
I’m tired of people trying to make me feel guilty about our history

THERE will always be people offended by a statue, a memorial or a public holiday. But our history can’t be changed, no matter how much noise some people make, writes Mike Colman.

Shortens rules out changing Australia Day date

AUSTRALIA Day, Australia Day, Australia Day.

There, I’ve said it. Arrest me.

Last Friday morning I switched on the TV in my Sydney hotel room just in time to hear a news report about Yarra council in Melbourne banning their employees from even uttering the words “Australia Day” while at work.

If they had to refer to what some would have us believe is a day of national shame, they were told, it should be as “the January 26 public holiday”.

Talk about Thought Police. Aren’t councils just supposed to make sure the garbage is picked up and parks mowed?

Still reeling from this Orwellian newspeak I went for a walk. Strolling up Park St, I crossed Elizabeth St and entered Hyde Park, near the Oddfellows Memorial.

A drinking fountain encased in an obelisk unveiled in 1921, the memorial commemorates lives lost in World War I.

“In appreciation of the service rendered to God, King and Country …” the inscription began.

“Uh-oh,” I thought. “God. King. Country … there’s another three words you’re not supposed to say anymore. They’ll be calling for this to be pulled down next.”

Hyde Park’s Captain Cook statue underwent a thorough clean after vandals spray painted them with slogans protesting the date of Australia Day. (Pic: David Swift)
Hyde Park’s Captain Cook statue underwent a thorough clean after vandals spray painted them with slogans protesting the date of Australia Day. (Pic: David Swift)

I walked over to the statue of Captain Cook. Luckily the “Change The Date” and “No Pride in Genocide” slogans spray-painted by vandals last August have been cleaned off and I could enjoy it in all its glory before it is defaced again.

I would have liked to visit the Anzac Memorial, but it is being renovated. Instead I stood outside, beside the Pool of Reflection — next to a sign asking people not to skateboard within the memorial precinct.

I’m not sure if the sign is having the desired effect, but it did prove handy for a couple of tourists to lean their backpacks against while taking selfies.

From the look of the posters affixed to the builders’ scaffolding, when finished the Anzac Memorial will be a magnificent tribute to all those who have fought and died in service of our country.
Of course there will be some who protest the millions of dollars spent on honouring their memory. The finished work might even be daubed with anti-war slogans like so many other memorials around the country and overseas.

Those who take part in rallies protesting Australia Day might not be able to agree on alternative date. (Pic: Peter Parks)
Those who take part in rallies protesting Australia Day might not be able to agree on alternative date. (Pic: Peter Parks)

Sorry if I come across as narrow-minded and grumpy. It’s just that I’m getting very tired of people trying to make me feel guilty.

Now if someone can come up with another of the 364 days of the year on which to celebrate Australia Day that doesn’t cause offence to some segment of the community, I’d be interested to hear their suggestions.

All I can say is good luck.

Obviously it couldn’t be the Queen’s birthday, or anything to do with our one-time Mother Country. Anzac Day is out because that would glorify war. Sorry Day? Maybe, but there’s plenty of people who wouldn’t be too fussed on that either.

Look, nobody’s perfect, and neither is any country, but we’re not all bad either.

What’s done is history. It can’t be changed no matter how much noise some people make.

We’ve said sorry, we’ve said yes. It’s time to move on.

Originally published as I’m tired of people trying to make me feel guilty about our history

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