
The Code of the Apocalypse author Martin Cole reveals how to survive the end of the world

EARTHQUAKE, volcano eruption or tsunami? No-one really knows how the world will end, but when it does, an expert says you need to know these seven things.

How to survive the apocalypse
How to survive the apocalypse

MARTIN Cole really isn’t sure how or when the world will end.

But the man who pioneered the smoke detection industry worldwide and has probably saved thousands of lives knows one thing — humans will face one epic fight to survive.

The engineer and author of The Code of the Apocalypse said when the world does end, the greatest thing man faces is himself.

“We are living in a golden age now,” he told

“The world seems relatively stable but we are in a vulnerable place really.”

Dr Cole said competition for resources as well as constant environmental threats meant we really weren’t as prepared as we believed when it came to a potential apocalypse.

Dr Cole, who is set to release his book at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival next week, said while his book was fictional, the scenarios he presented were very real.

The foundation chair of Astronomy Australia who has spent eight years on the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering & Innovation Council now focuses on writing books based on historical and scientific fact.

And while Hollywood movies have revealed how the world will end, the reality for the rest of us is far from a happy ending.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming may look pretty but holds a deadly secret.
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming may look pretty but holds a deadly secret.

He said earthquakes and the possible eruption of the volcano under Yellowstone Park in Wyoming threatened to wipe out half the US, creating a nuclear winter and fight for survival.

“It’s not a mystical concept, it’s a very real possibility,” he said.

“It happened around 1 to ½ million years ago so can happen again.”

Dr Cole also predicts Australia stands a pretty good chance of surviving a potential global disaster due to our relative isolation geographically, but that we couldn’t stop billions from seeking shelter here.

“They are all very possible scenarios, things will look pretty bad,” he said of when an apocalypse would come.

Dr Cole has provided his advice on surviving the most common ways mother nature could take us out and tongue-in-cheek ways to survive a potential disaster including:

Tsunami or flood:

If you don’t know how to swim, learn quick smart, Dr Cole advises.

“Always carry goggles, snorkel and flippers in your backpack and don’t forget a hard hat in case of floating debris — like cars, houses and circus elephants. Better yet, keep a war-surplus army duck (armour-plated boat on wheels) at the ready in your back yard, lined with cushions and bags of potato crisps. Failing that, and if you don’t like backpacking or swimming, then just take an ocean cruise instead, with a balcony view.”

Will a tsunami wipe us out?
Will a tsunami wipe us out?


A deadly and real possibility and according to Dr Cole, you’ll need to do more than cover your mouth with a wet handkerchief for the dust and bad smells.

“Toxic gases or boiling-hot ash clouds are tough to avoid though — run like hell and be sure to dodge the falling lava bombs,” he said.

Million-tonne comet

Hey it’s already happened in the movies so it’s bound to come true right?

Dr Cole reckons your best chance of survival is to make sure that you’re on the other side of the planet when it hits.

“But knowing where it’s gonna hit? — now that’s the tricky part,” he said.

A comet may have caused an extinction once before and could strike again.
A comet may have caused an extinction once before and could strike again.


Unless you’ve got a private helicopter and can hover until the dust settles there’s not much you can do other than take cover.

“Make sure you have plenty of fuel and cookies on board, and don’t crash into the sky-full of other helicopters,” he warns.

“Bring your best camera — those shots will make you a fortune, if anyone’s left to buy them.”

Earthquakes are not only damaging but deadly.
Earthquakes are not only damaging but deadly.

Black plague

It’s already happened and it can happen again.

“Put on goggles and grab your snorkel,” he said.

“Stuff a wet handkerchief down the snorkel to filter out airborne viruses. You probably won’t need the flippers, unless it’s to fight off rats.”

Rats, just yuck.
Rats, just yuck.


Plagues of locusts, fleas, wasps, cockroaches and blowflies have hit humankind throughout history, so what can we do to survive them again?

“Have plenty of fly spray at the ready, and a quick-draw holster at your side,” Dr Cole jokes.

“A couple of dozen cans should do fine for the first five minutes. A beekeeper’s outfit would be best of all, but your neighbourhood keeper probably won’t lend you his, so dress yourself in plastic bin liners for protection. Cut eye holes and wear the goggles. Wear the flippers on your hands and applaud vigorously — they make great flyswats. With so many insects attacking, you can’t really miss.”

It will take more than a few cans of pest spray to wipe out these guys.
It will take more than a few cans of pest spray to wipe out these guys.


Dr Cole reckons this is where it pays to be well-prepared in advance.

But unless you know an any underground caverns that have been set up with bright lights and a hydroponic system with secret entrance, chances are you’ll be going hungry.

“Plant essential crops like vegetables, grains and herbs, and make a library of vegetarian cook books,” Dr Cole said.

“You can forget about beef and sausages for a while and drill a water bore and create a small underground lake.”

His final piece of advice?

“Have lots of DVDs to remind you of how good the ‘good old days’ really were,” he said.

Famine could hit not just the Third World, but could threaten the entire globe.
Famine could hit not just the Third World, but could threaten the entire globe.

Originally published as The Code of the Apocalypse author Martin Cole reveals how to survive the end of the world

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