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Susie Burrell’s ultimate diet quiz for Australians and what the results mean

Most Australians believe they are eating well but the reality is quite different. Take our quiz from leading dietitian Susie Burrell and see what it means.

Obesity costs economy nearly $12 billion

Chances are, you think you are pretty healthy ... you eat vegetables, drink water and you do not eat that much takeaway. Right?

You may be wrong.

Recent research from the US found that while 80 per cent of respondents to a diet survey rated themselves as ‘healthy’, the reality was somewhat different, with few of the 80 per cent actually reaching the targets that would quantify their dietary intake as technically ‘healthy’.

SMARTdaily dietician and nutritionist Susie Burrell.
SMARTdaily dietician and nutritionist Susie Burrell.

Considering 60 per cent of Australians are classified as overweight, and lifestyle diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, are on the rise, it is safe to say that many of us could be eating a whole lot healthier.

So, if one of your goals is to eat well and be as healthy as possible, take our quiz so you know once and for all if you are really as healthy as you think you are. Add your points as you go – and be honest!

1. Each day, on average would you consume:

No fruit ... 0 (points)

1-2 pieces of fresh fruit ... 5

More than 2 pieces of fresh fruit ... 3

A mix of fresh, dried and fruit juice ... 2

2. Half a cup of vegetables and 1 cup of salad is a serve. Each day, how many vegetable serves would you consume?

a 1-2

b 3-4

c 5

d More than 5

3. What oil do you most cook with?

a Vegetable Oil

b Coconut Oil

c Extra Virgin Olive Oil

d No idea

4. How often would you eat wholegrain or wholemeal varieties of bread, rice and pasta?

a Rarely

b Sometimes

c All the time

d Not sure

5. How much red meat do you eat each week? (A palm-sized steak = 100-150g)

a I do not eat red meat

b 100-200g

c 200-400g

d More than 400g

6. How often do you eat Omega-3 rich fish such as salmon or sardines?

a Never

b 1-2 times a month

c Once a week

d At least twice each week

7. How often do you eat fast or fried food (takeaway, UberEats, pizza)?

a Never

b 1-2 times a month

c Once a week

d Multiple times each week

Which are you? A man smiling while eating a salad, or a sad man eating a hamburger?
Which are you? A man smiling while eating a salad, or a sad man eating a hamburger?

8. How often do you include high sugar foods such as biscuits, cakes, chocolate, ice-cream?

a Less than once a week

b 1-2 x a week

c Every day

d I seek lower sugar products

9. How often do you drink full strength soft drink (not diet)?

a Never

b 1-2 times a month

c Weekly

d Daily

10. How often do you drink alcohol?

a Never

b 3-4 times a month

c 2-4 days a week

d 5 or more days a week

11. How many hours overnight would you usually fast before your first meal the next day?

a Less than 6 hours

b Less than 8 hours

c 10-12 hours

d 12 hours or more

12. How often do you eat legumes, such as lentils, chic peas or kidney beans?

a Daily

b Never

c 1-2 times a month

d Weekly

13. How often do you consume a handful of nuts or seeds such as almonds, walnuts or pepitas?

a Daily

b 1-2 times a week

c 1-2 times a month

d I can’t remember the last time

14. How often do you eat pastry-based food such as pies, sausage rolls, croissants or donuts?

a Occasionally at sports events or parties

b Once a week

c Multiple times a week

d Every day

15. How often do you include calcium rich foods such as dairy or fortified plant milk?

a 3-4 times a day

b 1-2 times a day

c 1-2 times a month

d Not often


1 - a0, b5, c3, d2.

2 - a1, b3, c4, d5.

3 - a1, b0, c5, d0.

4 - a0, b1, c5, d0.

5 - a4, b3, c4, d0.

6 - a2, b2, c3, d5.

7 - a5, b4, c2, d0.

8 - a4, b2, c0, d3.

9 - a5, b1, c0, d0.

10 - a5, b4, c2, d1.

11 - a1, b1, c4, d5.

12 - a5, b0, c1, d3.

13 - a5, b3, c1, d1.

14 - a3, b2, c0, d0.

15 - a5, b4, c1, d0.


0-20: If health is important to you, it’s time to pay a little more attention to what you eat on a day-to-day basis. Add in extra vegetables or salad; go easy on the sugary foods and cut back on the fried and processed foods. You are at much higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer if you eat a diet that is especially high in processed foods, but also when your diet lacks the nutrient rich foods that help the body to fight disease.

20-40: There may be some healthy aspects of your diet, but there is still plenty of work to be done. Whether this means eating out less and cooking at home more. By eating more fresh food and watching your alcohol and sugar intake, you will feel better if you focus on eating more nutrient rich foods each day.

40-60: Your diet is pretty good. You are including many of the key nutrients you need each day and could make a few tweaks such as eating legumes or nuts more regularly. Another option is cutting back a little on the red meat, alcohol and sugary foods to ensure you are hitting all the nutritional targets known to benefit longevity and prevent disease.

More than 60: Not only are you hitting all your nutritional targets, but you are keeping your intake of alcohol, sugar and processed foods under control. Are you sure you don’t want to be a dietitian?

Originally published as Susie Burrell’s ultimate diet quiz for Australians and what the results mean

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