
Why would a woman bother joining the Libs?

THE Liberal Party keeps wondering why they don’t have enough women. A better question is why a woman would bother joining, writes Conrad Liveris.

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FOR a political party that acknowledges they have a problem with women, the Liberals do like talking about them.

Like on Friday, when the New South Wales branch held a raucous meeting debating measures to bring more women into the party. When accusations of bullying, reports of yelling and aggressive behaviour make it into the Daily Telegraph, you can easily conclude that it didn’t go well.

Last month, federal MP Luke Howarth called the issue of gender representation in the party “this f***”.

Although the party was provided with a report in 2015 that outlined the need for more women in Parliament, the 2016 election left them with rates of women not seen since before the 1996 election.

Even the Liberal-backed Menzies Research Centre admits that the party “has an issue with female representation” and that “improving the gender balance will improve the standard of politics”.

Party leaders like Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull sing from the same songbook here, as does organisational boss Nick Greiner and a host of other prominent party leaders. Julie Bishop, who refuses to call herself a feminist, has said that if the party brings in targets of some kind then they should be for 50 per cent.

The Liberal Party keeps wondering why they aren’t including women, but a better question is why would a woman would bother joining?

The problem is deep and more than just a numbers game, it is cultural. The only way to improve the representation of women is by making the party more inclusive and respectful of their contributions.

Across the nation, almost 90 per cent of all party roles are held by men — branch presidents, treasurers or secretaries through to state executive bodies, where the real decisions are made. The further up the hierarchy the less likely you are to be a woman, there is a systemic denial of opportunity for women.

This has a direct impact on policy creation. If women aren’t in the room, if they aren’t respected as equal participants in the process, then policy can only be half as good. It’s not a long bow to draw that this may be having an impact on the polls.

Branches are the base of the party. They direct the culture of the organisation. While they are not exclusive in and of themselves they can limit the contributions women make.

In the meetings and events I’ve attended, it isn’t rare to see female members organising events and being good hosts, while men waltz in and discuss day-to-day politics and what the branch will be doing in coming months.

There is a clear gender segregation that is hard to avoid.

I asked one branch president why there were no women on his committee and he laughed and said that they preferred not to worry about politics.

If women aren’t taken seriously and can’t see a substantive path for themselves in the party, then why would they bother hanging around?

The onus lies not on women to be thankful for a door being opened to them, but on the party to proactively engage and bring them into the fold.

The Liberals should be using all available measures to improve the representation of women in Parliament and across their party, and should not rest until it reaches 50 per cent. To achieve this they must scrutinise themselves first.

Conrad Liveris is a corporate adviser on workplaces and risk, he is an expert of women in leadership.

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