
Fishing and diving report for the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads - November 13, 2013

GOLD Coast and Tweed Heads fishing and diving report with Paul Burt.


Offshore: Stay in close, rough out wide. Squire, trag jew, tailor around gravel patch and Casino reef. A few bait balls on the 18s and 24s, worthwhile trolling for marlin.

Seaway: Big eye trevally Seaway pipeline, Southport marinas and Nerang River canal entrances. Mangrove jacks around the railway bridge and Bundall bridge, near the rocks. Try for sand crabs opposite the pool, a few jewfish still on the pipeline.

Jumpinpin: Flathead around the bar entrances along the edges of the channels. Also try Jacobs Well channel, near the canals. Mud crabs in numbers in the backwaters. A few javelin fish along Kalinga Bank and around the power lines on yabbies.

Paradise Point: Sand crabs Tipplers channel south to the Aldershots. Mud crabs throughout the mid reaches of Saltwater Creek, try for bream along Paradise Point wall along with mangrove jacks. The odd school jew under Sovereign Island bridge.

Tweed Heads: Mangrove jacks throughout the marina, near the Ivory and along Chinderah wall. Flathead throughout Jack Evans harbour, around Terranora Inlet near the bridge and adjoining weed beds. Quite a few whiting opposite the golf club.


High tide is 6.15pm at Tweed bar. Water temp 24C, visibility 5-8m, northerlies 10-15 knots, north-north-easterly swell 1-1.5m. Conditions will improve for the weekend. Heaps of fish, turtles, trevally, octopus, wobbegongs and manta rays.

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