
Micro-meditations are your key to finding calm throughout the day

Just one breath at a time...

Micro-meditation is where it's at. Image: Getty
Micro-meditation is where it's at. Image: Getty

Meditation can sometimes seem a little overwhelming and time-consuming. But what if we told you finding your zen can actually take just a few seconds?

There's no denying we're busier and more stressed than ever. There's little time - or money - left in the day to truly focus on ourselves, and our phones are requesting more of our time than ever before. 

But what if we told you there's a little thing called 'micro-meditation', and it might be the key to conjuring calm in your life? It's fast, free and doesn't take a top-tier attention span to master. 

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What is micro-meditation?

While meditation often conjures images of hour-long bouts of zen, micro-meditation, or moments of mindfulness, are just that – small seconds carved away for presence and peace, that can have a not-so-small impact. 

Viktoriya Karakcheyeva, the director of behavioural health at the George Washington University's School of Medicine and Health Sciences, says it's all about quality over quantity – taking a pause to feel present, whether that's sitting in the car, at the end of a lunch break or simply kicking back on the couch.

"You can meditate for a long time without being too invested and it may not produce results," Karakcheyeva explains to Well+Good. "But if you take just a little time and fully invest your attention that would be more beneficial."

Micro practises might include alternate nostril breathing, which entails closing your mouth and pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and using your thumb to press and alternate between nostrils, inhaling through one and exhaling through the other. 

Visualisation is also brilliant, and easy. If you're feeling stressed, simply close your eyes and picture yourself in an idyllic location or situation. Focus on the images or scenarios, and really tap into the colours, textures and feelings they conjure.

Mantras are also fantastic. They can shift your mood and give you hope when you're not feeling inspired or motivated. Come up with a line you can repeat to yourself. Something hopeful that evokes happiness and positivity. For example, "I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm healthy, and I have so much to be thankful for."

How-to do breathwork

Breathwork is another great way to conjure calm during micro-meditations.

Yoga and meditation teacher, Emma Maidment advocates for breathwork in her practices and says it's a great way to hack into our zen in seconds.

"It doesn't take long to regulate and the more you do it, the more you'll repair the stored stress that's likely made its way into your system over the years," she explained to Body+Soul. "When we think of breathwork, it often seems like something you'd reserve for the yoga studio. But it doesn't need to be a complicated practice. You can do it in the car, at your desk, on public transport, in bed - literally anywhere!"

"If you have the space to close your eyes, sit down and relax whilst doing it - great!" says Maidment. "If not, you can do this discreetly at a family dinner if your Aunty starts getting to you.

"Start by connecting to your existing breath. Begin to take a few deep breaths into your belly. Feeling your lungs fill up front to back and side to side, take a deep breath out."

Then, "Begin to inhale deeply into the belly for the count of four and exhale for the count of six. In for four, out for six. The slight extension of the exhale breath helps bring the body into a state of rest and digest and regulate your nervous system."

Emma says that by doing this for one minute, you'll already notice a shift in your state.

"Chances are you'll be feeling a lot more zen and able to meet any moment with a response, rather than a reaction." 

Originally published as Micro-meditations are your key to finding calm throughout the day

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