
Saving the planet at home

THE debate about reducing carbon emissions often centres on how on the costs to the economy, but according to an analysis conducted for Value Hunter, reductions in the family home can save more than $1000 in one year.

THE debate about reducing carbon emissions often centres on how on the costs to the economy, but according to an analysis conducted for Value Hunter, reductions in the family home can save more than $1000 in one year.

The analysis was conducted by the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change on an average three-person household in western Sydney. Sydney was chosen as it is the temperate medium between Brisbane and Melbourne.

Most of the actions identified are no or low cost, as highlighted in the black balloon campaign that is  screening on TV and in print ads in most states, said Amanda Kane, a spokeswoman for the department.

The black balloon campaign aims to get consumers to understand the link between power usage and carbon emissions, but the dollar savings are an added bonus. Simply by changing some behaviour in the home, without any financial outlay can save $1110 annually.

Other low cost moves such as replacing incandescent lights with CFLs saves $120, fitting a low-flow shower head saves $30 per person, draught seals save $20 and using a fan instead of the air conditioner will save $110.

Replacing the old fridge with a new one will save $125.  

The biggest carbon emitters in the home, and therefore the most expensive, come from the hot water system and the heating and cooling appliances. An upfront investment is required to address these points, so the State and Federal governments have generous rebates on offer.

The hot water system is the highest energy user in the home and you can get a combined $2800 rebate back from the State and Federal governments, Ms Kane said. By switching to solar you save $140 a year for the lifetime of the system. 

Good insulation can cut heating and cooling costs dramatically and you can virtually install it for free of charge with the Federal Government $1600 rebate, but always check if the installer is accredited.


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