
Court’s ‘sick’ 10-second groping ruling sparks confronting social media trend

Social media users are “groping” themselves to protest a court’s verdict a school caretaker did not touch a teen girl long enough to assault her.

Social media users are ‘groping’ themselves after a court acquitted a man of sexual assault charges, ruling he did inappropriately touched a 17-year-old student for less than 10 seconds.
Social media users are ‘groping’ themselves after a court acquitted a man of sexual assault charges, ruling he did inappropriately touched a 17-year-old student for less than 10 seconds.

A confronting protest is playing out on social media after a judge in Italy cleared a school caretaker of sexually assaulting a teenage girl because the grope did not last long enough.

A 17-year-old student told police she was groped by 66-year-old school caretaker Antonio Avola as she walked up a staircase with a friend in April 2022.

The unsettling trend is taking over social media. Picture: @roberta.maddalena/TikTok
The unsettling trend is taking over social media. Picture: @roberta.maddalena/TikTok
Users are groping themselves to a timer to protest the court ruling. Picture: @fairyvampirebride_ /TikTok
Users are groping themselves to a timer to protest the court ruling. Picture: @fairyvampirebride_ /TikTok

She said she felt her trousers fall down and, as she was pulling them up, felt a hand touching her buttocks.

She said Mr Avola put his hands in her underwear and slightly lifted her in the air.

When she turned around, the 66-year-old dismissed the grope, telling the girl, “Love, you know I was joking.”

Afterwards, he reportedly pleaded with her to let the incident go without pressing charges, saying, “You will ruin my life, I didn’t do anything to you,” according to Reuters.

The caretaker was later charged with sexual assault, and prosecutors were seeking a three-year jail term if he was convicted.

Mr Avola confessed to groping the 17-year-old student but told the court it was a joke.

In a ruling this month, he was acquitted of all sexual assault charges, with a panel of judges ruling that the incident lasted between five and 10 seconds and therefore “does not constitute a crime”.

The Italian court’s ruling has sparked outrage online. Picture: iStock
The Italian court’s ruling has sparked outrage online. Picture: iStock

The judges concluded the gesture was so brief that it left doubts on the “voluntary nature of the violation of the girl’s sexual freedom”, according to The Guardian.

They also reportedly found the argument that the action was a joke “convincing”, and concluded it was “likely that the brushing of the buttocks was caused by an awkward manoeuvre of the defendant which, due to the dynamics of the action, was carried out while the subject was in motion”.

Outrage followed the verdict, with thousands of social media users posting videos of themselves touching intimate body parts for 10 seconds in a disturbing “palpata breve” (brief grope) or “10 secondi” (10 seconds) trend.

White Lotus star sparks confronting 'groping' trend

White Lotus actor Paolo Camilli was the first to post the confronting but demonstrative video, filming himself squeezing his chest as a timer counted for 10 seconds.

Chiara Ferragni, Italy’s most famous influencer, also reportedly posted another video to her 29.4 million Instagram followers.

Another Italian influencer Francesco Cicconetti – who goes by the username “mehths” online – posted a video, too, asking his followers to consider who decides how long 10 seconds lasts “while you’re being harassed”.


Quanti sono 10 secondi? Chi decide che sono pochi? Chi li cronometra, mentre subisci una molestia? Il corpo delle donne non è di proprietà degli uomini. Non è di proprietà di nessuno, solo delle donne stesse. Non è del padre che lo vuole consegnare al marito, non è del fidanzato che lo vuole nascondere, non è del compagno che lo vuole governare, non è del figlio che lo vuole proteggere, non è del fratello che ne vuole difendere l'onore. Non avete diritto di toccarli, neanche per un secondo. Figuriamoci per 5, o per 10. Eppure siamo cresciuti (uso il maschile sovraesteso per un motivo) in un sistema che insegna agli uomini che il mondo è di loro proprietà, così come il corpo delle donne. Continuamente sessualizzato, questo corpo ha finito per diventare un mero oggetto sessuale: un oggetto da guardare e commentare, a cui dare un voto e con cui giocare; un oggetto da toccare liberamente, a proprio piacere, in base a quanto serve. E tutto questo è normalizzato, tanto che un uomo sessantenne può palpare una ragazzina minorenne a scuola e uscirne impunito. Perché l'uomo è predatore, che può farci? L'uomo è così per natura, per l'uomo è istintivo, l'uomo non può resistere, se l'uomo è provocato..., l'uomo è goliardico, l'uomo scherzava, l'uomo ti fischia dietro ma è un gioco, l'uomo fa una classifica dei c*li più belli dell'ufficio ma è per divertimento, l'uomo ti avvinghia in discoteca non essere così rigida, l'uomo ti infila la mano nei pantaloni per 5-10 secondi ma sono pochissimi, lascia correre dai, non è una vera molestia. #10secondi

♬ suono originale - mehths

“Women’s bodies are not owned by men. It is owned by no one, only the women themselves,” he wrote.

“You have no right to touch them, not even for a second. Let alone for five, or for 10.”

In an impassioned caption, Mr Cicconetti wrote the court’s decision showed just how normalised sexual assault and harassment is in Italian society, “so much that a man in his 60s can grope an underage girl at school and walk away with impunity”.

In the days since the first protest videos, thousands more have appeared on social media from users around the world.


Auf Social Media gibt es derzeit zurecht Empörung darüber, dass #10sekundengrabschen einem Gericht in Italien zufolge in Ordnung sei, da durch die geringe Dauer des Übergriffs keine sxuellen Motive erkennbar seien. Übergriffigkeit ist kein „unbeholfenes Verhalten“ oder gar ein Scherz - und 10 Sekunden sind verdammt lang #10secondi#10sekunden#übergriffigesverhalten

♬ Originalton - MARY ELLEN

Ein Schulhausmeister soll einer 17-jährigen Schülerin auf einer Treppe in die Hose gefasst und ihren Po berührt haben. Ein Gericht sprach den Mann trotzdem frei - Begründung: der Übergriff war weniger als zehn Sekunden lang #10secondi#news#aktuell

♬ Tickende Uhr - Heller Himmel

Quanto possa essere infinito e interminabile questo arco di tempo quando ci si sente violate #10secondi

♬ suono originale - roberta.maddalena

While some replicate the unsettling silent countdown videos, a social media comedy duo called “theconiugi” (thespouses) mocked the “absurd” ruling.


Sotto i 10 secondi la passi liscia… menomale… MA STIAMO SCHERZANDO?????? #10secondi#leggeitaliana#fakesituation#prank#positivity

♬ suono originale - The Coniugi

In the skit, the man grabs the woman on her buttocks. She gasps and threatens to report him, but he holds up a finger and looks at his watch, telling her to wait.

A timer ticks over on the screen and when it hits nine seconds the man removes his hand, saying, “It’s not a crime.”

“Ah yes, sorry, under 10 seconds is not a crime, you’re right,” the woman replies, relieved.

The duo’s video gained almost five million views on TikTok and another 2.5 on Instagram since in the days since it was posted, with most blasting the “sick sentence”.

“The law in Italy is ridiculous,” one wrote.

“How disgusting,” another wrote, adding “this is truly a disgrace.”

“Sad that this is reality.”

White Lotus actor Paolo Camilli started the confronting trend. Picture: @paolocamill/Instagram
White Lotus actor Paolo Camilli started the confronting trend. Picture: @paolocamill/Instagram
Now thousands have posted their own versions of the video. Picture: @radiotop40/TikTok
Now thousands have posted their own versions of the video. Picture: @radiotop40/TikTok

The teenage girl at the centre of the court case told the Corriere della Sera newspaper despite the judges believing that the man was joking, “it was no joke to me”.

“This is not the way an old man jokes with a 17-year-old girl. At least that’s what I think,” the girl, who has just turned 18, told the paper.

“That handful of seconds was more than enough for the caretaker to make me feel his hands on me.”

She said she feels doubly betrayed – by her school and by the justice system – and fears the ruling will deter girls and women from coming forward if they are subject to such attacks.

“I’m starting to think I was wrong to trust the institutions. This is not justice,” she said.

One of the student’s lawyers told the Fanpage news site the decision would “definitely” be appealed.

Originally published as Court’s ‘sick’ 10-second groping ruling sparks confronting social media trend

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