

Police bullets stolen in Wakeley church riot now in criminal hands

Live ammunition, bulletproof vests and police uniforms are in the hands of thieves and will be “hot property” in the underworld after ‘go bags’ were stolen from cop cars during the Wakeley riot.

Police bullets stolen in Wakeley riots

Dozens of rounds of live ammunition, police uniforms and bulletproof vests are in the hands of criminals after being stolen from cop cars during the Wakeley riot two months ago.

NSW Police are desperately trying to track down the bullets which are highly prized by the underworld because of the tight controls around getting ammunition for weapons which can be used in gangland hits and drive-by shootings.

The Daily Telegraph has been told at least one Active Armed Offender kit – known as a “go bag” remains unaccounted for since April 15, when thousands of people descended upon a western Sydney church after a bishop was allegedly stabbed.

Rioters stole the kit bag with at least two fully loaded Glock magazines from one of the more than 100 vehicles which responded to the uprising outside Christ the Good Shepherd Church.

The bag and contents remain unaccounted for, along with other police equipment stolen from unattended vehicles including uniforms and ballistic vests.

A former gun dealer said the stolen bullets and police gear would be “hot property” on the black market.

'Go-bags' containing two magazines for police-issue Glocks, and bulletproof vests were stolen from police cars during the Wakeley Church riots. Pictures: Supplied
'Go-bags' containing two magazines for police-issue Glocks, and bulletproof vests were stolen from police cars during the Wakeley Church riots. Pictures: Supplied

“Ammunition for Glocks is pretty keenly sought after in the underworld, with these types of bullets getting $100 each or more,” the former gun dealer said.

“The 10mm or .4 calibre bullet is unique to police weapons, but there are plenty of them out there on the street now, and the fact these guns are from cop stock makes them more appealing because the ballistics will leave a trail that goes back to them,” he said.

The wild scenes where a mob took part in a riot outside the Wakeley church where Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel had been stabbed. Picture: Liam Mendes
The wild scenes where a mob took part in a riot outside the Wakeley church where Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel had been stabbed. Picture: Liam Mendes

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Peter Thurtell, who set-up a Strike Force Dribs that night to identify and arrest every person allegedly involved in serious acts of violence, would not comment on specific equipment stolen.

But he said detectives had already charged 30 people with varying offences from assault to affray, and identified seven other men they allege were involved on the night and they would like to speak to.

Police will allege each of those people played varying roles in the riot that followed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, 53, being stabbed in the face during a live-streamed sermon inside the Assyrian Orthodox Church.

Deputy Commissioner Thurtell said 61 officers were injured during the riot and 109 cars were vandalised, and subsequently off the road while they underwent repairs.

“So you can see why we immediately executed a strike force that very night … people are not going to get away with that sort of behaviour,” he said.

Vision of the alleged attack on Bishop Mar Mari, who lost an eye from his injuries, went viral on social media prompting thousands of people to rush to the church.

Police will allege that some people turned up to attack the 16-year-old boy who allegedly attacked the bishop, and others turned up simply to fight.

Deputy Commissioner Thurtell said police were confident they would eventually charge everyone who was involved in violent and illegal activity that night.

“Anyone who has information about that night, but also if anyone knows the whereabouts of police property that was stolen that night, they should call Crime Stoppers (on 1800 333 000),” he said.

The 16-year-old boy who has been charged with wounding with intent to murder and terrorism offences, remains in custody while the matter is before the courts.

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