
Miranda Devine: Malign cliques in NSW Libs must be broken

THE Liberal Party’s future hangs in the balance. Malcolm Turnbull must stand up to the malign influence of NSW powerbroker Michael Photios, writes Miranda Devine.

Former Liberal powerbroker Michael Photios. (Pic: News Corp)
Former Liberal powerbroker Michael Photios. (Pic: News Corp)

GO to any Liberal branch meeting in NSW and you will find deep unhappiness — that is, if members haven’t already jumped ship to Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives.

Some have channelled their discontent into a delusional belief in Tony Abbott as the resurrected messiah — the delcons, many of whom can be found in the Roseville branch.

Others understand that the rot in  NSW has less to do with Malcolm Turnbull than with anti-democratic control by the dominant “moderate”, or Left ­faction, run by lobbyist Michael Photios, aka the “vertical corgi”.

Photios, a short-lived ethnic ­affairs minister in the Fahey government, former party vice-president and convicted drunk driver, was penniless before his friend Barry O’Farrell was elected premier in 2011. His lobbying business was in voluntary administration and he had a massive tax debt.

He now lives in a seven-bedroom mansion in Rose Bay and his business rakes in a reported $25,000 a month from clients keen for access to the Liberal ­politicians whose preselections he controls.

It was Photios who delivered the prime ministership to Turnbull in 2015, twisting arms in ­Canberra to get the numbers to roll Abbott.

He boasted about it at a party meeting this February, laying claim to installing both Turnbull and Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

The upshot is that dud candidates hard pressed getting a real job are being foisted on safe Liberal seats, simply because they are loyal to Photios.

Jim Molan has put himself forward as NSW Liberal president.
Jim Molan has put himself forward as NSW Liberal president.
John Ruddick believes the Liberal Party is in peril if reforms don’t pass.
John Ruddick believes the Liberal Party is in peril if reforms don’t pass.

There is only one way to break the malign influence of Photios and his faction, and that is to democratise the party, take the power of choosing candidates away from a narrow clique and give it to the members, as occurs in every state (except Western Australia), Canada, and the UK.

John Ruddick, a valiant Liberal member, designed the reforms a decade ago, and a panel chaired by John Howard drafted the mechanism.

But nothing happened until last year when Jim Molan, the formidable former general who stopped the boats, was denied a Senate berth by Photios forces, joined forces with Abbott, a latter day convert to party reform, to back the so-called Warringah motion, named after Abbott’s seat. (The reforms have since been renamed the Rosehill motion, to distance them from Abbott’s jihad against Turnbull, which reformers fear could derail their baby.)

In July, at the largest meeting of the membership in decades at Rosehill racecourse, the grassroots voted two to one for the Warringah reforms.

The first reform is that state Liberal candidates for state seats and federal lower house seats must be elected by a plebiscite of members.

The second reform is a statewide convention where every member gets to vote for their Senate candidates. The third reform is that members get to vote for the state executive.

They will open up the party to high-class candidates chosen on their ­merits by members, not a shadowy ­oligopoly.

But, four months after the historic Rosehill vote, the Photios forces are plotting to subvert the members’ will.

The reforms have to be ratified by a 60 per cent vote of the all-powerful Liberal state council, which Photios controls.

The executive has pushed the vote out to December 9, in the hope people will be too busy with Christmas to ­notice their subterfuge.

And, in a highly unorthodox move 18 months out from the next state election, the executive has voted to ­fast-track preselections in order to lock in their candidates in case the reforms do get up.

This would allow Photios to retain power over the NSW parliamentary party until the next state election in 2023.

However, Molan has put himself forward as president, to replace Photios lieutenant Kent Johns, a former long-term member of the Labor Party.

Molan is anathema to the Photios clique, and will reopen the preselections if elected.

The “moderate” faction knows that if the reforms get up Photios is ­finished, and his parliamentary allies will be ousted one by one, with North Sydney’s Trent Zimmerman likely first to go.

So the fix is in.

The only way the Rosehill reforms will survive is if the Prime Minister ­intervenes personally to support them.

If he defies Photios and backs the reforms, Turnbull would be hailed a hero by members who despise him now, and he would go down in history as the saviour of the Liberal Party.

Without his support, the reforms are doomed, with fake measures tricked up by the executive to ensure Photios retains control.

That would be the end.

Ruddick predicts that the membership of the Liberal Party would walk over the next decade, as happened in Canada, where a Cory Bernardi type, named Preston Manning, formed a breakaway conservative party in 1987 which eventually took over its predecessor and won office.

If the Prime Minister doesn’t save the Liberal Party on December 9, Bernardi will be laughing all the way.

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