
Married At First Sight 2019 predictions: Who’ll make it and who will break up?

Married At First Sight’s commitment ceremony stunned Australia. Now, experts reveal their predictions for who will survive after the experiment and who will crash out.

MAFS 2019 Episode 9 Recap: Commit Or Quit

Married At First Sight has taken Australia by storm, leaving no water cooler or TV set unturned as fans — and even non-fans are subjected to constant debate about this year’s couples.

The commitment ceremony last night won the ratings again with more than 1.2 million viewers across five meteo cities who tuned in to find out who would stay together for the reality TV experiment.

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Now, body language expert Dr Louise Mahler and eharmony relationship and dating psychologist Sharon Draper have given News Corp Australia a review of every couple and their actions during the ceremony, revealing their potential hope of staying together in real life.

This is what they had to say:


LOUISE: “He was open and relaxed. He started with the negatives, but, despite that he had his arm behind her. They did not touch. As Cyrell says herself, she is ‘pushy’. This manifests in that she seems to have vocal damage, possibly vocal nodules, from the pressure she puts on her throat. This does not give her a warm and soft sound, but rather harsh and course, which is not attractive. When she got upset, Nic put his arm around her, but, although he was affectionate, he was not intimate. The grip was not tight and it was the kind of touch you would give a friend, not a lover. He looks her up and down without a smile at one stage. Despite that, at the end she was under his arm and he was there for her. Just friends.”

Chance of staying together after the program 2/10

Married At First Sight couple Nick & Cyrell at the St Kilda Festival yesterday. Picture: Yuri Kouzmin
Married At First Sight couple Nick & Cyrell at the St Kilda Festival yesterday. Picture: Yuri Kouzmin

SHARON: “Nic and Cyrell have had some ups and downs since the wedding and you could see this manifest during the commitment ceremony, especially when Cyrell admitted that her feistiness was a defence mechanism. I was very confident about their compatibility at the outset, especially looking at the similarities with their emotional maturity when approaching the topic of his health problems. However her tendency to lash out could put a strain on the blossoming romance, especially when they should be spending this crucial time getting to know each other and not constantly reconciling.”

Verdict: Probably not staying together


LOUISE: “Absolutely no chance. Jessika is in it for the social media. She is only interested in her overblown lip pout and the poses she can be photographed in. Leaving the show will take away her publicity. Her eyes for the commitment ceremony were half closed for some reason. Was she tired from the night before. Bit of a party animal. Mick was very angry, gesturing away from her and speaking over-plosive consonants to show his anger. He lean well away, was shaking his head and angry. She scratched her neck in confusion, had half closed her eyes and puffed out her lips. He sat back and tapped his hand on the coach angrily. They may stay friends as they quite seem to appreciate each others humour.”

Chances of staying together after the program 1/10

Mick and Jessika from MAFS. Picture: Jessika Power/ Instagram
Mick and Jessika from MAFS. Picture: Jessika Power/ Instagram

SHARON: “Mick and Jessika were incompatible from the outset; he is a laid-back country guy and she is a fast-paced city girl. Now don’t get me wrong, opposites can attract but these two seem to be growing more and more apart as they get to know each other. I think their main difference in compatibility is based out of what they see as important in a relationship. Jessika wants someone to attend to her emotional needs and Mick doesn’t see that as a priority. It doesn’t help that Mick seems to think Jessika has ‘a few roo’s loose in the top paddock’ to put it in his way of speaking.”

Verdict: Definitely not staying together


LOUISE: “Melissa does wild gestures and eye movement, which is so annoying, while he is as still as a post. One good thing is that she makes him laugh. He is open to giving it a try. His legs are open, his eyes are open and she is smiling and seems to be enjoying herself. As they themselves say, they are total opposites, but I think they appreciate that in each other and I would think may remain friends.”

Chance of staying together after the program 2/10

MAFS couple Melissa and Dino seen holding hands at Nine studios. Picture: Matrix
MAFS couple Melissa and Dino seen holding hands at Nine studios. Picture: Matrix

SHARON: “Dino and Melissa are completely different people, his spirituality seems completely lost on Melissa and her constant acknowledgment of that shows me it’s a part of him she’ll never really embrace. I definitely respect their commitment to giving the experiment a go, but that seems to be the only thing they have in common at this point. From their attitudes to life, to their body language on the couch, I think all of Australia is confused as to where this couple is heading! I firmly believe their differences in almost every factor of compatibility is leading to a breakup.”

Verdict: Definitely not staying together


LOUISE: “This couple have not captured the interest of the audience as shown in the very short time they got on screen. She says she is not affectionate, however, it is she who faces towards him and grabs him and looks at him. He leaned towards her and smiled, as she seems to make him laugh and visa versa. She smiled, but her mouth is so sealed, it is difficult to get the impression there is any joy there. Her leg is crossed away from him, but he is opening up to her. Not much to see here as it is difficult to see her warming to anyone.”

Chance of staying together after the program 3/10

Mark and Ning from MAFS. Picture: Mark Scrivens/Instagram
Mark and Ning from MAFS. Picture: Mark Scrivens/Instagram

SHARON: “Mark and Ning had a very different commitment ceremony to what a lot of Australia was expecting, after their train wreck of a wedding ceremony. What we saw over the course of the wedding and honeymoon was the importance of finding compatibility in humour. Ning’s deeply uncomfortable jokes ensured the marriage was off to a rocky start. Their numerous differences were only made worse by Ning’s lack of attraction to Mark. Having that physical chemistry is a vitally important part of longevity in a relationship, and the lack of spark is not a good sign. For now at least, we only saw glimpses of these differences on Sunday night and they did recommit strongly to making it work. However, in my opinion, the relationship is on the highway to break up city.”

Verdict: Definitely not staying together


LOUISE: “Lauren has been so caring. She is leaning into him and clear flowing of air and voice calm. She smiles and fondles him. Matt’s levels of anxiety make him hard to read. At this ceremony we have never seen him smile so freely. While he is still bolt upright in his posture, he is gesturing more. At one stage he had his hand is on her leg and he is showing a sense of humour, with some of his comeback remarks. He asks her for help and I feeling she was like his mother and then she said “I feel this is yours” which was very encouraging that there is more balance in the relationship than I thought. Lauren appeared to cry when everybody clapped, which was adorable to show how she is so emotionally embedded in the task they have together. She grabbed him even further and wrapped her arms around him. She did, however, mention the pressure on her to make his experience amazing for him. Hmmm. Is she his mother or nurse? That won’t last. I’d give it a short-term chance.”

Chance of staying together short term 7/10

Chance of staying together long term 3/10

Lauren and Matthew on Married At First Sight. Picture: Nine, Supplied
Lauren and Matthew on Married At First Sight. Picture: Nine, Supplied

SHARON: “I think Matthew and Lauren show everyone how this experiment can have a positive effect on the hopelessly single. Both Lauren and Matthew admitted they had really tough issues with confidence and self-belief in the past, and these shared struggles paired with a similar outlook on life has really brought them together over the process. Watching their love blossom is a real pleasure! They have a comfort around each other that you can see on screen and is envied by the other couples. My only concern is Lauren phrasing her relationship with Matthew as a ‘responsibility’ during the ceremony. Both Matthew and Lauren need to watch out that both of them are giving each other emotional security, not just Lauren guiding Matthew towards intimacy.”

Verdict: Hopefully staying together


LOUISE: “Elizabeth is chronically sticking her tongue out, because her inflated lips bring her internal lip skin to the outside and need moistening. The more she licks them, the higher her stress is evident. Elizabeth is sitting forward with body hunched and arms crossed over in front as a protection of herself. When angry she purses her lips and blinks quickly, which is very unappealing and a form of attack. Sam is so disengaged, His body slumps. He sits away from her. His arm is limp on the back of the lounge chair. He has no facial expression, meaning he really is not invested. He had no physical reaction to anything as he is totally disinterested. Horrified they are staying on. I suggest they were told to for ratings. He gulped when it came to chose to leave. She looked really distressed by throwing her head back in defiance and stiffening it.”

Chance of staying together after the program 0/10

Sam and Elizabeth from MAFS. Picture: Nine, Supplied
Sam and Elizabeth from MAFS. Picture: Nine, Supplied

SHARON: “Sam has one thing to say to Elizabeth, the experts and the fellow contestants — and a completely different thing to say when he’s alone with the camera. It’s even more frustrating when you have other men in the competition thinking it’s appropriate to yell down to a woman (I’m looking at you Mike) when she’s expressing her disappointment in being abandoned by her husband. While I understand Elizabeth’s reasons for choosing to stay, it’s only going to get worse from here. His inability to actually be honest is a toxic trait in any relationship. But with Elizabeth, who strongly values openness and honesty, this is only going to spiral out of control over the next week.”

Verdict: Definitely not staying together


LOUISE: “Michael has never been in the game. He is distant, keeps to himself and barely makes eye contact. She, on the other hand is voluptuous! One can see in her eyes by the way she looks then quickly away that she has accepted his lack of engagement. They look like friends who are just filling in the hours.”

Chance of staying together? They have already separated!

MAFS couple Michael and Martha. Picture: Nine, Supplied
MAFS couple Michael and Martha. Picture: Nine, Supplied

SHARON: “Martha and Michael are quite the match! Their shared values in appearance may seem skin deep to many viewers, but I believe it provides them with strong compatibility. This can be seen through their obvious on-screen chemistry at the commitment ceremony. Martha and Michael also have a shared priority of starting a family, and these similar goals will allow them to have a clear focus on what they want to build their relationship towards.”

Verdict: Definitely staying together


LOUISE: “Hopeless! Bronson is frowning and his head is to one side. He scratches the back of his head as a sign of total confusion. He could not lean away further. Ines does everything possible to ostracise herself from him. She also leaned away in the opposite direction. Although his arms were towards her, her arms were away from him. She scratches her ear and turns her body away. She snarls often with her upper lip and she sits back to make her feelings absolutely definite. She snaps, she threatens, she stares. At one stage she called him ’that’ … It is just uncomfortable viewing. Her nostrils flared. Her tongue went up to her top teeth. She frowned and stuck her tongue out. It was like the The Shining. This is like the Monty Python skit “Is this the 5 minute or 10 minute argument”. The camera kept going on to Sam and it appears Ines and Sam are being set up for a twist.”

Chances of staying together for the next 10 minutes 0/10


SHARON: “I think all of Australia agrees that Ines and Bronson’s relationship is absolutely toxic. And while Bronson used inappropriate language during the discussion with the experts, many of us were left frustrated that Ines’ horrible behaviour towards Bronson was mostly ignored by the experts. Ines’ constant belittling and dehumanising language, such as calling Bronson ‘it’, is simply not on. No matter the compatibility in a relationship, respect is always a key factor and Ines seems intent on destroying any respect Bronson (and frankly Australia) would have for her.”

Verdict: Should not stay together


LOUISE: “Love, love, love. Look how he looks at her and smiles. He seems unable to turn his head away to anyone else. He kisses her and closes his eyes. She looks so relaxed and laughing spontaneously. I have never seen such big smiles. They lean in together. They hold hands. Their breath is low in their body and calm.”

Chances of staying together 10/10

Married At First Sight couple Jules Robinson and Cameron Merchant pictured yesterday in Melbourne. Picture: Matrix
Married At First Sight couple Jules Robinson and Cameron Merchant pictured yesterday in Melbourne. Picture: Matrix

SHARON: “Cameron and Jules had the smoothest commitment ceremony of the night. I think this pairing is the most compatible we’ve seen this season. Their shared affection and chemistry could be felt directly from the screen! Their laid back attitudes and shared love of laughter has brought them together, and I really believe these two are going to go the distance. They’re both ready to settle down and what you could see during the commitment ceremony was how much they share values and priorities. This will only strengthen their blossoming romance moving forward.”

Verdict: Definitely staying together


LOUISE: “Mike is like a pig in mud. As a consequence of the sex, he is committed and happy. He is so confident and sees everything through the lens of his sexual prowess. His body is open, he is smiling and glowing and sitting back to show his ease at what is going on. Heidi is sitting forward and holding her body up on her elbows, showing tension through a jammed diaphragm and held breath. She was insulted by his comment about ‘sleeping like a baby’, which implied there was a lot of sex. In the interviews beforehand she was seen shaking her head and her hands were often in claws. She grabs at her hair and looks really worried, which is reinforced by her words. She looks down. She looks away. He scratched his neck when she brought up issues with the honeymoon to show his worry about raising the problems. He bit his lips, which is a way of not wanting to speak. For Michael it is all about the sex and for Heidi it is about a husband. When Michael said he wanted to stay, she looked down. Not a good sign. Although they both looked happy at the end, it is ultimately a mismatch. It won’t last.”

Chance of staying together after the program 3/10

Mike Gunner and Heidi Latcham pictured arguing on the beach. Picture: Nine, Supplied
Mike Gunner and Heidi Latcham pictured arguing on the beach. Picture: Nine, Supplied

SHARON: “Mike and Heidi are the most difficult to predict out of all the couples because, although they have strong compatibility, they seem emotionally at odds. During the wedding you could see their shared interests of adventure and travel alongside a really outgoing approach to life, making them a perfect match. However, since the wedding, Mike has shown himself to be completely ignorant to Heidi’s need for emotional security. Mike needs to worry less about the other couples and more about his own, as you could see how he just ignored the fact that he’d upset Heidi deeply on their honeymoon. He has shown an openness to being more understanding of her and listening more, but we’ll see if he truly can talk the talk like he walks the walk.”

Verdict: Could go either way

Originally published as Married At First Sight 2019 predictions: Who’ll make it and who will break up?

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