
TikTok star Jenny Elhassan alleged victim of targeted acid attack in Chinatown

Police are exploring possible links to a notorious Sydney crime family after an alleged attack on a woman with battery acid in the heart of the CBD on Friday night. See the footage.

Sydney acid attack

Police are exploring possible links to a notorious Sydney crime family and an alleged attack on a young woman with battery acid in the heart of the CBD on Friday night.

TikTok star Jenny Elhassan, 32, told The Sunday Telegraph she did not want whoever was behind the attack to be punished, fearing an escalation of the situation.

“I feel like it is just going to escalate and I am not dealing with that hopefully because I’m keeping my mouth shut,” she said.

Police are on the hunt for three men who allegedly jumped out of a car and threw acid in Ms Elhassan’s face as she was lifestreaming on TikTok.

Chaotic videos showed Ms Elhassan pleading for help at a nearby restaurant, pouring water in her face and later in hospital claiming; “I thought I lost my eyesight”.

Jenny Elhassan was live streaming to TikTok when she
Jenny Elhassan was live streaming to TikTok when she
was allegedly attacked with acid.
was allegedly attacked with acid.

Her sunglasses protected her eye from much of the acid but Ms Elhassan, in an extra blow, has now tested positive for Covid.

“I’m in so much pain I feel like there is a knife in my eye,” she said from her home on Saturday.

She had been dining in Chinatown.
She had been dining in Chinatown.
Later, filming from hospital, Elhassan said she at first thought she had lost her eyesight.
Later, filming from hospital, Elhassan said she at first thought she had lost her eyesight.

“(My sister) was giving me mouth-to-mouth for 10 minutes because I passed out … the fumes were so bad.

“An onsite paramedic was telling me to rinse my face for 15 minutes and that probably saved my face.”

Earlier, filming from her bed at Royal North Shore Hospital, where she was treated for burns to her face and neck, Ms Elhassan told TikTok fans she had initially been worried she had lost her eyesight after the acid got in her eyes.

“I had my glasses on … imagine if I didn’t have my glasses on,” she said in the video.

Detectives at the scene on Saturday.
Detectives at the scene on Saturday.

“I was walking out of the restaurant. And the guys threw black acid on my face.

“I thought I lost my eyesight when it first happened.”

Ms Elhassan and her sister Alia have thousands of followers on their accounts, with their live streams proving an effective way to make an income over the past year.

Dixon St in Haymarket where the woman was attacked overnight. Picture: Julian Andrews
Dixon St in Haymarket where the woman was attacked overnight. Picture: Julian Andrews

“Just because this happened, I’m not going to let it affect me,” she said. “It (TikTok) puts food on my table.”

On Saturday afternoon Ms Elhassan was back on the social media platform explaining to her fans why she was now donning an eye patch.

The NSW Police’s Raptor squad have been called in to look into what role, if any, members of a Sydney crime family had in the attack.

Police are investigating alleged threats that were said to have been sent before the incident.

The woman was waiting outside this restaurant when the men pulled up and threw the unknown substance at her. Picture: Julian Andrews
The woman was waiting outside this restaurant when the men pulled up and threw the unknown substance at her. Picture: Julian Andrews

“The police are investigating that, as well as many other lines of inquiry, to work out precisely what the motivation is,” Sydney City Police Area Command Inspector Sean West said.

Ms Elhassan had been dining at the Old Town Hong Kong restaurant on Dixon St in Chinatown on Friday night before she walking outside and was allegedly attacked.

After allegedly throwing the acid at her, the men sped off in a black Mazda, either a CX5 or CX7.

Police are calling for any witnesses to come forward.

There is no suggestion Ms Elhassan is involved in any criminal activity.

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