
Missing principal Nathaniel Train’s discussions with Mark Latham

Queensland cop killer Gareth Train made social media posts about past confrontations with police and conspiracy theories about Donald Trump, while his brother, NSW former school principal Nathaniel, contacted Mark Latham to discussed Naplan cheating.

Two young police officers among six dead in Queensland shootout

Gareth Train, one of the gunmen who killed two police officers in an execution-style ambush on the western Darling Downs, had posted about past confrontations with police and bizarre conspiracy theories about Donald Trump.
It comes amid revelations his brother, NSW principal Nathaniel Train, left his Walgett school around March following a heart attack and mental health issues after he contacted One Nation leader Mark Latham “unhappy” with the state of education at the school.

Gareth, alongside his wife Stacey Train and brother Nathaniel Train, was shot dead in a firefight with police on a property at Wieambilla, south of Chinchilla in Queensland on Monday night.

They had only hours earlier ambushed four police officers, killing two and a neighbour who had come to the property after hearing gunshots.

In a chilling post on Citizens Initiated Referendums, Train discussed citizen’s rights and police, describing police officers attending his property.

Gareth Train’s property at Wieambilla where two police officers were executed. Picture: Nine News
Gareth Train’s property at Wieambilla where two police officers were executed. Picture: Nine News

“I have directed law enforcement to leave my premises over the last 20yrs, having no reason or grounds and at times have also asked them to remove their hands from their weapons or pull their pistols and whistle Dixie,” he wrote. “Fortunately for me they have all been cowards.

“Our country is at a point where even cowards are now dangerous because they are unpredictable in groups, turn your back and you may find yourself out cold on the floor with law enforcement dancing on your head. We are seeing this in Victoria.”

Train also posted about the Port Arthur massacre on other websites, claiming mass shooter Martin Bryant was the “perfect patsy”, that the shooting was a “false flag” operation and was a “government psy-op massacre”.

“Anyone who watch the live media coverage at the time (1996) and was aware of the political deceit lead up, knows that this was a Government Psychological Operation to disarm the Australian population,” he wrote on one website.

“Martin was the perfect patsy. The Australian government is guilty of mass murder, it’s not the first time and won’t be the last. Joint operation CIA, MI6, Mossad, ASIO and the Australian SASR.

“The MK special operator (shooter 1) gave the game away in a recorded phone conversation dropping the operation name JAMIE. ‘Jamie’ is not shooter 1’s name nor did he make it up on the spot, he was dropping the code name to be clever.”

Gareth and Stacey Train’s Wieambilla home.
Gareth and Stacey Train’s Wieambilla home.

In another post he spoke about “the lengths these people will go to see their agenda succeed”.

“Since PA 96 the false flag operations in Australia never stopped and I suspect will never stop as the retarded masses are so easily influenced and controlled by the Hegelian dialectic,” he wrote.

Train also posted about Donald Trump and efforts to stop Donald Trump winning the presidential election against Hillary Clinton.

“Everyone needs a hero, a good guy this is how we have been programmed to think from conception,” Train wrote

“I’m sorry to inform you this is a trick, there are no hero’s (sic) or good guys that will lead the world out of this shit show.

“Tr@mp is a “deal maker” in his own words. The Clintons, Epstein, the 1%ers, deep state, CIA, Q …. are all his life long friends.

“I’m not questioning Tr@mps policies which have been good for the USA but his bedfellows. Don’t be fooled. For those who missed some of Tr@mps past media speeches, ‘I am the head of NWO’…. here is another ‘I won’t be waiting for the courts to remove firearms from mentally ill, I will be confiscating all firearms then it can be dealt with by the courts’.

“Who are ‘the mentally ill?’

Gareth Train’s brother Nathaniel.
Gareth Train’s brother Nathaniel.

“In the USA and Australia and the world over conspiracy theorists or those who question established authority are being declared mentally ill …. This has already occurred in Qld, Dalby man handing out anti government propaganda arrested and has registered firearms confiscated. Due diligence people, wake up from the global trance you are in, see past the game show, they all have the same end point totalitarian control.”

Missing principal Nathanial Train’s discussions with Mark Latham

It has also been revealed that Gareth’s brother, former NSW school principal Nathaniel Train, had contacted NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham earlier this year “unhappy at the situation” at Walgett Community College Primary School.

Mr Latham said the former principal had been particularly concerned about a case of NAPLAN cheating he thought the department bureaucrats “did nothing about” when the principal raised the issue in May 2021.

The NSW Department of Education on Tuesday confirmed that one of the deceased in the Queensland shooting was a former NSW Education employee.

A spokesperson said he had not been working at a NSW school since August 2021 and officially left the deparment’s employment in March 2022.

Mr Latham said he had taken Train’s concerns so seriously he visited the school himself, saying “it was very important” as it was the “worst school in the state” on academic grounds, absenteeism and teacher turnover.

“Because of Nathan I went up to the school,” Mr Latham said. “The news this morning is a shock and a tragedy. It’s a confusing situation.

“My dealings had no context at all in relation to what’s happened in Queensland. There may well be absolutely no link.

Principal Nathaniel Train, in classroom with year 5 and 6 students while he was principal at Innisfail East State School in Queensland.
Principal Nathaniel Train, in classroom with year 5 and 6 students while he was principal at Innisfail East State School in Queensland.

“All I can tell you is he left the teaching service in NSW and mid-year he was talking to me.

“He had a feeling of disappointment and frustration with the education department that had left him feeling bruised and drained I would say.”

“Rational to talk to, well intentioned and bitterly disappointed with his experiences.”

Mr Latham saids he exchanged multiple emails with Train, had two or three telephone conversations with him by July and raised his concerns at a budget estimates hearing in August.

Parliament was told Mr Train sent 16 emails to the department over the course of two weeks in March this year.

“He was bruised by his experiences with the department,” Mr Latham said.

“Nathaniel had a heart attack and left the school for that reason.

“He had his physical problem with his heart but on the mental health front he was also taking time to recuperate.

“He was also bitterly disappointed about the lack of support in the education department to back his reform management plan.

“He was very passionate and committed to helping the indigenous kids at that school, who need help there.

“He claimed at a meeting with the Director of Ed leadership he presented them with evidence of cheating with NAPLAN.

Nathaniel Train with year 11 students when he was principal at Cairns Campus school for students struggling in their final years. Picture: Steward McLean
Nathaniel Train with year 11 students when he was principal at Cairns Campus school for students struggling in their final years. Picture: Steward McLean

“My impression was that Nathaniel was telling the truth”.

Mr Latham said Train had originally came from Queensland and arrived in Walgett as a bit of a fix-it man.

“He provided me with 50 pages of documents, it was all verified, I knew I was on strong ground raising these matters. The department’s answers were weak or non-existent.

“Walgett is still a basket case. He wasn’t answering my update emails and I just concluded he’d had enough.

“I was interested in whether there had been an example of NAPLAN cheating ignored by the department.

“Train gave the department leadership evidence of cheating and says nothing was done about it.”

“We took it very seriously. He gave me important matters of concern and I raised them at the budget estimates.”

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