

Magistrate’s dire DV warning after eastern suburb abuser’s ‘disgusting’ actions

His actions were described as ‘disgusting, despicable and abhorrent’ and left his victim traumatised. This week he learned his campaign of abuse would not earn him jail time.

Tackling domestic violence depends on whether the government will ‘listen’

One of the state’s most seasoned magistrates has taken aim at the domestic violence epidemic clogging up Sydney’s courts, saying “we’re sick of it as a community” after being unable to send an abuser to jail this week despite his “disgusting” actions.

Magistrate Michael Barko’s comments came as he was sentencing an eastern suburbs businessman who violently attacked his wife multiple times during their marriage.

Scott Anthony Reynolds on Wednesday avoided spending time in custody for his campaign of abuse after the Downing Centre Local Court heard the horrifying case against him.

Between 2007 and 2020 Reynolds poured hot soup over the woman’s head, pushed her through a wall, and kicked her with steel capped boots in what police said was a marriage marred by violence.

In a rare move, police are set to lodge an appeal over the sentence, believing it was “manifestly inadequate” and failed to deter other domestic violence offenders.

“I remind myself all the time this is court of law, this is not a social work organisation not a female refuge, it’s not a counselling organisation,” Magistrate Barko said in handing him an intensive corrections order.

Reynolds, from Maroubra, leaving court on Wednesday. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Reynolds, from Maroubra, leaving court on Wednesday. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

“He’s accordingly had no matters of violence recorded against him by way of conviction since 2000, some 24 years ago.

“I’ve taken into account for the purpose of sentencing he is adequately punished by deterring (Reynolds) and others from committing similar offences.

Magistrate Michael Barko.
Magistrate Michael Barko.

“There’s no suggestion and nothing before me to say he ever breached his AVO or bail, and he has been on bail now for three-plus years.”

The “straw that broke the camel’s back”, the court was told, came in 2020 when Reynolds kicked a glass shower door into the woman while she was washing naked, leaving her bloodied all over.

“Most of these offences I found him guilty of are despicable, disgraceful and abhorrent, Magistrate Barko said.

“Domestic violence knows no boundaries, whether it be gender, sexual persuasion, or lifestyle.

The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at last weekend’s Canberra domestic violence rally.
The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at last weekend’s Canberra domestic violence rally.

“It fills our courts, it takes up so much time, the list of domestic violence courts particularly around metropolitan NSW and Sydney are extraordinary, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds every week.

“(Domestic violence) can range from a push to murder or coercive behaviour … it’s abhorrent in all its shapes and forms and we’re sick of it as a community.”

Speaking of the victim’s “grilling” by an experienced barrister over days, the magistrate made reference to this week’s domestic violence rally attended by the prime minister.

“The placards on TV recently were that domestic violence is predominantly male on female,” Magistrate Barko said.

“One of the difficulties … is men have to be made accountable and I totally agree they have to be made accountable.

Placards at the Sydney domestic violence rally. Picture Sam Ruttyn
Placards at the Sydney domestic violence rally. Picture Sam Ruttyn

“They won’t if domestic violence victims don’t come to court, it’s as simple as that.

“This victim, she was brave enough, strong enough to come to court and not only come to court once but to come on countless days, not to give a quick version, but to be cross examined and grilled by learned King’s Counsel.

Reynolds was also ordered to abide by a five-year AVO put in place to protect the victim. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Reynolds was also ordered to abide by a five-year AVO put in place to protect the victim. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Others, who came before the court seeking to see their perpetrator face justice, were often not that lucky, he added.

“I’ve got no doubt at all (she) would not have come to court, would not have presented to the police without the support of family and friends,” he said.

“And that’s another social issue, support of family and friends, there are too many groups in our community who don’t get that.

“Then you have the perception that those who give evidence ‘are dogs’, they say, if they dob in a perpetrator of domestic violence.”

The PM speaking after a national cabinet conference about domestic violence on the same day Reynolds was sentenced. Picture: Gaye Gerard. Pool/Getty Images
The PM speaking after a national cabinet conference about domestic violence on the same day Reynolds was sentenced. Picture: Gaye Gerard. Pool/Getty Images

Police prosecutor Nicole McMahon argued Reynolds should have been sent to jail as the case: “could only be described as truly horrific”.

Another of the incidents saw the woman needing dental work done to fix her teeth after the court heard Reynolds “backhanded” her.

Reynolds’ barrister Daniel Grippi argued for him to avoid spending time in custody, claiming some of his actions were a “reckless act” after handing up a character reference from another former partner.

He was sentenced to an 18-month jail term to be served in the community as an intensive corrections order after being found guilty of four counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, one of intimidation and three of damaging her property in March.

He was ordered to complete any domestic violence courses prescribed to him by a community corrections officer as part of his order.

“The media often reports it as being ‘sentenced on a good behaviour bond, not a prison sentence in the community,” Magistrate Barko said.

“It is a sentence of imprisonment.”

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