
You’re right Luke, this deserves the F-bomb

THERE are still men who believe even the question of “why are there so few women” at the levers of power is an insult, writes Wendy Tuohy.

LNP member Luke Howarth was caught swearing at a press conference. (Pic: Sky)
LNP member Luke Howarth was caught swearing at a press conference. (Pic: Sky)

WE know Queensland is closer to the equator than the more temperate south, but maybe it’s also closer to the Jurassic given some of the political backwardness coming out of the sunshine State.

We have a woman politician who wants to do something that would directly impact many, often vulnerable women — scrap the Family Court — and now we have a male politician who appears to believe even a question about the under-representation of women given prominence among that State’s elected representatives is “f***”.

Liberal National MP, Luke Howarth was at the Prime Minister’s press conference in Nudgee, Queensland, today when the following was put to the PM by a reporter: “On your trip to Queensland yesterday you were with a male MP Trevor Evans. Now you’re with a male federal MP and a state MP.

“Then later today you’re going to another event with two male MPs. Would you like to see more females among LNP ranks in Queensland?”

Even as the question was still being asked (by a male journalist), Howarth said audibly” “Oh, this f***”.

He later said: “I said it under my breath because I was frustrated at the question so I’m guilty. I’m sorry if people heard it,” he said.

But in a way, his comment was right — just not the way he thinks.

Women are drastically under-represented among coalition ranks in Parliament: the Liberal Party has just 18 female members across both houses (21 per cent), compared with Labour’s 42 (44 per cent). The Nationals have just three (14 per cent).

Despite feel-good statements from both Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull about wanting to give women more access to influence, at the last election the number of coalition women MPs dropped from 22 to 18.

Given women make up half the population you could indeed argue this is f***ed. To put it in less colourful terms, it does not reflect the reality in which we, and our daughters live and are governed.

Quite apart from the risible percentage of female coalition MPs, Mr Howarth’s expletive demonstrates a much deeper problem... the one that is contributing in large measure to keeping women out.

There are still men who believe even the question of “why are there so few women” at the levers of power is an insult.

They feel it is not a valid question. This is the way it’s always been, the system “ain’t broke so why fix it?”, is the thinking.

These men are relics from a sexist age, and they reflect badly on their constituencies. They reflect worse on themselves, as people closed to the idea of creating a more equal society — right to the top.

Mr Howarth has done us an indirect favour by being caught with his PR pants down, revealing his true feelings on the important issue of gender balance among our law makers.

This telling moment will no doubt result in the Prime Minister being flanked by more people in frocks when he travels to Queensland next.

But just like you can’t put lipstick on a pig, the only way to make the true picture look any more acceptable is by getting more female bums on coalition seats.

Wendy Tuohy is a Herald Sun columnist.

Follow Wendy on Twitter @wtuohy or Facebook

Originally published as You’re right Luke, this deserves the F-bomb

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