
Here’s why you’re still paying a fortune for childcare

THE assurances from government were that the new childcare subsidy system would make things better for working parents. That isn’t how it’s turned out, writes Eugenie Joseph.

Childcare subsidy overhaul comes into effect

DESPITE the lip service to promoting women’s workforce participation, the government can never make childcare affordable if the sector’s rampant over-regulation continues unchecked.

The federal government’s revamped childcare subsidy, introduced just last month, is ostensibly intended to support working mothers by making childcare more affordable.

For parents who qualify under the work test, the subsidy reduces the amount they pay out-of-pocket for childcare — with those on lower incomes or working longer hours able to claim more.

But the government has optimistically sold the new subsidy as a fix to Australia’s broken childcare system. Naively too, the government thinks the new system will discourage childcare services from increasing fees, as subsidies are capped at a benchmark rate.

Of course, this is an utterly false hope.

It ignores the hard truth that regulations are driving up the costs of childcare; and inevitably, these costs will result in higher childcare fees and less affordability.

Childcare fees in Australia have been growing well above inflation in recent years, despite the growing number of childcare centres and even reports of oversupply in some areas. Fees for long day care — the most common type of childcare — have been growing at 6.5% on average each year.

The cost of childcare in Australia is continuing to skyrocket due to over-regulation. (Pic: iStock)
The cost of childcare in Australia is continuing to skyrocket due to over-regulation. (Pic: iStock)

Even after claiming subsidies, parents’ average out-of-pocket costs increased by nearly 50% (in real terms) between 2011 and 2017, despite little change in the average hours of childcare used.

However, soaring fees and out-of-pocket costs should not be surprising.

Labour-related costs make up the largest cost of operating a childcare service — and this is where ‘quality regulations’ have had the largest impact.

In particular, the introduction of staff-to-child ratios, and requirements for staff to hold professional qualifications in early education, mean that childcare services have to employ more qualified workers — increasing their labour costs.

And all parents who use formal childcare — along with all taxpayers who don’t — are unfairly forced to bear the cost of these regulations through higher fees, despite a lack of evidence that these regulations benefit children generally.

But the evidence of the costs is clear. In fact, the costs of these regulations were anticipated before they came into effect.

It was estimated in 2009 that the staff ratios and qualification rules would add $1.2 billion alone to the costs of providing long day care over 10 years.

Staff ratios and qualification rules are adding to costs for childcare providers. (Pic: iStock)
Staff ratios and qualification rules are adding to costs for childcare providers. (Pic: iStock)

Based on these estimates, it means that average fees for long day care were 11% higher in 2017 than otherwise, due to these rules.

And these problems will keep compounding with time. New quality regulations, forcing childcare centres to employ the services of more qualified teachers, are scheduled to take effect from 2020. And the annual cost of subsidies to the Federal Budget is expected to hit $9.5 billion within four years.

But it will never be enough to make childcare affordable — nor satisfy lobby groups and unions who want to reinvent childcare as an expensive form of early schooling.

It is time for governments to confront the ridiculous contradiction in what they are doing: using one hand to increase the cost of childcare through regulation, and the other hand to reduce costs through subsidies.

This is not sustainable. Nor is it fair on working parents, who just want affordable and safe childcare.

It would be better to honestly acknowledge the policy trade-off between promoting ‘quality’ in childcare and supporting women’s workforce participation.

If the federal government truly wants to support working mothers, it must encourage the states and territories — which regulate childcare services — to reduce the burden of quality regulations that make childcare unaffordable.

Otherwise, governments can continue to regulate for the ‘perfect’ childcare system, based on questionable theories of quality. But what would be the point?

It will simply mean that formal childcare becomes too expensive for many families and, consequently, more mothers are forced stay at home to care for their children.

Eugenie Joseph is a senior policy analyst at The Centre for Independent Studies and author of the research report Why Childcare is not Affordable.

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