
COVID-19 quarantine fashion trend: handbags are over, pouches are in

You might not realise it now, but in a decade’s time, we’ll look back on our time in quarantine and know it simply as the moment women finally said goodbye to handbags, writes Angela Mollard.

The fashion trend we don't need

On the first day of this month, as protests broke out in America in response to the horrific death of George Floyd and here the Treasurer prepared to tell Australia we were officially in recession, an email popped into my inbox.

“The best designer handbags to treat yourself to this season,” read the headline from the international magazine brand, before it went on to list 45 (yes, 45) handbags worth “investing” in this season.

Bottega Veneta is apparently the label “everyone is talking about” so I clicked on the link to that particular handbag – a large gathered alligator pouch – only to find the $43,587 bag had almost sold out.

And that’s when I wanted to throw up.

I do not “speak” handbag. I never have. Spending vast volumes of cash on something to carry your most prosaic of belongings has always struck me as ludicrous and self-indulgent. Now I find it downright distasteful. Surely we have reached the moment in history when women finally unshackle themselves from these cumbersome status-signifying, debt-inducing monstrosities and snub the companies who peddle them.

Model and fashionista Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is all about the pouch. Picture: Victor Boyko/Getty
Model and fashionista Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is all about the pouch. Picture: Victor Boyko/Getty

For too long the “It” bag has been an emblem of wealth and success, and women the world over have unquestioningly bought into the notion that owning one will deliver instant glamour and happiness.

But after weeks of being rendered irrelevant as we’ve all been bunkered down at home, perhaps coronavirus has succeeded where common sense failed. Perhaps now we can finally detach ourselves from 300 years of history which saw women lumbered with handbags while men were awarded eminently more sensible pockets. Goodness knows it is time.

If the death knell was sounding for handbags before COVID-19, as evidenced by the 7 per cent decline in US sales last year, we can only hope the pandemic has buried them for good.

For weeks I’ve not used mine and have instead tucked my phone, bank card and lip balm into my pocket when heading out for a walk.

For a while I couldn’t work out why I felt so joyous and unencumbered until I had cause to dig out my wallet, still containing the $60 that had sat unspent since we went into lockdown.

Even looking into the handbag with its tangle of hairbands, notebooks, hand cream, receipts, pens and used tissues felt stress-inducing. But I grabbed it anyway, for a visit to an art gallery, and regretted instantly the lump of leather hanging desultorily from my arm. There was nothing in it I needed and my friend, who had tucked her keys and phone into her jacket pocket, looked somehow lighter and more purposeful.

Watching her, arms by her side, free of the detritus of a woman’s life, she looked as carefree as … well, as a man.

Sadly, the price tag for a designer not handbag bag is still incredibly steep. Picture: Donell Woodson/Getty
Sadly, the price tag for a designer not handbag bag is still incredibly steep. Picture: Donell Woodson/Getty

It was playwright Nora Ephron, in an essay titled “I Hate My Purse”, who summed up the stultifying nature of these receptacles with the observation that they are “reflections of negligent housekeeping, hopeless disorganisation, a chronic inability to throw anything away”. As she said, we start small, pledge neatness but before you know it “your purse weighs 20 pounds and you are in grave danger of needing an operation just from carrying it around”.

Ironically, the handbag was devised to free and empower women.
For centuries aristocratic men had carried small bags containing coins while women, obligingly, filled theirs with rose petals and spices to mask the smell of body odour. But in the 1700s as handbags made of netting became popular with women, men regarded them as feminine and instead tucked their smelling salts and opera glasses into bags worn belted at the hip.

Sturdy handbags for women only came about at the end of the 19th century as they sought liberation, the power to carry their own money and the freedom previously denied. Luggage manufacturers, such as Hermes, Mulberry and Louis Vuitton, paved the way and fashion houses quickly jumped into the fray as the Queen and Margaret Thatcher turned the no-nonsense handbag over the arm into a signature of women’s relevance beyond the home.

Sadly, the last 30 years has seen the luxury handbag become an emblem of entrapment rather than empowerment. Instead of plunging their savings into superannuation women fell for the warped fairy tale propagated by fashion houses that handbags worth thousands of dollars would somehow elevate their status, as if that was ever a worthwhile calling card.

It seemed every woman from the Spice Girls, to the Sex and the City characters to the Kardashians fell for the ruse and those without the imagination to think differently followed suit. That Fendi’s unremarkable Baguette, named after chunk of bread, created such a frenzy should be a source of shame.

We can only hope that having been detached from our handbags for the last couple of months we can largely relinquish them for good. For too long they’ve weighed us down and left us breathlessly striding to catch up with men. Any woman inclined to spend $40K on a Bottega Veneta pouch might consider donating the money to a woman’s shelter instead. The rest of us could opt for a cross-body bag and use our arms to do stuff, not carry stuff. Handbags are not, as one fashion writer has claimed, a “portable manifestation of a woman’s sense of self”, they are an impediment to who we could be.


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