
Who’s afraid of the big bad climate monster?

AL GORE has used a business model based on fear to make himself rich, yet his every apocalyptic scenario has failed to materialise, writes Miranda Devine.

Al Gore new film is called An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. (Pic: Scott Barbour/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures)
Al Gore new film is called An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. (Pic: Scott Barbour/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures)

IN Al Gore’s latest cinematic dose of climate scaremongering, a young Asian man is crying.

“I feel so scared” he wails, before vision of solicitous uncle Al patting his hand in an attempt to soothe away his fears of the apocalypse.

Scaremongering is what Gore does best, and fear is the business model that has made him rich, though his every apocalyptic scenario has failed to materialise.

In Australia last week to spruik his upcoming movie An Inconvenient Sequel, the former US vice president tried it on again, claiming Mother Nature was “screaming” and the world would ­descend into “political disruption and chaos and diseases, stronger storms and more ­destructive floods” unless we buy his snake oil.

Silly Labor premiers bought that snake oil last week, pledging alongside the grinning Gore that Victoria, Queensland, the ACT and South Australia would embrace renewables to produce zero net emissions by 2050.

They haven’t learned the lesson from SA’s extreme green experiment with renewable energy that has produced nothing but crippling blackouts and the highest electricity prices in the world.

Any normal person with such a woeful record of accuracy as Gore would be ashamed to show his face. Eleven years after his Inconvenient Truth movie scared little kids witless, his warnings of climate armageddon have come to nothing.

Former US vice president Al Gore was recently in Sydney to promote his documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. (Pic: AAP/Keri Megelus)
Former US vice president Al Gore was recently in Sydney to promote his documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. (Pic: AAP/Keri Megelus)

“Unless we take drastic measures the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years,” he told us then. Wrong. In fact the world has just been through almost 20 years in which there has been a hiatus in global warming, even as carbon dioxide has increased: an “inconvenient pause” as some wags put it.

Around the world people are waking up to the fact that their leaders have been crying wolf, while their electricity bills go through the roof.

Australia’s prosperity is built on the reams of cheap, abundant fossil fuel under our feet, and yet green zealots have forced us into an energy crisis.

But when Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly last week pointed out the logical fact that Australians will die because of high power bills, he was slammed as a “scaremonger” by the very people who worship at Al Gore’s feet.

Yes, cold kills, and electricity prices have doubled in the past decade, as uncertainty plagues the energy sector, and cheap coal-fired power is priced out of the market by government subsidies for unreliable renewable energy production.

The states, which bear much of the blame, continue with the fantasy that you can replace coal with wind and solar while simultaneously banning the development of onshore gas fields.

The iron-clad law of ­energy supply is that more ­renewables force out baseload power, which you need when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.

Yet SA is pretending that the world’s biggest battery built at huge taxpayer expense by another global green huckster, Elon Musk, is going to save the day.

The diabolic task facing federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is to wrangle agreement on something approaching a rational energy policy out of the recently ­released Finkel Review.

South Australian premier Jay Weatherill with Tesla's Elon Musk. (Pic: Facebook)
South Australian premier Jay Weatherill with Tesla's Elon Musk. (Pic: Facebook)

Unlike Donald Trump, this government doesn’t have an electoral mandate for pulling out of the Paris treaty.

Tony Abbott was a climate sceptic yet he signed us up to the Paris renewable energy target of slashing emissions by 26-28 per cent by 2050.

That was all he could get through Senate where even mining millionaire Clive Palmer had been got at by Al Gore. So this is where we are.

Appointing Alan Finkel as chief scientist was one of Malcolm Turnbull’s first tasks after he deposed Abbott. Like Turnbull, Finkel is a climate true believer who drives an electric car and powers his South Yarra home on ­renewables.

He’s also an accomplished scientist and entrepreneur with a PhD in electrical ­engineering.

He’s smart but he has produced a report bullish on renewables and bearish on coal.

Finkel is right that wimpish investors have deserted coal in Australia and that electricity prices have soared because of the uncertainty that ensued since Labor’s vandalism from 2007.

But coal is nowhere near obsolete. As the Australian Minerals Council points out, coal is the world’s leading source of electricity and will be till at least 2040.

In our region countries are busy building new clean coal plants. In East Asia alone 1250 new plants are under construction or planned.

Yet in the past eight years in Australia not a single new baseload coal or gas generation unit has been built.

That has to change.

Turnbull has now come around to that realisation, telling the Liberal National Party state convention in Brisbane yesterday: “Those people who say coal and other fossil fuels have no ­future are delusional.”

Fossil fuels are here to stay, despite Al Gore.


IT’S astonishing that Australia’s most prestigious law school, at Sydney University, includes a course which calls for sharia law to be recognised in our legal system.

This would include child brides, and the “exclusive” right for a man to divorce his wife. What’s next? Public canings, stoning rape victims and throwing homosexuals off rooftops?

An Indonesian man being caned for gay sex under sharia law in Banda Aceh in May. (Pic: AFP/Chaideer Mahyuddin)
An Indonesian man being caned for gay sex under sharia law in Banda Aceh in May. (Pic: AFP/Chaideer Mahyuddin)

If we aren’t careful we could end up like the UK, where dozens of sharia law courts have been established and regularly issue rulings that contradict Britain’s common law.

British Muslims have begun demanding that sharia become the only law in Muslim-majority towns, where signs declare: “You are entering a sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced”. A parallel system of justice cannot operate in our country, where one of the fundamental principles is the law applies equally to all.


EVERY day the world’s Trump-hating media gets its knickers in a twist about something the American President has said.

Even when he’s dishing out compliments it’s an outrage.

“You know, you’re in such good shape,” Trump said to the French President’s wife, Brigitte Macron, this week. “Beautiful.”

US President Donald Trump called French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife Bigitte beautiful. Cue outrage. (Pic: AFP/Michel Euler)
US President Donald Trump called French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife Bigitte beautiful. Cue outrage. (Pic: AFP/Michel Euler)

Cue feminist apoplexy.

But it’s the truth.

Brigitte Macron is 64 and her husband is 39. She was his former high school teacher.

Trump is not one to ignore the elephant in the room, and his candour is refreshing. And, since the age difference between him and Melania is about the same in the other direction, he might even have been looking for tips.

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