
I quit Facebook (and nobody noticed)

I QUIT Facebook in December and continued to function in the modern world, writes Tim McIntyre. Which just goes to show everyone else could do the same.

Facebook announces sweeping policy changes in response to data scandal

I QUIT Facebook in December, after realising I was checking it 30 times a day and didn’t know why. Three months later, I have never looked back. Here’s why:


You enter your details, Facebook tracks your every move and, shock horror, uses your data. The Cambridge Analytica scandal looks terrible, but how many other ways have your likes, dislikes and behaviours been bounced around the internet over the years, to be eagerly received by all sorts of companies and agencies?

But Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t do that to us! Not Zuck! He just wants us to be connected. Zuck is our friend!

Well, just like any super wealthy businessman, our old pal Zuck may be driven a teeny bit by money and power! Gasp!

And really, as a “tech bro” originally trying to get laid at University, before success made him realise he could get laid on a much more global scale, Zuck was never someone I aspired to be friends with (let alone hand over every detail of my life for him to use with no accountability).

I’ve always been careful with Facebook. I never used my photo on my profile and left out as many personal details as allowed. No birthday, phone number, or interests. I even pretended to be living in New York (am I over here Zuck, or am I really....over here? Ha ha!).

Don’t, leave me this way: Mark Zuckerberg has seen millions of users delete their account following allegations their data was mined to influence elections. (Pic: Jeff Roberson/AP)
Don’t, leave me this way: Mark Zuckerberg has seen millions of users delete their account following allegations their data was mined to influence elections. (Pic: Jeff Roberson/AP)

Computer says no

When I deactivated my account, I had to explain why and endure Facebook’s alternative suggestions before they let me go.

Not long after, I noticed my profile was somehow active again. Turns out I had checked Facebook from a hotel in 2014 and then closed the web page rather than log out properly. Apparently that meant my account must be revived so I could log back in and make sure I wanted to quit, before repeating the whole process. Creepy enough?


Initially it was great to connect to people from my past, but you soon realise the friends in your immediate life are there for a reason. People you had nothing in common with at school are now people you have nothing in common with on social media. So, instead of avoiding them at school, you hide them on Facebook. And they hide you too.

Echo chamber

Facebook could connect the world, but its algorithms really connect us with only those who think the same way. We receive content and page suggestions aligned with our values and interests. We are in echo chambers where everyone agrees with each other and believes their opinions to be common sense. This is not only misleading, but the world’s most boring dinner party.

Anti-social media

“Look at me, I’m eating a nice breakfast! I lost weight! See my feet on this deckchair? That’s because I’m on holiday! Now I’m sad, why do I trust people? Does anyone care? I’m starting a business, can you share my page and buy my products?”

Facebook is no longer about connecting, but competing with others and begging for attention. And even giving attention has become a personal PR exercise.

“You’re one hot mamma! That looks delish, so jelly! You OK hun? Sending hugs your way (phew, everyone knows I’m a great person).”

You may think it’s impossible to navigate the modern world without a Facebook account, but I left, and barely a soul noticed. (Pic: Noah Berger/AP)
You may think it’s impossible to navigate the modern world without a Facebook account, but I left, and barely a soul noticed. (Pic: Noah Berger/AP)

The language

Everything is ‘Lit’ or ‘Woke’ these days, unless they are more ‘Lit’ or ‘Woke’ than first thought, at which point ‘AF’ (As F..k) is added to the end. So being ‘Woke AF’ means being very enlightened... Something I doubt describes many who use that term.

I’m too old for that talk. Nothing is as lame as a 36 year old guy from the suburbs saying “Hangin wit bae... Nek Minnit, we Lit AF!”

And if your kids are old enough to be on Facebook, you are either too old yourself, or the kids will brush it, because no teenager wants to hang with mum and dad, in the real world or online.

No one will miss you when you’re gone

When I quit, my wife thought she’d have to handle my social life because Facebook is where you get invited to fun parties... Let’s just say she hasn’t been too busy so far.

My concern that people would miss the important things I had to say proved delusional. No one noticed until one friend tried to tag me in something to make fun of me and realised they couldn’t.

In three months no one has missed me at all, but that’s OK, because since I quit Facebook, I feel Woke AZ (As Zuck).

Tim McIntyre is the editor of MoneySaver HQ.


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