
Professor Josh Davis answers your questions on the fight against COVID-19

Australia may not see the peak in COVID-19 cases until October or November, says Professor Josh Davis, and even finding an effective drug won’t remove the need for ongoing public health restrictions.

Professor Josh Davis has the answers to your questions.
Professor Josh Davis has the answers to your questions.

Researchers in Australia and around the world are racing to find treatments to bring the coronavirus crisis to an end.

Today, Australian Society of Infectious Diseases president Professor Josh Davis was online to answer your questions about how we win the war on COVID-19.

Prof Davis, who is himself launching clinical trials to evaluate promising therapies, said Australia may not see its peak in cases until October or November, and even with treatments identified, a vaccine is needed before public health interventions can be relaxed.

Here’s more of what he had to say:

Q. Why is this virus so much worse than other outbreaks? When we finally get through it what does the world need to do to stop something like this happening again?

A. The main thing that differentiates this virus is that it is new. All of humanity is non-immune. It’s not much more infectious or dangerous than a bad flu BUT everyone is susceptible.

Pandemics like this one have occurred regularly throughout human history and will probably continue to. We need to be prepared to respond rapidly and we are learning a lot from this pandemic to ensure we can in future. Decreasing our interaction with wild animals (hunting, eating, using for traditional medicines) would likely also decrease the risk of new viruses emerging.

Q. Do we know why some people have it and show no symptoms?

A. We don’t yet know why some people get infected without symptoms and others get severely ill. It probably in part relates to genetics of the person, and research is ongoing to look for genetic markers that correlate with more or less severe disease. Even though it’s been shown that people can transmit the virus before they get symptoms, data suggests this is actually quite rare.

Q. When is Australia’s peak in cases expected to be? Once we get through that will lockdowns be eased or is this the only way to control the virus long-term?

A. Modelling suggests that our effective public health interventions will make the peak smaller and more spread out – and thus the peak may not be until late this year (October to November). We will need some form of social distancing to persist until after that time, but likely with a staged reduction over time.

How are the trials going? How long do you think it will be until things return to some sort of normality? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel anytime soon?

A. 1) Lots of trials are planned and rapidly being developed. We hope to enrol the first patient into the ASCOT trial (testing drugs treatments in hospitalised COVID patients) next week

2) Hard to say when things will return to “normal”. I think we will need to have some form of reduction in travel and activities for 6-12 months at least, but maybe less severe than currently.

3) There’s always light at the end of the tunnel! The world’s scientists are working together in an unprecedented way – we’ll definitely come up with a great vaccine and probably make lots of new other discoveries along the way

Q. I have read we have seen corona viruses before, albeit another strain. Why is it we haven’t got a treatment or is it the case that each strain is so different there is no one base formula?

A. There are mild coronaviruses that cause the common cold and severe ones that cause SARS and MERS. Research has been done in the severe coronaviruses (MERS and SARS) but the numbers of people affected by these were not that high – basically SARS and MERS went away before we had time to develop effective treatments. BUT we have been using the learnings from these viruses to apply to COVID-19

Q. Is there much collaboration between the teams working around the world to find treatments? Or is it simply a race to be first with a cure?

A. There is a huge amount of communication and co-operation globally on finding effective treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. It is a race – but it’s a race against time and the virus, not a race against each other! My team has been working with those doing trials in Europe and Asia, as well as other Australian research teams to make sure our studies are harmonised.

Q. If scientists find a drug that can treat the virus will that be enough to end the lockdowns we have now, or do we still have to wait for a vaccine? Why are some people easily able to fight it off, but others, even without other health problems, get seriously ill?

A. Unfortunately an effective drug will not remove the need for ongoing pubic health restrictions. The drug will be useful to decrease severe disease and death in those who are infected. A vaccine is needed to increase immunity in the population, and thus allow a relaxation of public health interventions. It’s currently unknown why some people get more severe diseases than others – apart from age and immune system problems. Older people, and those with some chronic diseases, have a less robust immune system, making them more susceptible to infection and severe disease.

Q. What is the best case timeline for a vaccine or a drug to combat COVID-19?

A. While there are candidate vaccines already entering early testing, I think 12 months would be the earliest time-frame for roll out of a vaccine, and possibly up to 18 months (if the first tests show problems and researchers have to redirect to other vaccine candidates).

Q. What can you tell us about the research of new medications and treatments around the world? One I read about and tried to understand was with hydroxychloroquine.

A. A small non-randomised study from France gave some people with COVID-19 hydroxychloroquine (also called Plaquenil) and some hydroxychloroquine plus an antibiotic called azithromycin, and a third group got no drug. They reported that the combination group cleared the virus much faster. BUT this was a small (about 36 patients) and very flawed study. For example, 6 patients in the drug treatment group died or went to ICU and they were not counted in the outcomes. President Trump went on TV saying that this drug (hydroxychloroquine) was a game changer. It’s much too early to say that. We need proper data from large randomised trials (which are ongoing). In the mean time, we should not be giving these drugs to patients except if they are enrolled in a trial.

Originally published as Professor Josh Davis answers your questions on the fight against COVID-19

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