
My husband slept through our daughter's first birthday party

Asking his wife, "Are you going to sulk all night?" sent her over the edge. #AITA

How to throw a kids' birthday party

The Mumsnet forum is always overflowing with stories about families behaving poorly and dads not really dad-ing.  

But one mum's recent post about her husband's, ahem, sh*tty behaviour has to be one of the worst we've ever seen. 

Yes, really.

A dad literally missed his daughter's first birthday party because... he wanted to sleep (and let's face it, he was probably hungover from what the mum writes).

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"It's not my fault I slept all day"

The mum starts out by explaining they had planned to celebrate their daughter's first birthday a bit early, so it fell on a weekend because her husband works away during the week.

Cut to the night before the party and the bloke decides on a whim to go out with his friends because he had "cabin fever."

"I was okay with this and encouraged him to have a good night, reminding him not to stay out too late or drink too much as we had plans the following afternoon," the mum wrote. "He agreed and assured me he'd be home by 2 am the latest."

Well, 3 am rolled around, he finally strolled in.  But then he said he wasn't tired enough for bed so he was going to stay up for "a bit."

The mum said she was "fine" with this, as he could still get a decent amount of sleep and be ready for the party at 2 pm the following day. 

But no - he decides to chuck an all-nighter and ended up going to bed at 10 am the following morning. 10 AM!!!

"When I woke him at 1 pm to say he's got an hour to get ready, he moaned, rolled over and went back to sleep. I tried to wake him several times before saying f**k this and just taking our children to his parents, along with the cake I made the night previous and gifts for the party," the mum said. They still had a great time and the kids all enjoyed the party.

After arriving home at 7 pm, the dad was finally awake and was watching reruns on Netflix on the sofa. He then had the audacity to ask his wife, "Are you going to sulk all night?"

She replies: "I think I am allowed to be annoyed that you missed the first birthday celebrations that were planned specifically so you could attend."

Then he said: "If I'm not tired I can't make myself go to sleep. It's not my fault I slept all day."

Image: IStock
Image: IStock

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"What a selfish twat"

Forum members chimed in with a range of reactions to the mum's unbelievable story. "What is he? 17? What a selfish twat," one user wrote candidly. Another speculated, "Sounds like he must have taken drugs if he was wide awake after such a late night."

Then one empathetic mum noted, "YANBU. You sound empathetic that he is tired from working away but opting out of family life when he is home and missing something like this is horrible."

Some then advised the mum to reflect on her husband as a partner overall. 

"Seriously consider if you want to be with someone like that before its too late," one urged. 

Then someone else concluded: "What an utter drop-kick he is.

"I literally do not know a single man who’d behave like this…"

Originally published as My husband slept through our daughter's first birthday party

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