ExclusiveCrime in FocusThis is how organised crime gangs are flooding the world with illicit drugs through their networks of sleeper agents and trusted insiders.
ExclusiveCrime in FocusBorder Force has a secret list of more than 900 Australians, who are being watched, as it continues to stop drug importation. See the busts so far.
ExclusiveCrime in FocusIt’s the one thing that keeps Border Force awake at night — this is the drug criminals are cashing in on around the globe.
ExclusiveNationalMurder charges have been laid after an Australian man was gunned down in his Texas home while trying to protect his wife and children.
True CrimeTwo key locations where money laundering across Australia takes place have been revealed for the first time. This is how criminals operate.
VideoCrime in FocusAn innocent police officer was falsely accused of sexual assault. It took almost $500,000 to clear Ben Smith’s name. Now a star witness has come forward.
VideoWorldAlthough MH370 had lost all radar communications, the plane was still electronically speaking to a satellite run. These are the latest theories on what happened to it.
Canberra StarA former Services Australia bureaucrat who was “swimming in debt” has been sentenced for welfare fraud.
Crime in FocusThree “sub dealers” have revealed their reasons for entangling themselves in a drug syndicate, including a lonely man whose residence was used as a stash house.
Regional NewsAlleged murderers, torturers and serial stalkers occupy Queensland’s Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre while on remand. Take a look at the most serious offending allegedly committed by these 10 men. SEE THE LIST