
Stunning images show close southern right whale and calf swimming below tourist vessel

THESE stunning images reveal just how close a 50-tonne southern right whale and her calf got to a tourist vessel. Check it out!

Time to explore ... The "curious" southern right whale calf swims  as the mother rests. Picture: Splash/Jus...
Time to explore ... The "curious" southern right whale calf swims as the mother rests. Picture: Splash/Jus...

THESE stunning images reveal just how close a 50-tonne southern right whale and her calf got to a tourist vessel.

The massive mammal drifted just below a group of wildlife watchers on a boat in the Peninsula Valdes, Argentina.

Close up ... The photographer who captured the images said the whales were friendly. Picture: Splash/Justin Hofman
Close up ... The photographer who captured the images said the whales were friendly. Picture: Splash/Justin Hofman

The mammals flock there each year between September and December to raise their offspring.

The amazing images also show the calf coming up to the surface as the mother rests just below.

The powerful mammals could easily crush the boat with a swipe of their tails.

Awe-inspiring view ... A seagull is dwarfed by the massive whale. Picture: Splash/Justin Hofman
Awe-inspiring view ... A seagull is dwarfed by the massive whale. Picture: Splash/Justin Hofman

But according to Justin Hofman, the wildlife photographer who captured the images, the family seemed more intent on making friends.

He said: 'Being in the water with a whale is the most humbling experience I've ever had underwater.

"Not only are these animals massive, but they are long-lived, intelligent, cultural beings."

Time to explore ... The "curious" southern right whale calf swims  as the mother rests. Picture: Splash/Jus...
Time to explore ... The "curious" southern right whale calf swims as the mother rests. Picture: Splash/Jus...

Hofman told the Daily Mail that swimming alongside the "curious" right whale calf was nerve-wracking. He feared the mother would eventually get annoyed and swat him with her tail.

"Yet, with every passing minute we felt more comfortable around each other and they became curious about us and would make closer passes," he said.

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