
My husband’s friend said I looked fat at my wedding, so I’m filing for divorce

“I really just feel empty and broken … I am trying to process everything but it is tough.”

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Meeting your significant other’s friends can sometimes, unfortunately, make or break a relationship. 

In some cases, you could be potentially meeting your future best friends. Other times, you’re left wondering how people like this could even be friends with someone you love

Unfortunately, when 31-year-old Jessica* met her husband’s friend, Josh, she was left questioning whether she even married the right person. 

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Jessica is sick and tired of her husband's lack of respect. Picture: iStock
Jessica is sick and tired of her husband's lack of respect. Picture: iStock

“Oh, gross, what happened to you?”

Jessica and her husband, Liam*, welcomed their first child 10 months ago and decided after their baby was born that they’d start hanging out with more of their old friends. 

Jessica only met Liam’s friend, Josh, a few times before, but her husband has been recently “hanging out with [him] more”. 

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“While holding our 10-month-old on my lap, my husband showed his friend pictures from our wedding last summer,” she explained on Reddit

Liam and Jessica got married while she was 37 weeks pregnant and “had gained 35lbs at that point”, she explained. 

When her husband’s friend got his hands on one of the photos, he broke into a fit of laughter. 

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“Oh, gross, what happened to you?” Josh asked Julia. “Your face is so fat. You look like a fat turkey!”

Quietly, Jessica “tried to calmly explain to him what happens to your body when you're that heavily pregnant”, but he wouldn’t listen to her response. Instead, he continued laughing and berating her, continuing to brandish “similar insults” to her face. 

In disgust, Jessica looked at her husband, who she hoped would have stuck up for her. 

There wasn’t a chance, apparently. “He just laughed along with him,” Jessica explained. Frustrated and upset, she “went and put our baby to bed and cried myself to sleep”.

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The following day, Jessica was feeling distraught by Josh’s cruel words. “I really just feel empty and broken,” she admitted. “I am trying to process everything but it is tough.”

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time Liam had failed to stand up for his wife. But this was the last straw. 

“My husband has never stood up for me when people have said mean things to me,” she said. 

“I've told him I need him to do that. He always has excuses and promises he will the next time. He never does.”

“Similar incidents have happened before and my husband does not have my back or will join in with the person who is belittling me,” she continued. 

So, she’s officially finished with him. “I can't stand him anymore and want him to get the hell out of the house,” she concluded. 

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"You're under-reacting"

The Reddit community couldn’t wrap their heads around Josh’s repulsive comment towards Jessica, let alone try and comprehend her husband’s response.

“What adult laughs at how “fat” a heavily pregnant woman is?” someone asked. 

“While looking at her wedding photos, of all things! And what husband laughs along?”

Others believed Jessica didn’t make a big enough response to the nasty comments. 

“You're under-reacting,” said another. “First of all, your husband has terrible friends. That comment is mean, misogynist, ignorant and deeply unfunny.” 

“If your husband cared, he’d have ripped that guy a new one and kicked him out,” another agreed. “The fact he laughed along with him tells you what you need to know.” 

*Names have been changed

Originally published as My husband’s friend said I looked fat at my wedding, so I’m filing for divorce

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