’s been through, she’s the happiest, smiliest baby in the world.”

Look at that smile! Picture: Glenn Hampson
Look at that smile! Picture: Glenn Hampson

There were certainly some adorable little bubs born in the past few months.

We’ve heard some incredible stories about the cheekiest smiles, and the chunkiest legs, and seen the little ones with the best headwear and the grooviest shorts.

But which one of these cuties is the Gold Coast’s cutest?

Take a look through our gallery and let us know.

The winner will get a professional photo shoot and will appear in print in the Gold Coast Bulletin – as well as bragging rights.
Voting has been extended until February 18, 7am. Get in quick.

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