
Mostafa Baluch missing: Police investigate Range Rover GPS data

The state’s top cop has slammed a decision to grant Mostafa Baluch bail while revealing a seized Range Rover may help in the manhunt for the missing alleged drug kingpin.

Restaurant owner Mostafa Baluch refused bail on drug importation charges

Police are hoping GPS data from a seized Range Rover will help track down missing alleged drug kingpin Mostafa Baluch, but concede it could be “years” before he is found.

Detectives had been investigating claims Baluch, who was released from prison on bail last Friday, had fled Sydney by chartering a late-night private jet from Bankstown Airport.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said on Thursday they are now looking into other potential leads.

Mostafa seen next to the seized Range Rover.
Mostafa seen next to the seized Range Rover.
Police believe Mostafa was hiding in the back seat of the car when it was photographed on the M4 on Tuesday morning.
Police believe Mostafa was hiding in the back seat of the car when it was photographed on the M4 on Tuesday morning.
The Range Rover.
The Range Rover.

“There was intelligence that perhaps he flew out of Bankstown, which doesn’t appear to be correct,” Comm Fuller told 2GB’s Ben Fordham.

“There’s also intelligence that he is travelling south at the moment towards Victoria so we have officers on high alert”.

Police seized a black Range Rover seen driving towards the city on the M4 near Croydon about 2.33am on Tuesday morning.

An image of the car shows two men in the front and police believe the 33-year-old was hiding in the back seat.

Mostafa Baluch.
Mostafa Baluch.
The Baluch family home.
The Baluch family home.

“We have seized that black Range Rover for examination then and we’ll look at the GPS and other data and other cameras around our state,” Comm Fuller said.

“We haven’t (found Baluch) yet … we can’t underestimate these types of organised criminals, they have a deep reach”.

“As we know, with some of the other great Australian drug sort of organised crime people, they can be difficult to track and some have taken years.”

When asked about whether he supported the decision from Magistrate Michael Crompton to grand Baluch bail, Comm Fuller said he thought it was “wrong”.

“Clearly (Magistrate Crompton) got this one wrong”.

Police are treating Baluch’s alleged escape as “number one priority”, and would make sure his family paid the $4 million in bail regardless.

“And if (Baluch’s family) don’t have to hand over that $4 million, that will be an absolute injustice … finding him will exceed more than $4 million, I’ll tell you that.”

Baluch has been charged with importing 900kg of cocaine from Ecuador.

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