
Meet Surfers Paradise cross-dresser Princess: His one wish, to marry Kylie Minogue

ALL Surfers Paradise cross-dresser and Cavill Mall fixture David Buncombe wants in life is to marry Kylie Minogue. We sat down with him.

Meet Surfers cross-dresser Princess
Meet Surfers cross-dresser Princess

ALL Surfers Paradise cross-dresser and Cavill Mall fixture David Buncombe wants in life is to marry Kylie Minogue.

We sat down with him to find out what makes him tick.

Hey mate — what’s your name?

David — people call me Princess, but.

How long have you been hanging around Surfers Paradise?

About 14 years.

How’d you end up here?

I kind of felt like God wanted me to be here. I can’t really tell you — it was just a strong feeling.

You’re always strolling Cavill Mall or sitting on a seat — in women’s clothing. What’s it all about?

The first thing that happened to me was 14 years ago I was travelling around in a campervan. I’d kind of hit rock bottom, and I kind of said “God, if you’re out there, talk to me”.

And I felt like God talked to me and told me to put a sign on the back of my campervan: “Interviews for marriage”.


And when I drove into Surfers a TV news crew pulled up and asked me if I’d do an interview for a story for their program.

I said yes. Then another journalist rang me. They said I saw your program, would you do a story for me.

I didn’t quite catch what he said, or who he was, but he was a freelance journalist and I said yes.

He rang me back half an hour later and said if you don’t talk to any other media, I’ll give you money for the story. And that was for a magazine.

Why were you getting so much media attention?

Because of my “Interviews for marriage” sign. The stuff on the news then was the war in Iraq or something and they wanted a good news story to put on TV.

So I ended up doing interviews. I got about $10,000 for the stories.

I’d read something in the Bible about how if you do what God wants you to do, he’ll reward you 10-fold, 20-fold, 100-fold.

I just started believing if I do what God wanted me to do, things would work out all right.

So I had about $10,000 and I lived on the Gold Coast and lived on the street.

Have you always lived on the street? Do you still?

No. I lived on the street for about five years.

Sleeping on the beach?

No, God showed me a place to sleep. It was nice and warm.

Why have you stayed in Surfers?

Because, as I say, I feel like this is where I’m meant to be. As I say, doing life my way wasn’t working.

What were you doing?

I’m kind of off a farm. I was doing things myself but things weren’t working out. And I’ve always kind of had a dream — all I wanted to do was get married.

Are you married?

No. But along the way I went to Phillip Island and saw a photo of Kylie Minogue in a window and I started to believe Kylie was the girl I was looking for.

Along the path I kind of found like The Spirit wanted me to wear a dress, I started wearing a skirt and girls’ clothing and tops and things like that. And there was a point I felt God wanted me to go to the mental hospital and I talked to them about all the things that were happening around me and they kind of said to me “You’ve got schizophrenia” or something.

I said: “Does that mean I’m crazy?” They said “We don’t like to use the word crazy around here.”

But when that happened, a feeling came over me that I was halfway to meeting Kylie.

I know I can’t do anything to make it happen, I just have to let the Heavenly Father make it happen.

What do you do all day?

I just sit around Surfers. When I got out of the mental hospital I got put on the pension.

How much?

Does that matter? I don’t really want to say. But I think the pension pays about $970 a fortnight.

Pays the rent, you’re not homeless anymore?

No, I’m not homeless anymore. I live up there (points across the road on Cavill Ave).

How long will you stay here on the bench?

Oh, I’ll just wander up and down Cavill Mall all day. Then I just sit here.

Name: David ‘Princess’ Buncombe

Age: 51

Occupation: Surfers sifter

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