
Two dead and boy missing in Canberra pond tragedy

Police hold grave concerns for this child after two bodies believed to be a mother and son were pulled from a Canberra pond.

Bodies found in Yerrabi Pond, Police search

Two bodies were pulled from a Canberra pond on Saturday morning and police have “grave concerns” for a missing child.

ACT Police believe the two bodies are a mother and son, and another boy —eight-year-old Pranav Vivekanandan is yet to be found.

Police divers conduct a search in Yerrabi Pond. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Police divers conduct a search in Yerrabi Pond. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Police have “grave concerns” for a missing child. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Police have “grave concerns” for a missing child. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Police have appealed for assistance from the public to find the boy, believed to be the son of the dead woman, after police divers came up empty on Saturday afternoon.

Pranav is described as being of Indian Sub-Continental appearance, about 110cm (3’7”) tall, with short dark hair, and dark brown eyes. He may have been wearing an orange T-shirt and light-coloured shorts, and a jacket.

The bodies were found in Yerrabi Pond at Gungahlin, a northern Canberra suburb.

ACT Police found the bodies when one was spotted floating in the pond by a passer by.

ACT Police are appealing for help to find 8 year old Pranav Vivekanandan.
ACT Police are appealing for help to find 8 year old Pranav Vivekanandan.

“We have grave concerns for a third person, a young child who we are currently searching for,” Detective Superintendent Hall O’Meagher.

“Our thoughts go out to the family and also the responding police who had to deal with these tragic circumstances.”

The cause of death is yet to be determined.

“About 8am today (Saturday 5 November 2022) ACT Policing responded to reports of a body in Yerrabi Pond, Gungahlin," an ACT Police statement said.

“When AFP Maritime officers attended, two bodies – a deceased woman and a boy – were located and removed from the water. A land and water search in the area is ongoing for a third person – a young child – who police hold grave concerns for.

“A crime scene has been established, and ACT Policing Homicide detectives have commenced an investigation.

“A report will be prepared for the Coroner.”

More to come.

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