
The Snitch: Has DPP Lloyd Babb dropped a hint about his next role?

Rumours are flying about NSW Director of Public Prosecutions Lloyd Babb’s next career move — but could he be set for a position in the military?

Six charged following joint drug-supply investigation

Is Lloyd Babb SC settling on his next career move after his tenure as the state’s Director of Public Prosecutions comes to a close?

Where next for NSW DPP Lloyd Babb? Picture: AAP
Where next for NSW DPP Lloyd Babb? Picture: AAP

We’ve been told that Babb has taken leave from the Office of the DPP to undertake two weeks worth of training with the Navy Reserves.

Our source also reckons this is because there could be a move on for Babb to take a magistrate or judge-style position to preside over military disciplinary hearings.

In official parlance, we’re told the positions in question are known as a Defence Force magistrate or a Judge Advocate General.

We, of course, put all this to the ODPP media liaison, who responded: “The office declines to comment.”

We also asked if Babb had his sights set on an appointment as a judge on the state’s Supreme or District Courts.

Again, there was no response.

If you ask us, we would have guessed this would have been Babb’s goal as the next step after 10 years as the state’s top prosecutor. But it seems we will have to wait and see.


An up-market restaurant at Sydney’s new Crown complex is feeling the pinch this week after some of it’s most generous customers were arrested in a high-level drug sting.

The loot uncovered during the raids around Sydney reinforced the kingpin stereotypes — Rolex watches, gold guns and blocks of cocaine stamped with “Dior”.

But the unintended victim of the police operation was a high-end Japanese restaurant inside the Crown complex.

Police seized blocks of cocaine stamped with Dior in raids around Sydney.
Police seized blocks of cocaine stamped with Dior in raids around Sydney.

One insider at the eatery said some of the men — who they nicknamed “the Gucci Gang” — were at their establishment weekly and put an obscene amount of money through the joint. “They always paid cash and used to spend $20,000 on average when they came in with their girlfriends,” the insider said. “They would leave whopping tips, too.”

All of which won’t be happening with the men now behind bars with their bail refused.


A postponed retirement has set off a powerful game of musical chairs in the NSW Police with speculation about Commissioner Mick Fuller’s next career move.

Now this gets complicated, but just hear us out.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller is contemplating his next career move. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Steven Saphore
NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller is contemplating his next career move. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Steven Saphore

Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys was meant to retire from the police force mid-year, alongside fellow Deputy Commissioner Jeff Loy. That freed up two of the four senior positions, which were advertised earlier this year.

While a handful of worthy assistant commissioners were interviewed, the money is on Mick Willing and Karen Webb to land the promotions.

But it’s now emerged Worboys has agreed to hold off on riding into the sunset until the end of the year. Snitch has confirmed he will act in his role as State Emergency Operations Controller while the COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues.

But what does this all really mean in the gossip-fuelled world of police politics?

Well, it has long been rumoured Fuller would be a one-term leader by choice.

His bid to join the Australian Rugby League Commission board was kiboshed by the government in February and there is now speculation he could dive into the rugby league world once his contractual shackles are off.

Some sources have suggested October, after the NRL season finishes, will be when Fuller makes a call on his future.

But, privately, Fuller has indicated he wants to be Commissioner in 2022.

If he did step aside early, Worboys, a steady hand with 39 years’ experience, could warm the seat until there is a permanent appointment.

Senior sources said it was unlikely Worboys would throw his hat in the ring for the top job, leaving the deputy commissioners to plead their cases.

Got that? We said it was complicated.

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