
Police raid Sydney developer Jean Nassif’s home, arrest his daughter in fraud investigation

Developer Jean Nassif’s home has been raided— and his daughter charged— as part of an investigation into an alleged multi-million dollar fraud scheme.

Concrete Kings of Sydney: the developers who cashed in on the property boom

The home and business of controversial property developer Jean Nassif have been raided, and his daughter charged, as part of a fraud investigation by NSW Police.

Ashlyn Nassif walked into Day Street Police Station on Tuesday afternoon, just hours after detectives from the Organised Crime Squad had raided four properties, including the legal firm she runs, and the home and workplace of her father.

Police sources said there was no warrant for Mr Nassif’s arrest and he is not accused of any wrongdoing, nor is he alleged to have any involvement in the alleged fraud scheme.

The 27-year-old lawyer spent several hours being questioned, before police charged her with two offences over her alleged role in a fraud scheme they allege is worth tens of millions of dollars.

Ms Nassif spent last night behind bars and is due to face Downing Centre Local Court on Wednesday on charges of dishonestly obtaining a financial advantage by deception and publishing false or misleading material to obtain advantage.

Jean Nassif's daughter Ashlyn has been charged over her alleged role in a fraud syndicate
Jean Nassif's daughter Ashlyn has been charged over her alleged role in a fraud syndicate
Mr Nassif’s Sydney home was raided on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr Nassif’s Sydney home was raided on Tuesday afternoon.

Her controversial father Mr Nassif has been in Lebanon since he travelled there late last year to recuperate after a medical procedure.

Detectives carried out simultaneous raids at the family home of Mr Nassif, and three other businesses - including the offices of his property development firm Toplace in Concord and his daughter’s legal firm EA Legal in Sydney’s CBD - from early on Tuesday morning.

“About 9.30am on Tuesday, 28 February, detectives from the State Crime Command’s Organised Crime Squad executed four search warrants at businesses in Sydney’s CBD and Concord, and at a home in Chiswick, as part of an ongoing fraud investigation,” a NSW Police spokeswoman said.

Mr Nassif with his model/actor wife Nissy Nassif.
Mr Nassif with his model/actor wife Nissy Nassif.

“As part of inquiries a 27-year-old woman attended Day Street Police Station about 3.30pm where she was arrested and charged with dishonestly obtain financial advantage by deception and publish false misleading material to obtain advantage.

“She was refused bail to appear at Downing Centre Local Court on Wednesday, March 1 2023.”

“As this is an ongoing investigation we cannot provide further information at this time.”

Mr Nassif — who once famously gifted his wife Nissy a $480k yellow Lamborghini — is currently fighting to hold onto his development licence, after a bid by NSW Fair Trading to ban him for 10 years and permanently blacklist his company Toplace.

But Mr Nassif and his company won a stay of the ban in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal until a review of Fair Trading’s decision can be completed.

While the company can operate until that review is completed, they can not take on new contracts without approval from NCAT.

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