
My pregnant sister is a tyrant and won’t let us eat or drink anything she can’t

“I know pregnancy hormones can make you irrational, but it doesn’t give her a free pass to be a heinous b*tch,” fed-up sister Samantha says. 

Common discomforts of pregnancy

The moment Diana* announced her pregnancy, she thought everyone would be beyond thrilled. 

Announcing the news to her family in June, the reaction has been the exact opposite. In fact, Diana’s older sister, Samantha*, has been living in turmoil. 

While she was overjoyed her little sister was welcoming a baby, it’s Diana’s outrageous pregnancy demands that have made everyone’s life a living nightmare. 

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Diana is expecting everyone to follow the same diet as her during her pregnancy. Source: iStock
Diana is expecting everyone to follow the same diet as her during her pregnancy. Source: iStock

“My sister expects us to abstain from things she can’t eat or drink”

“A lot of it can be put down to hormones and she does apologise when she calms down,” sister Samantha said on Reddit

“But the one that’s really rubbing me the wrong way is she expects everyone in the family to abstain from things she can’t eat or drink.”

At first, everyone was against this idea. “Everyone was like, ‘Nope, not doing that’, including our parents,” Samantha explained. 

Diana lives two doors down from her parents and frequently drops by unannounced. 

Every time she would visit throughout her pregnancy, she’d spot a drink or food she couldn’t eat and would “have a meltdown” in response. 

Defeated by the endless complaints, Diana’s parents agreed they wouldn’t eat or drink anything she couldn’t have. But it was almost impossible for her parents to “escape this rule”, especially her dad, as wine is his “hobby and passion.” 

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For the most part, everything else has been fine. One day, Samantha and her husband, Josh*, went to her parents’ house for an afternoon, Diana in tow. 

Josh was talking to his father-in-law about a winery he and Samantha attended for their wedding anniversary, which instantly pricked up Diana’s ears. 

“[Diana] overheard and lost her mind that we dared drink while she’s pregnant,” Samantha said.

Yes, seriously.

“My wonderful, supportive, vibrant parents just deflated and looked like they were bracing for impact, which pushed me over the edge,” she continued. 

After Diana’s tantrum, Samantha explained to her sister that the winery was over 150 km from their home and it had “zero impact on her baby’s health”. Then she told Diana she needed to “stop being a tyrant.” 

“She got angrier and said I was ‘undermining her pregnancy’ (I don’t even know what that means?),” Samantha said. 

After reminding Diana that Samantha had two kids of her own, she said she knew “first-hand” that pregnancy hormones can make you “irrational”. However, “it doesn’t give her a free pass to be a heinous b*tch.” 

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“Sit outside her house and eat all the foods she can’t eat”

Diana’s exorbitant expectations made the Reddit community chuckle in disbelief. 

“Give me a break, I’d break that ‘rule’ in an instant if my sister, who you don’t even live with, was pregnant,” someone said. “Your parents never [should have] entertained the idea at all, let alone tried to follow it.”

“I find it completely unreasonable and illogical that no one is allowed to drink during her pregnancy,” said another. “What does other people’s drinking have to do with [her] and the baby that she’s carrying?”

“When the baby is born, is she going to insist that everybody live on baby food for as long as the baby does?” a third chimed in. 

Some suggested Diana’s parents toughen up and stand up to their daughter. 

“Her parents need to put her in her place, rather than appease her as it will only get worse,” read a comment. 

“I think you need to sit down with your parents and talk to them about their enablement,” said another. 

Others took issue with Diana passing off bad behaviour as a side effect of her pregnancy. “Hormones as an excuse for poor manners and spitefulness just demeans all women,” someone wrote. 

“[Samantha], you have the opportunity to do something hilarious by just sitting outside her house and eating any and all foods she can't right now,” another laughed. 

*Names have been changed

Originally published as My pregnant sister is a tyrant and won’t let us eat or drink anything she can’t

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