

Jacqui Lambie fires up again, slamming Scott Morrison as ‘worst PM on record’

Outspoken senator Jacqui Lambie has blown up for the second time in two days. This time she had a cutthroat message for Scott Morrison.

Jacqui Lambie fires up, slamming Scott Morrison as ‘worst PM on record’

Outspoken independent senator Jacqui Lambie has unleashed on Scott Morrison, accusing him of lying and labelling him as the worst Prime Minister in history.

Senator Lambie screeched across the Senate chamber as she repeatedly lashed Mr Morrison and his government for their “incompetence,” stating she was looking forward to the Coalition losing the upcoming federal election.

“You are finished in the next election. You’re gone,” Senator Lambie said.

“You're finished in Tasmania. I reckon your two seats are gone. They’re completely gone.

“And I look forward to doing that. I look forward to running my own candidates in those seats, and passing those preferences where they deserve to go – not to political liars.”

The enraged senator then narrowed-in her attack on the Prime Minister, blasting Mr Morrison for failing to deliver on many of his election promises.

“(The Coalition) have gone from one prime minister to another and this is the worst one on record,” she said.

“He’s incompetent. He’s not a leader and I’m enjoying watching him and you fall apart.”

Senator Lambie screeched across the Senate chamber as she repeatedly lashed Mr Morrison and his government for their ‘incompetence.’ Picture: ParlView
Senator Lambie screeched across the Senate chamber as she repeatedly lashed Mr Morrison and his government for their ‘incompetence.’ Picture: ParlView

Senator Lambie said it was “shameful” that the government had failed to establish a federal Independent Commission Against Corruption almost three years on from when Mr Morrison first promised to do so.

“It’s been 1076 days the PM stood up and told the country they’d get an integrity commission in this term of parliament,” she said.

“He told us that he was committed to getting it done – another lie.”

Labor and the Crossbench rallied together to try to debate independent MP Helen Haine’s own version of an ICAC bill in the Senate, but the motion failed by one vote.

Senator Lambie’s outburst follows a series of explosive speeches from the outspoken politician.

On Monday, she gave a powerful speech in response to One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, who introduced a Bill to ban mandatory vaccinations and overturn state and territory leader’s requirements for full vaccination to be required in some settings.

The Bill failed to pass despite five coalition senators crossing the floor after Senator Lambie told unvaccinated Australians to be a “goddamn bloody adult” and put others before themselves.

Gerard Rennick, one of the senators who sided with Senator Hanson, has threatened to abstain from voting, in a move that could cause a major headache for the government in the upper house.

It’s understood he did not attend Tuesday’s party room meeting, but told journalists later he and his LNP colleagues were “working through the issues”.

“It’s a humanitarian crisis, (we’ve) got to help the people who have been injured by the vaccines to make sure they get proper compensation,” he said.

“I want a solution here … We (want) the premiers to stop playing games with these mandates and people’s health and playing politics.

“We’ve done a very good job at having low Covid- deaths and a high vaccination rollout. I think we should use that success now to open up.”

Queensland Liberal senator Gerard Rennick has vowed to stick to his pledge to abstain from government votes. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Queensland Liberal senator Gerard Rennick has vowed to stick to his pledge to abstain from government votes. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Senator Lambie reaffirmed her stance on Tuesday, saying governments keeping unvaccinated people away from businesses was not discrimination.

“You have a choice. If you don’t want to be vaccinated, you have that choice, but we have people in aged care and we can make sure that they stay safe and our choice is that we want those people in there and working around them to be vaccinated,” she told Sunrise.

“It’s not different to pubs, clubs, tourist places … We (have) to put others before ourselves, this is the Australian way.

“We have been given the freedom to make that decision, so you wear what comes with it.”

Amid mass anti-mandatory vaccine protests across country, Scott Morrison has been critical of state and territory’s edicts, saying the federal government would never make the jab compulsory – except in the aged care settings.

But Senator Lambie told the Nine Network that Mr Morrison needed to stop trying to play “both sides”, saying it was “dangerous”.

“I think it is not helpful if you don’t have a solid leader that’s leading the country that wants to try to please everybody,” she said.

“This is a serious situation we’re in, and he needs to stick by his guns and get on with this … He can’t be playing both sides.

“We’re all getting a taste of our freedoms back and he needs to be really, really solid here.”

Senator Lambie told ABC Radio National Mr Morrison’s stance was “bringing division into this country”.

“Be solid, be a leader, and show it,” she said.

Independent MP Jacqui Lambie has told the Prime Minister to be a “solid leader” and stop inciting division. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Independent MP Jacqui Lambie has told the Prime Minister to be a “solid leader” and stop inciting division. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

It comes as Maverick MP George Christensen is threatening to cause chaos in parliament unless the government acts quickly to protect Australians from “vaccine discrimination”.

The Coalition controls 76 of 151 members of the House of Representatives, including the Speaker.

If Mr Christensen was to follow through on his threat and cross the floor, the government would need the support of Labor or a crossbencher to pass legislation.

The Queenslander’s rebellion means the government will have a hard time getting its Religious Discrimination Bill, voter identification reforms, and a federal anti-corruption commission through the lower house.

Mr Christensen’s threat comes on the back of Senator Hanson’s unsuccessful attempt to pass her anti-discrimination Bill, which Liberal backbenchers Gerard Rennick and Alex Antic crossed the floor to support.

Coalition senators Matt Canavan, Sam McMahon and Concetta Fierravanti-Wells also voted for the Bill.

Senator Rennick and Senator Antic have pledged to withhold support for all government legislation until state-based vaccine mandates are overturned.

George Christensen will abstain from voting, or crossing the floor, unless the government scraps vaccine mandates. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
George Christensen will abstain from voting, or crossing the floor, unless the government scraps vaccine mandates. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Late on Monday, Mr Christensen shared a blog post throwing his support behind Senator Hanson, Senator Rennick and Senator Antic.

He vowed to spend the final seven sitting days of this year causing havoc for the government unless it agrees to his vaccine mandate demands.

“Earlier today, I informed Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce (and the Nationals party room of which I am a member) that, unless we act to stop state governments and private corporations from discriminating against non-vaccinated Australians when it comes to either employment or clientele, then I intend to not be beholden to party room discipline when voting in the House of Representatives,” he said.

“To be clear, until federal action is taken against vaccine discrimination, I will be voting according to my conscience (or abstaining from votes) on bills and substantive motions rather than just voting with the government as MPs usually do.”

Mr Christensen said as a member of the LNP, he would continue to support the government with confidence motions and supply as well as procedural motions – except if they relate to ending vaccine discrimination.

“My support is not guaranteed,” he said.

“When action is taken to stop vaccine discrimination, I will go back to the normal process of voting with the government on most, if not all, bills and substantive motions.”

If the Dawson MP follows through on his threats, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will be hard pressed getting major legislation through the lower house. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
If the Dawson MP follows through on his threats, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will be hard pressed getting major legislation through the lower house. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Mr Morrison said on Monday, after the Liberal senators crossed the floor, that the coalition “ (doesn’t) run as an autocracy”.

“We don’t kick people out of our party if they happen from time to time to disagree on issues on which they feel strongly,” he said.

“We don’t agree with the measures that were in (Senator Hanson’s) Bill … but I respect the fact that individual members from time to time will express a view and they’ll vote accordingly.”

Mr Morrison has voiced his criticism of state and territory mandatory vaccination laws, but will not support legislation that would effectively overturn them.

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese said Mr Morrison clearly couldn’t “control his own party room”.

“What we need in this country is leadership, is clarity, is direction,” he said.

“Australians have been magnificent in their response to this pandemic. They have made sacrifices and they deserve better than a Prime Minister who urges people to have the right to go into a coffee shop in Brisbane and get a cup of coffee without showing a vaccination certificate, as required by the health orders.

“ … The Prime Minister needs to stop trying to give different messages because it’s creating confusion out there.”

Mr Christensen said he anticipated his stance would result in personal attacks, but he would not back down.

“Far more important than my political and personal reputation is the prospect of ending the tyranny, the discrimination, the segregation, the job losses, and the negative business impacts that are being wrought on my fellow Australians,” he said.

Originally published as Jacqui Lambie fires up again, slamming Scott Morrison as ‘worst PM on record’

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