
Bloody minded vegans deserve a roasting

Life is tough enough in the bush without a bunch of militants storming your property, stealing your animals and branding you a murderer, writes Miranda Devine. It’s time we hold vegans to account once and for all.

Aussie farmer speaks out on vegan protesters

As a child I went through a phase a lot of girls go through, of feeling sad for animals who die so that we can eat them.

I cried for the poor cow who became a delicious hamburger and the poor pig who became a scrumptious bacon sandwich.

So, at the age of 8 or 9 I resolved not to eat meat. My mother, who grew up on a wheat and sheep farm in WA, pursed her lips but kept her thoughts to herself.

RELATED: Dozens charged after vegan protest shuts down CBD intersection

Some time later, I read an article which said that plants have feelings and object to being eaten alive. This was deeply troubling.

I asked my mother, “What can I eat?”

She replied dryly: “Salt”.

It didn’t take long to realise this was untenable. It was either me or the cucumber. So I gave up and became an omnivore again, as biology dictated.

It’s a pity the mothers of the vegan terrorists who have been invading farms across Australia this week didn’t have the wit of my mother to nip irrational sentimentality in the bud.

Animal rights protesters marched through Sydney on Monday. Picture: AAP/Joel Carrett
Animal rights protesters marched through Sydney on Monday. Picture: AAP/Joel Carrett

Life is tough enough in the bush at the moment without a bunch of militant Gen Z narcissists storming onto your property, stealing your animals, cutting your fences, contaminating the food supply chain, branding you a murderer and threatening your livelihood and peace of mind.

After Monday’s animal liberationist “Day of Action” in which farms and abattoirs in NSW, Queensland and Victoria were raided, stressed farmers were on high alert.

At one family goat dairy farm in Queensland, Marcus Jessen had to sleep in the shed with his animals in case the activists came back.

RELATED: Scott Morrison says animal activists are ‘green-collared’ criminals

“Everyone was just beside themselves when the police told us they were on their way,” his wife Shannon, 38, said yesterday.

“It was terrifying. How can we stop them at the gate? We don’t know when they’re coming back and we don’t want them here”. They frighten the goats and bring diseases, she says.

Shannon heard a nearby farmer had his fences cut and his cows pushed onto the road.

“I thought of the local piggeries and chook farms and felt so sorry for them and then I looked up and all these police cars were coming up the road.”

“It was very confronting. Everyone ran around very panicky and upset. You have a bit of a cry … I’ve got a two-year-old. I’ve seen the way [the activists] speak to people. I never want my son to witness that”.

These three sheep were taken by vegan protesters from a Queensland abattoir. Picture: AAP/supplied by Brad King
These three sheep were taken by vegan protesters from a Queensland abattoir. Picture: AAP/supplied by Brad King

Activists took three ewes from an abattoir in Queensland they’d blockaded on Monday and bundled them unrestrained into the back seat of a Nissan Patrol Wagon before driving off.

They’ve also previously stolen goats, including from the Gippy Goat cafe in Victoria, which announced on Sunday it had been forced to close after “nearly four months of constant harassment, vile statements and threats from the abusive vegan activists”, farmers John and Penny said on Facebook.

Life is tough enough in the bush at the moment without a bunch of militant Gen Z narcissists storming onto your property. Artwork: Terry Pontikos
Life is tough enough in the bush at the moment without a bunch of militant Gen Z narcissists storming onto your property. Artwork: Terry Pontikos

No farming family has slept soundly since January, when an animal liberation group posted a map revealing precise locations and details of farms across Australia.

Agriculture minister David Littleproud warned that the “attack map for activists” could end in someone getting “seriously hurt or worse”.

RELATED: Militant vegans blamed for Gippy Goat cafe closure, months after activists stole goats

Already shots were fired at one WA farm in February after Harvey farmer Jason Parravicini confronted two activists filming his cattle from a car.

“Take the camera out of my face,” says the increasingly frustrated Parravicini, in a video posted by the activists. “Get out of my place. Youse are tormenting Harvey”.

The video then shows the activists driving past Parravicini’s house, where he is firing a shotgun into the air. The gun is pointed away from their car.

Vegan activism: Dozens arrested after animal rights campaigners cause chaos

One of the activists, predictably went off to the media playing the victim: “These farming communities are an echo chamber for this type of violence,” he told Seven News. “It does not surprise me whatsoever that they are now targeting and acting in violence towards human beings”.

Parravicini said he always lets off a few shots in the afternoon and had no idea the activists were nearby. But, he said, “People have just had enough. If [the activists] want to be vegan by all means be vegan. That’s their choice but just leave us alone”.

In farm invasions such as the one last month on David McNamee’s family-run feedlot near Millmerran in southern Queensland, activists arrive in the dozens, outfitted in a uniform of white overalls, black “Meat the Victims” T-shirts and carry handycam video cameras.

RELATED: What is it about vegans we hate so much?

In these woke times, their lack of diversity is striking. They are almost all are white. They appear to be in their late teens and early 20s. Women outnumber men two to one and their style is neurotic zombie cultist.

“Get off my effing country,” shouts McNamee in vain. A young woman coldly retorts: “No, we’re here to show the truth of what you’re hiding”.

Security footage from 2018 shows vegan activists kidnapping goats from the Gippy Goat Cafe. Picture: Facebook
Security footage from 2018 shows vegan activists kidnapping goats from the Gippy Goat Cafe. Picture: Facebook

Grim, pasty-faced vegans are not about saving animals from cruelty but about imposing a dehumanising ideology on the rest of us, an ideology linked to genocidal tyrants.

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, as was Heinrich Himmler, the architect of the Holocaust who was renowned for having furniture made from the skin of his Jewish victims.

The Nazi Animal Protection Movement was big in the 1930s while Jews were being exterminated in gas chambers.

In an article, Why So Many White Supremacists Are into Veganism, Vice Magazine also noted the connection.

Any ideology which aims to control the behaviour of everyone, using terrorist tactics and compulsion, is by definition a dangerous tyranny. The way to nip it in the bud is for courts simply to enforce the law. Rather than laughable recent fines ranging from $250 to $1, a criminal record for trespass would put a spoke in the wheels of these affluent vegan ideologues, curtail their travel plans and at least cull the number of future lawyers in their midst.

Maybe then they might wake up.

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