
‘My husband cried when I said no to Botox’

“If, at 31, he already thinks of me as this old woman, how are we supposed to have children together?”

Proof men don't know what "natural beauty" is

“In sickness, in health, and without any wrinkles…”

Hmm, definitely doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?

But for one woman, this is turning into her reality.

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“Is everything ok?”

On a Reddit thread, an unidentified woman shared a pretty confronting conversation with her husband of only six months.

She spoke about noticing a shift in her husband’s behaviour around the Christmas season.

He started to withdraw and admitted to being troubled by something but wouldn't open up to discuss it further. 

She speculated that it was likely linked to the stress of relocating or concerns about his new job.

“Finally fed up with this grey cloud ominously hanging over our marriage, I begged him to tell me what was wrong … mind you, only after he woke me up in the middle of the night in tears,” the woman shared. 

“Very seriously and solemnly, he looked in my eyes and quietly asked, ‘Would you consider getting Botox?’”

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Wait, what?

The woman admitted she did not expect this and was left confused.

“I was stunned. Shaken. Hurt. I tried to brush it off, but it was the way in which he said it. Not jokingly or off the cuff. No, this was something that had been eating at him for weeks,” she said. 

“In my mind, every time he looked at me, he was judging me and thinking I was some hideously wrinkled creature.”

Since that evening, she mentions that they’ve consistently avoided discussing the late-night query and have attempted to downplay it, sometimes even making light-hearted jokes. 

However, their sentiments about Botox remain unchanged despite several weeks passing by.

“Lately, he’s been crying every day, saying it makes him feel better. We’ll have a nice couple of hours, and then I’ll notice his mood change,” she wrote. 

“Last night, he brought up Botox again, albeit trying to frame it in a lighter, easy-breezy manner. I asked him, what is it specifically that bothers you so much. He said — and I quote — ‘It [expletive] me up to see you smile or laugh.’”

‘Would you consider getting Botox?’ Source: iStock
‘Would you consider getting Botox?’ Source: iStock

There’s only one thing to do from here

“My mind went numb,” she said. 

“After a moment of silence, I told him I thought we have no choice but to divorce.

“I told him that when I look at him, I see perfection. And why don’t I deserve the same?” she said. 

“Are we perfect? No. But I don’t believe I’m anywhere near ugly enough to warrant my husband crying nightly because he feels ‘[expletive]’ when he looks at me.

“If, at 31, he already thinks of me as this old woman, how are we supposed to have children together?” she asked. 

“What about when I AM tired and old and wrinkled? These are my ‘good’ years, and I feel like I’m past due.

“How do we rebuild what’s broken?” she wondered.

“Get out ASAP!”

Countless individuals believed there was no saving this marriage.

Even more advised her not to even bother trying and the fact that her husband cried for weeks made it clear where their relationship was headed.

One wrote, “I would never be able to look at my husband and smile again if he said that.” 

“And if you get Botox for him, he’ll feel comfortable asking you for the next thing.” 

“My only advice to you is to run,” another said. 

“This man sounds insane — crying for weeks because he wants you to get Botox is far from normal behaviour. What next? A tummy tuck? Boob lift? You deserve someone who looks at you like the sun shines out of your [expletive], not someone who wakes up in the night sobbing because he spotted a wrinkle.”

We think everyone deserves to feel loved and accepted for who they are.

Having a significant other advocating for altering their appearance is a major red flag and then throwing a tantrum is just about enough to run for the hills and never look back.

Originally published as ‘My husband cried when I said no to Botox’

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