‘Disturbing’ items Aussies going without
A new report has revealed four million Australians are unable to afford basic essentials, forcing them into hygiene poverty.
A new report has revealed four million Australians are unable to afford basic essentials, forcing them into hygiene poverty.
An “extremely dangerous” new group of drugs linked to a number of deaths worldwide have made their way to Australian shores.
Just two weeks after walking his daughter down the aisle, Mick Walker was diagnosed with cancer – and then he was told the only treatment was interstate away from his loved ones.
Many people are unaware that they can “audition” a doctor to ensure they meet their needs, and Dr Zac explains why it’s crucial to do so.
Her son posted a tribute on social media after she died in hospital following a fall at a Robbie Williams concert last week.
The ACA host ripped into the health minister after a Queensland mother died waiting for an ambulance for nearly 90 minutes.
Gas is the primary energy source for 70 per cent of Australian homes, but there is now proof that it can endanger our health. Science commentator…
An urgent health alert has been issued after three overdoses, one of which was fatal, was linked by authorities to “potent opioids” found in black market vape juice.
After arriving in the hospital to treat an allergic reaction, a doctor found that this boy was worse off than it seemed.
The new Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have shown improved protection against Covid-19 strains, as cases continue to spike in the lead up to the holiday period.
In many places, Australia’s once-lauded “free” healthcare has given way to hefty out-of-pocket fees of up to $100.
Renovators have been issued a stern warning against cutting corners which could expose themselves or their family to “invisible” and deadly asbestos fibres.
The family and friends of an El Salvador man who “loved to party” have honored his last wish by holding a wake for him at a nightclub, with…
A new report into aged care has revealed a slew of complaints ranging from pain medication issues to inedible food. See the full details.
Original URL: https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/lifestyle/health/page/194