
Politically correct and risk averse Victoria Police ensure crime thrives

It doesn’t matter how many cops they hire, the politically correct culture of Victoria Police will ensure crime thrives, writes Miranda Devine.

Police use pepper spray to attempt to break up a massive gang brawl at Melbourne’s Federation Square during Moomba festivities in March. Pic: (Jake Nowakowski/News Corp Australia)
Police use pepper spray to attempt to break up a massive gang brawl at Melbourne’s Federation Square during Moomba festivities in March. Pic: (Jake Nowakowski/News Corp Australia)

It took an attempted carjacking of a former assistant police commissioner for Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews finally to take his state’s soaring crime rate seriously.

Two weeks ago former detective Noel Ashby was ambushed by four “aggressive African males” who tried to force his Mercedes off the road. Just another day in the socialist state of Victoria, where carjackings and violent home invasions are a constant fear.

So Andrews and police commissioner Graham Ashton last week announced a $2 billion recruitment of 3000 new police officers.

But it won’t matter how many cops they hire, the politically correct, risk-averse culture of Victoria Police will ensure crime thrives.

Crooks and thugs are free to run riot, while police obsess about gender, racism and LGBTI. Rapists prowl, gangs brawl, losers brazenly smoke bongs in CBD parks, drunk drivers speed away from booze buses, while police are busy cracking down on racial abuse on Facebook, or denouncing “language” crimes by Eddie McGuire that “demean women”.

An unidentified pot smoking protester blazes up a bong under the noses of police at a Melbourne city park last month. (Pic: Supplied)
An unidentified pot smoking protester blazes up a bong under the noses of police at a Melbourne city park last month. (Pic: Supplied)

Victorians accept a level of lawlessness unheard of in Sydney. It’s a lesson to the rest of the country how quickly life turns sour when you neuter your police force with politically appointed commissioners, and when your justice system is at the mercy of a judiciary stacked with human rights lawyers and former union functionaries.

After Melbourne’s iconic Moomba Festival fireworks in March, Sudanese members of the fabled Apex gang brawled with Pacific Islanders in Federation Square, forcing people to cower behind locked restaurant doors. Only four people were arrested.

When pot-smoking protesters fired up their bongs at a picnic in Flagstaff Gardens this year, police didn’t just turn a blind eye; a spokeswoman condoned the event as “freedom of expression”.

When two officers tested positive to drugs on duty a few years ago, not only were they not sacked or charged, but a spokeswoman described their drug use as “no surprise”.

No surprise former commissioner Ken Lay is the poster boy for drug decriminalisation. “We can’t arrest our way out of this”, he says, which is true if you don’t even try.

Victoria Police don’t enforce the law on union picket-lines, either, but stand sentry in implied solidarity.

Police at Melbourne’s Federation Square following violence between rival gangs. (Pic: Yuri Koluzmin/News Corp Australia)
Police at Melbourne’s Federation Square following violence between rival gangs. (Pic: Yuri Koluzmin/News Corp Australia)

And, after a law suit for “racial profiling” young African men, street police now are required to issue “receipts” to anyone they talk to, in a humiliating, time-wasting farce.

Then there is the joke of police chases, restricted last year so 145 a month dropped to five. Crooks just have to step on the gas.

There’s no point wailing about African refugees as if they pose some sort of novel crime challenge. Wrongdoers have been empowered by a police force which has neglected its responsibilities for a decade.

As a result, Victoria’s crime rate keeps rising — up 12.4 per cent in the past year. It’s now the nation’s murder capital.

But the problem is not, as Andrews pretends, a shortage of police. Victoria has more police per capita than NSW, which boasts the lowest crime rate in 25 years. NSW has 218 police per 100,000 people, versus Victoria’s 258.

Victoria has half the imprisonment rate of NSW, a higher victimisation rate and a lower reporting rate for most crimes, a good indication people have lost faith in police.

Victorian Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton. (Pic: Sarah Matray)
Victorian Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton. (Pic: Sarah Matray)
Jill Meagher, who was raped and murdered in Melbourne. (Pic: AFP/Supplied)
Jill Meagher, who was raped and murdered in Melbourne. (Pic: AFP/Supplied)

Even more telling, in the western suburbs of Melbourne, residents are banding together to protect their neighbourhoods with DYI security. Locals in Caroline Springs call it “Criminal Springs” because of the brazen carjackings and home invasions. Fed up with the lack of police protection, they patrol their streets themselves.

But instead of being mortified by this vote of no confidence, Ashton told radio 3AW the patrols should stop “because it becomes vigilantism”.

When Jill Meagher was raped and murdered in Melbourne four years ago, no one knew how complicit police and legal authorities were in the crime that shook the nation. Adrian Bayley had been convicted of raping eight women, yet was free on parole. He is suspected of raping at least 16 prostitutes in 2000, but the rape squad wasn’t interested. His DNA, taken in 2001, was lost by the hopeless police forensics lab.

Instead of locking up crooks, Victoria Police have become do-gooder agents of social change. Last year they embraced the gender scolds of the Victoria Human Rights Commission who made the usual “shocking” claims of entrenched sexual harassment and discrimination.

When he’s not pondering gender quotas, Ashton reserves his zeal for a self-serving vendetta against Catholic Cardinal George Pell, which wins plaudits from the ABC.

Rather than playing sectarian games and pandering to identity politics, Ashton might try doing his job. Better yet he could resign.

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