

Tradie Alireza Alizadah slammed for ‘partying’ with mates before driving home under the influence

A tradie who left his pregnant wife at home to go out partying with mates in the city’s southeast was busted behind the wheel with a cocktail of drugs in his system, leading a magistrate to slam him.

Alireza Alizadah outside Sydney Downing Centre Court.
Alireza Alizadah outside Sydney Downing Centre Court.

A tradie was given a dressing-down in court after leaving his pregnant wife at home to go partying with mates in southeast Sydney where he was busted behind with cannabis and alcohol in his system.

Alireza Alizadah faced Sydney Downing Local Centre on Thursday and pleaded guilty to driving with a middle-range PCA and illicit drug.

Court documents state the 31-year-old was driving a Nissan Navara along Foreshore Rd at Botany at 3am on November 16.

He was planning to drive about 31km to his Woodpark home from Botany when he was pulled over by police.

Alizadah took a roadside breath test and returned a 0.096 blood alcohol reading.

Alizadah was planning to drive about 31km home while he was under the influence.
Alizadah was planning to drive about 31km home while he was under the influence.

He was arrested and taken to Mascot Police Station where a secondary test revealed he also had cocaine and cannabis in his system, documents continued.

The offender told police he had consumed two glasses of red wine at his friend’s house in Little Bay and surrendered his licence to officers.

At court Alizadah’s lawyer Janelle Whale said her client was out late with friends and became concerned for his pregnant wife, leading him to make the rash decision to hit the road.

“His wife is pregnant and he knows he has to pull his socks up and help run the household,’’ she said.

“He understands he can’t afford to be doing things like this again.’’

Ms Whale said Alizadah has not driven for four months and his partner did not drive so he needed his licence to support his growing family and to get to work.

Alizadah took a roadside breath test and returned a 0.096 blood alcohol reading.
Alizadah took a roadside breath test and returned a 0.096 blood alcohol reading.

While Alizadah recently lost all his demerit points, he has completed the traffic offender’s program, Ms Whale said.

Alizadah was using drugs casually but has become clean since the incident, the court heard.

Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge said Alizadah would lose his licence.

“You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You have a wife who is pregnant and you are out partying. Why weren’t you home with your wife who you were so concerned about?” she said.

Alizadah responded: “I left her for a mate’s birthday.’’

He said he could not take her with him because “she was pregnant”.

“You’re taking money away from the family to spend on drugs,” Ms Milledge said.

Alizadah was convicted, sentenced to a four-month driver’s licence disqualification period and ordered to have an interlock device for one year once he is back on the road. He was also fined $2000.

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