

Islington: Windale man David John Greentree charged with sexually assaulting woman as she left work on Maitland Rd

Police allege a woman was attacked and sexually assaulted on Maitland Rd at Islington on Friday as she left work.

What happens after a sexual assault?

A man has been charged with aggravated sexual assault after a woman was allegedly attacked as she attempted to get into her car on a busy Newcastle road on Friday night.

Child abuse and sex crimes squad detectives joined Newcastle City investigators to investigate the attack on the woman, aged in her early 20s, about 10.30pm.

Police allege the woman had just left work and was attempting to get into her car on Maitland Rd at Islington when she was attacked.

She was bundled into her own car where police allege she was sexually assaulted by a man before a passer-by intervened and chased him onto Maitland Rd, Beaumont St and Fern St before escaping.

An investigation led police to a Sandgate business on Monday morning, where they took a 47-year-old man in to custody about 8am.

Windale man David John Greentree was taken to Waratah police station where he was later charged with aggravated sex assault inflict actual bodily harm on victim.

He was refused bail to appear in Newcastle Local Court on Tuesday, where his case was briefly mentioned.

Greentree did not apply for bail and he was formally remanded in custody to reappear in Newcastle Local Court on February 8.

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