
Make your own Professor Trelawney costume at home

Book Week this year has a magical theme - and this is an easy outfit to conjure up!

Make your own Professor Trelawney costume at home!

Professor Trelawney from the Harry Potter books is one of my favourite characters!


Here, we show you how to magically turn her into a costume.

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The Grim!


Tea cup and saucer

Tea leaves

PVA glue

Hot glue gun

Paint brush


  1. Use the hot glue gun to attach the cup to the saucer.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of tea leaves with some PVA to make a thick paste. 
  3. Put the paste in the bottom of the tea cup and use the handle end of the paintbrush to shape the tea leaves into The Grim (a wolf shape). Allow your leaves to dry and you are ready to read some fortunes during Book Week!
Professor Trelawney costume for a magic-themed Book Week. Image: supplied
Professor Trelawney costume for a magic-themed Book Week. Image: supplied

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Crystal Ball Prophecy 


1 small silver balloon 

1 strip of black cardboard

1 small brown piece of cardboard or paper

White paint pen

Double sided tape


  1. Blow up your balloon and tie at the bottom. 
  2. To make the crystal ball holder, take your strip of black cardboard and loop it to make a circle. Measure the balloon inside the loop so it sits easily on top of base. Use double sided tape to secure the cardboard and your balloon.
  3. Take your small piece of brown cardboard and write the name of the person the Prophecy inside the crystal ball is about and attach to the base with double sided tape. Professor Trelawney foresaw that Harry would vanquish He Who Must Not be Named! What will your prophecy be about?
  4. Add some glitter swirls to the balloon so it looks like there is a REAL Prophecy swirling around in there!

The Professor's Glasses


5 black pipe cleaners 

Plastic container or bottle

Hot glue gun



  1. Shape 2 of your pipe cleaners into circles to be the frames of your glasses. 
  2. Loop one pipe cleaner through each circle. Fold it in half and twist to secure. Round the sharp end to make it safe for little ears! Bend the new arms of your glasses so it looks like a J shape. 
  3. Take half a pipe cleaner to make the bridge and connect the two halves of your glasses. You now have a set of pipe cleaner frames!
  4. Use the eye frame as a template to mark out two circles on your plastic container/bottle.
  5. Cut out the circles. These are the lenses to your glasses!
  6. Use your hot glue gun (with a grown up!) to carefully glue the lenses to the frames. 

The character of Professor Trelawney likes to wear lots of layers of clothing and necklaces. You might also find her wearing a scarf in her hair and carrying a big, oversized bag. Match this with the above crafts and you will look just like Hogwards Head of Divination!

I hope you loved making this costume as much as I did! Tag @kidspot and @stellarperformingarts so we can see your creations! 

Originally published as Make your own Professor Trelawney costume at home

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