
‘I would rather have a molar extraction than see my natural hair colour.’ Why Sonia Kruger won’t ever ‘go grey’

She’s known for her glamorous blonde locks. Now, Sonia Kruger has opened up about the REAL reason she will never let her natural hair colour see the light of day.

Sonia Kruger's "stunning" new look

They say you can take the girl out of Queensland, but you can’t take the love of neon out of said girl. Maybe it’s the beaches, the tropical vibes or simply the abundant sunshine that have instilled in me a life-long love of bright colour. Because, believe me, I’m drawn to fluorescent shades like a demented moth to a naked flame.

My nails are currently bright orange, my favourite handbag is hot pink and I’m mad about activewear in hues of a pine-lime Splice. Colour makes me happy. Particularly in my hair. My sister Deb is a hairdresser and over the years we’ve played around with just about every shade on the L’Oréal colour chart trying to create the perfect beachy, biscuit blonde.

Sonia Kruger: ‘I would rather have a molar extraction than see my natural hair colour.’ Picture: @soniakruger via Instagram
Sonia Kruger: ‘I would rather have a molar extraction than see my natural hair colour.’ Picture: @soniakruger via Instagram
Sonia Kruger: ‘Shun the sepia, bust out the fluoro and live life in true colour, ladies.’ Picture: @soniakruger via Instagram
Sonia Kruger: ‘Shun the sepia, bust out the fluoro and live life in true colour, ladies.’ Picture: @soniakruger via Instagram

For the most part, we’ve been successful... apart from the time I asked her to perm my hair and colour it as well. Deb was an apprentice at the time, and she advised me against it. But even with zero experience to boast of, I somehow still thought I knew better and insisted she proceed. My hair turned to (Aeroplane) jelly and she had to cut it all off – and so began my “androgynous” phase. Aside from that disaster, we’ve toned, tinted, foiled and balayaged our way through life together and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.

Having a hairdresser in the family pretty much guarantees that. It’s a lot of maintenance, though, and if you’re not related to a professional, all that salon time can be crushingly expensive, so I completely understand why a lot of women step away from the peroxide at some point in their lives.

Massive respect to all the ladies out there who rock the grey. Liz Ellis, Andie MacDowell and Jamie Lee Curtis are beautiful, sexy and intelligent women. They’re also far braver than me. I would rather have a molar extraction than see my natural hair colour. That might sound extreme but I’m incredibly vain and also in denial about a lot of things.

So, yeah, there’s that. I’ve surveyed my friends and it seems we’re all a bit the same when it comes to this topic. We might complain about how we’ve given up trying to drop those extra kilos and why we will never, ever revisit the low- waisted jeans trend. But when it comes to our hair we will continue to colour, cut, curl and curate our image – regardless of our age.

There’s a theory that after a certain point in time women become invisible. I’m all for bucking that trend and disproving it. As Deb would say, “I’m not giving up without a fight.” And neither am I. Let’s rage against the dying light, my sisters, and head into the best part of our lives sporting high-vis! Shun the sepia, bust out the fluoro and live life in true colour, ladies.

Sonia Kruger hosts Dancing with the Stars, returning soon to Seven

Sonia Kruger’s latest column appears in this Sunday’s Stellar. Picture: Simon Upton for Stellar.
Sonia Kruger’s latest column appears in this Sunday’s Stellar. Picture: Simon Upton for Stellar.

Originally published as ‘I would rather have a molar extraction than see my natural hair colour.’ Why Sonia Kruger won’t ever ‘go grey’

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