
Pet obesity has become a major concern for Aussies

When Aleesha Humphrey’s Labrador got to 37kg, she knew he needed help like many Aussies whose pets are overweight.

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Pet obesity has become a major concern for Australians, with a new study finding more pet owners are searching for help online.

The Hill’s Pet Nutrition Australia study into Australian Google search behaviour found more than 68,000 searches relating to pet obesity were made last year, an increase of almost 15 per cent on the previous year.

The data shows national search interest in cat obesity rose by more than 20 per cent while dog obesity searches increased by almost 30 per cent.

When Sonny tipped the scales at 37kg, his owner Aleesha Humphrey knew her beloved Labrador needed help.

Ms Humphrey watched her once bubbly and active 13-year-old pet became less mobile while showing obvious signs of pain.

Instead of putting all his symptoms down to old age – the average life expectancy of a Labrador is between 10 to 12 years – she realised Sonny’s weight was a major issue and put him on a diet to lose 6kg.

“As Sonny got past the age of 10, he started to become less active due to osteoarthritis pain in his joints,” says Ms Humphrey, 21.

“I would see him struggle in the morning because of the pain. He became less active plus I have siblings who would give him snacks [such as] bread or toast or the leftover food from the night before that was just sitting in the fridge, like sausages.

“We live on quite a large property of 250 acres so he was always swimming in dams or walking with us but he was just in too much pain to keep doing this.


Ms Humphrey sought professional advice and was told her Labrador’s ideal weight was 30-33kg for his size.

Sonny went on a strict diet of nothing but a specifically measured amount of joint mobility biscuits twice a day.

After six weeks, Sonny’s weight was a healthier 31kg and Ms Humphrey says he’s happier to get up and venture around.

The Hills Pet Nutrition Australia study also found intent and concern into cat and dog obesity was rising with almost 200,000 searches made around the topic.

Vet Dr Jessica Mills says carrying extra weight can increase your pet’s risk of serious health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, bladder stones and diabetes, and it can also shorten their lifespan.

 “Pet obesity is one of the leading nutritional problems facing the pet population and the statistics show that the percentage of overweight pets is increasing,” says Dr Mills.


“We often overlook the calories in treats, but did you know that 1 small 14g piece of cheese for a cat is the caloric equivalent of you or me eating a hamburger and chips? A slice of salami for a 15kg dog is like us eating 2 chocolate chip cookies.

“Part of the problem is that there is a proliferation of pet food brands and feeding trends, as well as a vast number of different sources of information on feeding your pet available on the internet.

“The abundance of overweight pets in the general population and media means that we often mistake the more ‘cuddly’ shape of an overweight pet to be the ideal.


“If your pet is a healthy weight, they should have an obvious waist which can be seen as an hourglass figure if you look at your pet from above and a tuck of the tummy towards the back legs if you look from the side.

“You should also be able to easily feel their ribs if you pat the sides of their chest. If you aren’t seeing a waistline or are not able to easily feel their ribs, then it is likely they are carrying some excess weight.

“Forty-nine per cent of veterinarians agree it’s harder for pet parents to keep their pets at a healthy weight during the pandemic than before,” Mills says.

“One of the biggest challenges when trying to address obesity in pets is ensuring a consistent and appropriate calorie intake, as consuming too many calories in their diet is one of the key factors that drives weight gain in our pets.

“The other challenge is ensuring we meet our pet’s nutritional needs as they are quite different from our own. It can take considerable time and expense to prepare a nutritious and balanced diet for our pets.”

Originally published as Pet obesity has become a major concern for Aussies

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