
'I told my fiancé to go and live with his mummy'

After his mum convinced him to postpone their wedding on four different occasions, this woman finally got the ick and called the whole thing off.

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Image: IStock

Diving into the depths of Reddit, we always get a laugh - whether it’s from other people’s misfortunes, insufferable mother-in-laws or wedding drama - it’s a corner for catharsis and, call us evil, but we love it.

One recent post on the ‘Am I The A**hole?’ forum hit all of those topics, as one anonymous venter divulged all the details of her breakup with her fiancé, which was almost entirely the fault of her MIL. 

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Image: IStock

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The MIL found issue after issue in order to delay the wedding 

The OP (the original poster, for those not chronically online) prefaced her post by saying: “I'm not going to try and swing this in my favour here by leaving out details or sugar-coating anything. I was MEAN when breaking up with him.”

“I've been with my fiancé for seven years, and we have been engaged for three. We have gone ahead and tried to do a ‘save the date’ four times now, and every single time, his mum convinces him to postpone,” she explained. “It's always a ‘Well, don't you think you have bigger things to worry about?’” 

Whether it be their current living situation (they’re renting) or their financial situation, the MIL always found some reason why the pair should delay their wedding. However, the woman said that neither of those things were real issues, as she was a lawyer and her fiancé was a doctor and so they were in a comfortable position. 

Eventually, they managed to lock in a date for a 'family gathering' on her mum’s farm, but the MIL still managed to create another made-up issue despite it being a budget wedding.

The woman said: “Her newest argument is that we ‘need’ to wait until our daughter is ‘at least three’ so she can be our flower girl - she's seven months old.”

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"I just took my ring off and handed it to him"

Her MIL seemed to get into her fiancé’s head with this argument, and he ultimately agreed that “she has a point.”

“I told him, ‘Don't let your mum dictate it,” but he said, ‘Maybe we should wait until we buy a house so our living situation is a bit more stable. She's not wrong in saying that it should be something we are worried about'.”

Clocking her disappointment, he tried to reassure her, saying things like, ‘It'll only be a couple of years, five at most’. 

“I just took my ring off, handed it to him, and said I was no longer interested. He immediately started protesting and trying to put the ring back on my finger, but I wouldn't let him. 

“I said I no longer wanted to marry him and maybe he should move back home with mummy because I know for a fact that that woman will make up another excuse the second we buy a house,” she recounted. “I'm really just so turned off at the thought of marrying him at this point because I have zero business being with a man who has no backbone and would put our lives on hold in favour of a woman who still wants to scrub his back in the shower (yes, she said she ‘had to’ help him when he was 16 and broke his leg and she still talks about it like it was a fond memory to see her 16yo naked).”

He ended up crying and leaving, and his mum texted her, trying to plead her case. 

“I just texted back saying, ‘No, it's fine, you won. Now you can have your baby boy back full time,’ and blocked her number. My friends think I'm wildly overreacting,” she said in her post before asking the forum if she was in the wrong. 

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"He and his mother can finally be together!"

The jury of internet strangers wasted no time ruling the OP ‘not the a**hole’ and validating her decision. 

“NTA. People think that when a relationship really ends, it's this huge production, but in reality, it's quieter, just like what happened here. I don't know who would honestly tell you you've overreacted because you FINALLY got fed up with his mum literally dictating how two adults with careers and a child will live their lives. I don't know why you didn't leave sooner,” the top comment with over 4000 likes read. 

“Finances and stability aside, no grown man should let his mother postpone his wedding 4+ times!!” another user pointed out. 

“Let's look on the bright side here: he and his mother can finally be together!” a third quipped. 

“He’s repeatedly made it clear that his mother’s opinion is more important than yours, he’s going to have a very lonely life if he doesn’t learn to cut the cord and have some boundaries,” a different woman noted. 

“He's a mummy’s boy; he should stay with mummy. He doesn't need to be married if he can't separate his marriage from his mother. She sounds like one of those gross ‘boy-mums’ who take it way too far. I hope she's happy that she's ruined it for him now,” someone else shared. 

The OP replied: “Oh, she absolutely takes it too far. She even commented on being able to see his junk through his sweats a couple of months back after she showed up unannounced and caught us in bed (sleeping).”

Well then! It sounds like she’s dodged a major bullet here, even if it was seven years too late. 

Originally published as 'I told my fiancé to go and live with his mummy'

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