
Coast suburbs hardest hit by COVID-19 shutdown revealed

Three Gold Coast suburbs have been revealed as some of the state’s hardest hit by the coronavirus shut down with thousands in vulnerable industries now out of work.

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THE Gold Coast has a new title to add to its lofty position as Australia’s tourism capital - it’s also the country’s most impacted regional city from corornavirus, according to a report tipping one in 10 local jobs will disappear.

The shock new report by ID group, using figures from the National Institute for Economic and Industry research, lists the Gold Coast as the worst hit regional city in Australia, with 10 per cent – or 30,500 – jobs expected to be lost by next month.

The report also details an expected $1.5billion drop in gross regional product (GRP) for the quarter alone – a decline of 16.8 per cent – due to the unprecendented restrictions and loss of visualisation.

It comes as analysis by Seer Data and Analytics ranked a number of Gold Coast suburbs among the top ten in the state for being “at risk” of mortgage and rental stress because of the city’s reliance on the tourism dollar.

The data, which takes into account the industries that residents work in and current rental pressures and wages, listed Southport as the most under-pressure suburb in Queensland, followed by tourism hub Surfers Paradise.

Fast-growing northern suburb Pimpama was also listed in the state’s top 10.

Seer Co-Founder and CEO Kristi Mansfield said the data would help identify where crisis services should focus their efforts.

It might look peaceful, but Surfers Paradise has been named as one of the state’s most under pressure suburbs thanks to the effects of the coronavirus. Picture: Jerad Williams
It might look peaceful, but Surfers Paradise has been named as one of the state’s most under pressure suburbs thanks to the effects of the coronavirus. Picture: Jerad Williams


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“Many people affected by COVID-19 may not have ever needed the help of support agencies in the past so it is critical we look at where they are needed most,” Ms Mansfield said.

“The economic vulnerability is especially extensive on the Gold Coast because of the number of people involved in tourism, hospitality and the number of small businesses.

“When we look at Queensland as a whole it is the Gold Coast that stands out.”

The Gold Coast is followed by Cairns and the Sunshine Coast, which are both expected to lose more than nine per cent of jobs.

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