
Coronavirus: Top US infectious disease specialist to issue public COVID-19 warning, Australians urged to remain vigilant

America’s leading infectious disease specialist is set to publicly warn that a rush to open the US economy could cause “needless suffering and death”, as Australians are told what they can do to avoid a second wave of COVID-19 infections.

The World in Crisis

Australians emerging from their homes as COVID-19 restrictions lift are being urged to stay vigilant and hygienic to prevent a second wave of cases.

Chief Nursing Officer Alison McMillan urged anyone with cold or flu symptoms to stay at home and away from others.

“As you begin to move around more and you get back to some of your normal activities, let’s keep up that amazing effort that everyone has done,” she said.

“If there are any signs that you are sick, please, please stay at home and call your GP to see about getting tested.”

Chief Nursing Officer Alison McMillan urged anyone with cold or flu symptoms to stay at home and away from others. Picture: AAP
Chief Nursing Officer Alison McMillan urged anyone with cold or flu symptoms to stay at home and away from others. Picture: AAP

Hand hygiene was of top importance, as was sneeze etiquette.

“Remember to wash your hands before you eat, after you go to the toilet and certainly after you cough or sneeze,” Ms McMillan said.

“The surfaces you touch could be infected, so really important when you’re touching things, make sure you’re using the hand sanitising products regularly as you go about your business.”

An extra 18 cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in the 24 hours to 3pm Tuesday, taking the national total to 6964.

Almost 900,000 tests have been used during the pandemic so far.


A senior US health official, set to testify on Tuesday before the Senate, will warn against the risks of reopening the economy too soon, saying it might lead to “needless suffering and death”, the New York Times says.

The comments came with the United States recording more than 1.35 million infections and in excess of 80,000 deaths, according to Reuters’ figures, while worldwide the number is almost 4.2 million infections and 285,000-plus deaths.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci. Picture: AFP
Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci. Picture: AFP

“If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines to ‘Open America Again’, then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country,” the newspaper quoted Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as saying in an email.

“This will not only result in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our quest to return to normal.”

Fauci said the danger of trying to open the country prematurely was his major message for the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions committee at the meeting, the paper said late on Monday.

President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, told Fox News the United States had crossed 9.30 million virus tests, with more than 394,000 done on Monday.

The rise in infections has put pressure on US efforts to boost testing capacity with health officials, including Fauci, having flagged the challenge of testing those in greatest need.


Donald Trump has ordered White House staff to wear masks after US Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for coronavirus infection last week.

According to a report in Bloomberg, the White House made the announcement in a memo addressed to staff on Monday (local time), saying employees didn’t need face coverings while working at their desks. Mr Trump told reporters that he “required” the memo.

“We’ve had just about everybody I’ve seen today has worn a mask,” Mr Trump said at a press conference, which ended abruptly when he clashed with two reporters and walked out.

US President Donald Trump, sans mask, told reporters at the White House all staffers would be “required” to wear face masks. Picture: AP
US President Donald Trump, sans mask, told reporters at the White House all staffers would be “required” to wear face masks. Picture: AP

Staff working in the West Wing to wear masks at all times in the building, except when they are at their desks, a senior administration official has confirmed.

Mr Trump is still unlikely to wear a mask or face covering, aides say.

The West Wing is where the daily operations of US President Donald Trump’s administration are carried out.

The memo from the White House Management Office read: “Staff who sit in the West Wing are not required to wear a facial covering while at their desk if they are appropriately socially distanced from their colleagues.

White House adviser Jared Kushner was not exempt from a directive that all White House staff wear masks. Picture: AP
White House adviser Jared Kushner was not exempt from a directive that all White House staff wear masks. Picture: AP

“Unless you absolutely need to conduct in-person business in the West Wing, we respectfully ask you to avoid unnecessary visits,” it added.

With Mr Trump’s valet and Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary both testing positive for the deadly coronavirus last week, pressure is growing on the White House to take further steps to protect the 73-year-old president’s health.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany (L) looks on with other White House staff as US President Donald Trump speaks during a press conference. Picture: AFP
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany (L) looks on with other White House staff as US President Donald Trump speaks during a press conference. Picture: AFP

Mr Trump has been resistant to wearing a mask himself and has not put one on in public, though he said he tried some on backstage during a visit to a mask factory in Arizona last week.

Mr Pence briefly isolated himself over the weekend after the aide, Katie Miller, was diagnosed with COVID-19. The vice president returned to work on the White House grounds on Monday, though it was unclear if he entered the West Wing or met with Mr Trump.

The president is in the age group that is considered high risk for complications with the coronavirus, which has killed tens of thousands of people in the US alone.

Katie Miller, Mike Pence’s press secretary, tested positive for coronavirus. Picture: AP
Katie Miller, Mike Pence’s press secretary, tested positive for coronavirus. Picture: AP

The White House said last week it was stepping up precautions for people who are around Mr Trump and Mr Pence, both of whom have resumed travel outside Washington. The two men are being tested for the virus daily and close associates are receiving tests daily as well.

“In addition to social distancing, daily temperature checks and symptom histories, hand sanitiser, and regular deep cleaning of all work spaces, every staff member in proximity to the president and vice president is being tested daily for COVID-19 as well as any guests,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement on Monday (local time).

After Mr Pence’s spokeswoman Katie Miller tested positive for the virus last week, Mr Trump was asked whether people in the West Wing would begin to wear masks. He responded that people already were doing so, but he and his guests that day had not donned masks, and staff in the West Wing were not wearing them either.

A Secret Service agent puts his mask back on after Donald Trump’s press conference at the White House. Picture: AP
A Secret Service agent puts his mask back on after Donald Trump’s press conference at the White House. Picture: AP


It comes as Tesla chief Elon Musk announced he is resuming production at the company’s California car assembly plant, defying authorities and escalating a feud over the US state’s pandemic shutdown.

Musk made the announcement on Twitter after several days of raging online and a lawsuit seeking to resume operations at the factory.

“Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules,” Musk said in a tweet.

“I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.” Musk said, moments later, that state officials had approved the reopening but that the move had been blocked by local authorities.

Elon Musk will reopen his California car factory. Picture: AFP
Elon Musk will reopen his California car factory. Picture: AFP

“California approved, but an unelected county official illegally overrode,” he said. “Also, all other auto companies in US are approved to resume. Only Tesla has been singled out. This is super messed up!” Musk’s move comes amid rising disputes over the pace of easing the lockdowns imposed by states to contain the deadly coronavirus outbreak.

Over the weekend, Musk threatened to move Tesla’s headquarters and factory out of California as a result of the standoff.

“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately,” Musk tweeted as part of a series of angry messages just before the company filed the lawsuit seeking to force authorities to allow a reopening.

Defying authorities, Elon Musk is set to open his California auto factory. Picture: AP
Defying authorities, Elon Musk is set to open his California auto factory. Picture: AP

On Monday, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin voiced support for Tesla’s effort to reopen its factory and a Texas county said it would welcome the firm.

“I agree with Elon Musk,” Mr Mnuchin, the top US economic official, told US television.


Chemists want to expand a power given to them following the summer bushfires and during the COVID-19 crisis allowing them to issue scripts for medications without a prescription.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia president, George Tambassis, says it would bring Australia into line with similar provision in Britain and Canada.

“If the patient can get to their pharmacist before they can get to their regular prescriber, they should be able to have access to that medicine under those protocols,” Mr Tambassis told The Australian.

But Royal College of General Practitioners president Harry Nespolon has labelled the push as potentially harmful.

“The reason patients should always see their GP for repeat prescriptions is because a GP knows their patient’s health history and provides ‘whole person’ care — they will use the consultation as an opportunity to discuss any health concerns and review the medication to make sure it’s the best ­option for the patient,” he said.


Meanwhile, Wuhan has reported its first cluster of coronavirus infections since a lockdown on the city, the epicentre of the outbreak in China, was lifted a month ago, stoking concerns of a larger resurgence.

The five new confirmed cases, all from the same residential compound, come amid efforts to ease restrictions across China as businesses restart and individuals get back to work.

“We must resolutely contain the risk of a rebound,” the health authority in Wuhan, a city with a population of about 11 million, said in a statement on Monday, local time.

New confirmed cases reported in China since April have been low compared with the thousands every day in February, thanks to a nationwide regime of screening, testing and quarantine.

The small Wuhan cluster is the first to emerge since the end of the strict lockdown on April 8.

A second wave of coronavirus infections in tightly packed foreign workers' dormitories has caught Singapore off guard, and exposed the danger of overlooking marginal groups in a health crisis. Picture: AP
A second wave of coronavirus infections in tightly packed foreign workers' dormitories has caught Singapore off guard, and exposed the danger of overlooking marginal groups in a health crisis. Picture: AP

One of the five cases reported on Monday was the wife of an 89-year-old man who became the first confirmed case in the city in well over a month on Sunday.

And neighbouring South Korea announced its highest number of infections for more than a month driven by a cluster in a Seoul night-life district.

With governments across the world trying to avoid a second wave, Asian nations that were among the first engulfed by the virus but have since brought it to heel are being keenly watched.

Much of China has begun to get back to a form of normality, and on Monday Shanghai Disneyland threw open its gates following a three-month shutdown.

“We are very much looking forward to the first day of reopening,” said one eager visitor named Kitty.

“We have stayed at home for around two months and got bored enough.”

But enthusiasm in China was tempered by news on Sunday that one person had tested positive for the virus in Wuhan. There were five more cases on Monday.

Local health officials said the new infections were all from the same residential compound and were mostly older people.

South Korean officials ordered nightclubs and bars closed after a new cluster of at least 86 cases linked to an entertainment district in the capital — many in gay clubs.

Officials scrambled to trace thousands of people who visited the area, but efforts were hampered with many believed to be reluctant to come forward because of the stigma surrounding homosexuality.

People wearing face masks visit the Disneyland amusement park in Shanghai. Picture: AFP
People wearing face masks visit the Disneyland amusement park in Shanghai. Picture: AFP

“If you hesitate a single day, our daily clock may stop for a month. Please contact the nearest clinic or health centre right now,” urged Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun.

The new cluster prompted officials to push back the reopening of schools this week.

South Korea was once home to Asia’s worst outbreak outside China but has been held up as a global example for its early aggressive testing and tracing.


Swathes of Europe began the long process of reopening from coronavirus lockdowns as France and Spain embraced new freedoms and Britain plotted a path to normality.

The mixed fortunes illustrate the highwire act governments face across the globe as they try to resuscitate shattered economies while keeping in check a pandemic that has now killed more than 282,000 people and infected over 4.1 million.


With millions out of work and economies badly bruised, governments are desperate to hit the accelerator, but most are choosing a gradual approach as fears about a resurgence of the virus loom large.

In parts of Europe, officials have been emboldened by promising trends, with Spain’s daily fatalities falling to 123 and Italy — once Europe’s epicentre — reporting fewer than 1000 patients in intensive care, the lowest since March 10 before the peak of its outbreak.

France has seen its daily fatalities decline for several days, though reported an uptick on Monday with 263, as it began to dismantle a military field hospital set up to take intensive care patients when hospitals were being inundated.

A woman wears a protective face mask at a gym in Cologne. Picture: Getty Images
A woman wears a protective face mask at a gym in Cologne. Picture: Getty Images

The French were able to venture outdoors without filling in a permit for the first time in nearly eight weeks on Monday, and some shops reopened their doors.

The wide boulevards of the Champs-Elysees in Paris were once again back to life with cars and shoppers waiting patiently to make purchases, but things were not as before.

“It’s a little unreal, everyone is wearing masks, it’s really strange,” said Irina, queuing outside a cosmetics store.

Many Spaniards revelled in being able to visit outdoor terraces and cafes again after months under one of the world’s toughest lockdowns, although virus hot spots such as Madrid and Barcelona remain under wraps.

Londoners wait for the Tube wearing protective gear. Picture: AFP
Londoners wait for the Tube wearing protective gear. Picture: AFP

“I really missed this, now you value these little pleasures,” said Jesus Vazquez, a 51-year-old builder, as he enjoyed a sandwich and beer in the sunshine outside a bar in the city of Tarragona.

Shopping strips were once again populated in Greece, while in other parts of Europe from the Netherlands to Switzerland and Croatia youngsters headed back to the classroom after weeks at home.

In the Czech Republic some teens revelled in being able to go to the cinema again — a novel outing after months of lockdown.

“We wanted to see what it’s like just to go and see a film with my friends again,” 16-year-old Tomas Fohler said from behind a mask, now compulsory in the country.

Germany too has set in motion the reopening of shops, eateries, schools and gyms, but Chancellor Angela Merkel refreshed warnings to stay safe after official data showed the infection rate picking up speed again.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel refreshed warnings to stay safe after official data showed the infection rate picking up speed again. Picture: Getty Images
German Chancellor Angela Merkel refreshed warnings to stay safe after official data showed the infection rate picking up speed again. Picture: Getty Images

“It is necessary that we can have confidence that people are actually sticking to the basic guidelines, so keeping distance, covering mouth and nose, being considerate of each other,” she said Monday.

In Britain, meanwhile, the government unveiled a “cautious road map” setting out new freedoms which included outdoor exercise and allowing construction, manufacturing and other manual workers back on the job.

Almost seven weeks after a nationwide stay-at-home order was put in place, more than 31,800 people have died in Britain — a figure second only to the United States.

Russia took a similarly cautious approach and said some work could resume this week, even as daily cases hit over 11,000, a record high in the country, and deaths topped 2,000.


As Europe and Asia started to embrace a post-pandemic new normal, other parts of the world feared the worst could be yet to come.

Latin America and the Caribbean marked a grim milestone this weekend, passing 20,000 deaths out of more than 373,000 cases.

Brazil has been the worst hit, with 11,000 deaths.

Locals wearing face masks wait for a bus during the first day of lockdown due to the COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro. Picture: AFP
Locals wearing face masks wait for a bus during the first day of lockdown due to the COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro. Picture: AFP

Gravediggers in the country have watched in horror as the bodies pile up. “When I first saw how fast the number of burials was going up, I got scared,” said Xavier, 52, who works at the public cemetery in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state in northwestern Brazil.

Before the pandemic, the city of 2.1 million people registered 30 deaths per day on average. Now, the number has risen to about 100.

“I’ve gotten used to it. I just hope it will be over soon.”

A municipal guard patrols the promenade of Icarai beach during the first day of lockdown due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro state. Picture: AFP
A municipal guard patrols the promenade of Icarai beach during the first day of lockdown due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro state. Picture: AFP


It comes as the reopening of hard-hit New York City could start in June as long as coronavirus-related hospitalisation and other statistics continue to trend downward, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Monday (local time).

“June is when we’re going to potentially be able to make some real changes if we continue our progress,” Mr de Blasio said.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has said that New York may be able to start making real changes to lockdown measures in June. Picture: AFP
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has said that New York may be able to start making real changes to lockdown measures in June. Picture: AFP

“This conversation, end of May, beginning of June is when we’re going to be able to start filling in the blanks.”

Mr de Blasio noted that the city will continue to monitor its daily coronavirus indicators such as the number of hospitalisation, those admitted to intensive care units and the percentage of people tested who are positive for COVID-19 in order to decide when to reopen non-essential businesses.

“We have our daily indicators. The state has their indicators,” Mr de Blasio said. “We’re all working together … they’re all valuable measures.”

New York medics suit up in personal protective equipment (PPE), as they prepare to pick up a COVID-19 patient. Picture: Getty Images/AFP
New York medics suit up in personal protective equipment (PPE), as they prepare to pick up a COVID-19 patient. Picture: Getty Images/AFP

“By both sets of measures, we’re clearly not ready yet.”

Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended New York’s “Pause” order to June 7.

However, any of the state’s regions will still be able to phase in re-openings sooner if they meet a series of seven benchmarks.


Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation on Monday (local time) hailed dwindling COVID-19 infection rates and deaths in some countries, but called on nations to show “extreme vigilance” as they begin loosening their restrictions.

Much of Europe began the long process of reopening from coronavirus lockdowns on Monday, with officials in countries like France and Spain emboldened by declining death rates.

“The good news is that there has been a great deal of success in slowing the virus and ultimately saving lives,” WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a virtual briefing.

WHO emergencies chief Michael Ryan meanwhile hailed the gradual lifting of the lockdowns as a sign of “hope”.

But he cautioned that “extreme vigilance is required.”

NHS Lead Research Nurse, Arlene Lee poses for a picture inside the nave at Westminster Abbey. Picture: Getty Images
NHS Lead Research Nurse, Arlene Lee poses for a picture inside the nave at Westminster Abbey. Picture: Getty Images

More than 280,000 people have died out of the more than four million known COVID-19 infections worldwide.

And while the drastic measures implemented by many countries have allowed them to get a tentative handle on the virus, there are widespread fears that there could be fresh waves of intense transmission.

Ryan urged countries to boost their public health responses, ensuring they can identify fresh cases, and trace and isolate all contacts, which he said could help “avoid a major second wave”.

But he warned that while “many countries have made very systematic investments in building up their public health capacities during the lockdowns, others have not.”

A security guard checks the body temperature of a customer waiting to enter the Berlin Apple store on the first day the store reopened since March. Picture: Getty Images
A security guard checks the body temperature of a customer waiting to enter the Berlin Apple store on the first day the store reopened since March. Picture: Getty Images

“If disease persists in countries at a low level without the capacity to investigate clusters, identify clusters, there is always the risk that the disease will take off again,” he said.

Without naming names, Mr Ryan decried that some countries were choosing to “drive through this blind” by not dramatically ramping up their capacity to test and trace cases while they have the chance.

The WHO warned against the notion in some countries that even if they do not take the measures needed to halt the spread of the virus, their populations will quickly build so-called “herd immunity”.

“Early serological studies reflect that a relatively low percentage of the population has antibodies to COVID-19,” Tedros said, pointing out that this means “most of the population is still susceptible to the virus”.


Meanwhile, men are more likely to die from COVID-19 than women and researchers in Europe think they know why.

Men have higher amounts of an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2) in their blood than women, heart researchers in the Netherlands, Norway and Cyrus have found.

ACE2 is a receptor on the outside of cells that the COVID-19 virus uses to infect healthy cells.

It is widely distributed in tissues throughout the body including the lungs, veins, heart, kidney, and is found in particularly high levels in the testes.

In Australia, 56 per cent of the deaths from COVID-19 have been among males and men are slightly more likely to contract the virus (50.6 per cent of cases).

Overseas the gender divide has been much greater with 70 per cent of COVID-19 deaths in Italy occurring among males, while in New York men were almost twice as likely as women to die from the virus.

In China, men made up 64 per cent of the country’s deaths, while in Germany, they accounted for 62 per cent. The World Health Organisation said globally 60 per cent of deaths have occurred in men while only 47 per cent of virus cases occurred in men.

Worldwide men are more likely to die from COVID-19 than women Picture STR / AFP China OUT
Worldwide men are more likely to die from COVID-19 than women Picture STR / AFP China OUT

In the new study, published in the European Heart Journal researchers measured ACE2 concentrations in blood samples taken from two groups of over 3500 heart failure patients from 11 European countries.

The study had started before the coronavirus pandemic and did not include patients with COVID-19.

“When we found that one of the strongest biomarkers, ACE2, was much higher in men than in women, I realised that this had the potential to explain why men were more likely to die from COVID-19 than women,” said Iziah Sama, a doctor at UMC Groningen who co-led the study.

The study found that widely used blood pressure medications called ACE inhibitors did not lead to higher ACE2 concentrations.

This is important because earlier on in the pandemic there had been some concern these drugs might make COVID-19 worse.

This study concludes they do not increase the COVID-19 risk for people taking them and heart specialists have been urging their patients to continue taking the medications.

SARS-CoV-2 virus binding to ACE2 receptors on a human cell, the initial stage of COVID-19 infection, scientifically accurate 3D illustration. Picture Getty Images
SARS-CoV-2 virus binding to ACE2 receptors on a human cell, the initial stage of COVID-19 infection, scientifically accurate 3D illustration. Picture Getty Images

It comes as Chinese researchers found traces of COVID-19 in semen but they don’t know yet whether the virus can be sexually transmitted.

Researchers at the Shangqiu Municipal Hospital tested the semen of 38 COVID-19 patients and found 15.8 per cent of the virus in their semen.

More than one in four patients at the acute stage of the infection had the virus detected in their semen and 8.7 per cent of those who were recovering from the virus also had the virus present in semen, the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found.

“Therefore, to avoid contact with the patient’s saliva and blood may not be enough, since the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in a recovering patient’s semen maintains the likelihood to infect others,” the authors conclude.

However, they say the detection of the virus in the semen does not mean the disease can be sexually transmitted, further research is needed to determine that.

Originally published as Coronavirus: Top US infectious disease specialist to issue public COVID-19 warning, Australians urged to remain vigilant

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