
Sydney double killer to be released from prison in days

He disembowelled and chopped up two lovers in eight months, partly because they were mean to his dog. Heinous double murderer Damien Anthony Peters is set to walk from jail.

Damien Peters is set to be freed on Saturday. Picture: Supplied
Damien Peters is set to be freed on Saturday. Picture: Supplied

One of Sydney‘s worst killers, who disembowelled his lovers and flushed their organs down the toilet because they were mean to his dog, is set to walk from prison in days after breaching parole three times.

It was the ominous morning of September 11, 2001, when detectives walked into Surry Hills’ Northcott Flatts looking for Damien Anthony Peters.

Peters, police suspected, was living with his best friend and partner, Bevan Frost, on the third floor.

The police were after Peters because they knew he was hiding a terrible secret – he had murdered his previous boyfriend, Tereaupii Akai eight months earlier.

Peters welcomed the officers into the flat and he was arrested.

Peters was arrested for breaching parole in 2018, where he cut off his ankle bracelet.
Peters was arrested for breaching parole in 2018, where he cut off his ankle bracelet.

As they placed Peters in handcuffs for the murder of Mr Akai, they noticed blood on the carpet, walls and bedding. In the bath they found Mr Frost’s body, with the head cut off.

Peters told police he had stabbed Mr Frost to death in bed, two days earlier, while in a haze of pills.

“I had a dog, I’ve got nowhere else to go and I’ve got to think about the dog,” Peters told detectives.

Eight months earlier, Peters had stabbed his previous boyfriend, Mr Akai, in the neck, partly because he believed Mr Akai had treated “the only thing which he loved”, the dog, badly as well.

The other reason, the courts would hear, is that Peters blamed Mr Akai for giving him HIV in the course of their relationship.

Peters had stabbed Mr Akai in the neck and cut him into pieces. The details aired in court are too harrowing to print.

He had continued to collect Mr Akai’s Centrelink money for months, and initially claimed his lover had simply vanished.

Peters breached parole three times.
Peters breached parole three times.

Peters was given two 17-year prison terms, which were served largely alongside each other, with his release slated for September 10: this Saturday.

The NSW Government sought to keep Peters behind bars under high risk offender laws for an extra year but abandoned that, instead, to request a five-year supervision order that would to keep Peters under close watch in the community.

Authorities have struggled to keep Peters on the straight and narrow outside prison for years.

The court heard Peters has breached parole on three occasions since he first set foot outside prison in 2016.

He remained out, abiding by the law, for 16 months until he destroyed his ankle bracelet, threatened to kill his father and descended back into drugs. He was returned to prison in early 2018.

Four months later he was paroled again, but within four days he was locked up again for threatening to slit his own throat while intimidating an officer.

In late 2018 authorities attempted to parole Peters again but he, yet again, removed his ankle bracelet and used drugs and was locked up again.

Experts told the court Peters is a moderate risk for violent offending but is a higher risk of serious violence in a domestic context, particularly if he returns to heavy drug use.

The NSW Supreme Court, on Thursday, granted the supervision order for three years.

Peters will be monitored and must abide with dozens of conditions when he is released, the court ordered.

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