
Women’s cricket to expand under new memorandum of understanding between CA and ACA

Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricketers Association have agreed to a new one-year memorandum of understanding which will see the Women’s National Cricket League expand.

Women playing national and BBL cricket will see an increase in their pay. Picture: AFP
Women playing national and BBL cricket will see an increase in their pay. Picture: AFP

The Women’s National Cricket League will expand by 50 per cent next season as part of a renewed memorandum of understanding between Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricketers Association.

CA and the ACA have agreed to a new one-year MOU, taking in the 2022-23 season. The parties decided for a short-term extension due to uncertainty surrounding the pandemic ahead of negotiations for longer term deal.

The headline act is in an extension in the WNCL season from eight matches per team to 12.

With match payments therefore to increase, the average female player playing both WBBL and WNCL will earn $86,000. In most key respects, the deal is a roll over from the current agreement, with the revenue share agreement to remain.

By contrast to the testy talks of 2017, sources indicate these negotiations have been conducted in a much better spirit.

More to come...

Originally published as Women’s cricket to expand under new memorandum of understanding between CA and ACA

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