
Australia Day is Invasion Day. We should not celebrate it

On January 26, 1788 our forefathers invaded a land and started a genocide of its native people. It’s not political correctness gone mad, it’s just fact.

AUSTRALIA:    New Australian Lamb Campaign Highlights Diversity   January 12

I am a proud non-supporter of Australia Day.

Wait, hear me out before you flood my Twitter account with a deluge of hate about being ‘un-Australian’.

It’s not that I’m not proud to be Australian and have a particular aversion to celebrating that. It’s that, in my opinion, being proud of my country requires me to, at the very least, have a vague notion of what our history as a nation is.

And that history includes the fact that on January 26, 1788 our forefathers invaded a land and started a genocide of its native people.

It’s not political correctness gone mad. It’s just fact.

So it’s never really surprised me that I, along with a large portion of our population, indigenous and otherwise, have never been keen to adorn ourselves in Australian flag paraphernalia and start swilling booze with reckless abandonment.

Many Australians don’t see anything worth celebrating on January 26. (Pic: iStock)
Many Australians don’t see anything worth celebrating on January 26. (Pic: iStock)

The day that would make more sense to celebrate would be the day Australia was federated, but obviously that is New Year’s Day, so we can’t have that.

I think what makes most sense is that Australia becomes a republic and whatever date that happens becomes the New Australia Day. But becoming a republic is a column for another time.

I barely remember Australia Day as a kid. Anzac Day was a cause for patriotism and taking to the streets to march in honour of those lost.

Australia Day was really just a day off school.

My family never wheeled the barbecue out in the name of Australia and put lamb, or any other meat, on it to celebrate. Nor did our neighbours.

Maybe our teacher would give us a fake flag tattoo to mark the occasion, but that was about as hectic as it got.

But clever marketing boffins have changed all of that.

You can’t walk down the aisle of any supermarket close to January 26 and not be bombarded with nationalist paraphernalia.

The whole day has taken on a markedly American July 4 vibe. Whether its food items or bikini tops, there is an Aussie flag item to suit.

It’s not just peddlers of cheap trinkets that saw the opportunity, the Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) also saw the potential to increase lamb sales. It’s now infamous Australia Day ads have become an annual talking point.

This year’s offering delivers a celebration of modern multiculturalism and a play on Invasion Day.

Going within 10 feet of the Invasion Day vs. Australia Day debate, while bold, still managed to be insulting to those of us who want to #changethedate.

The new lamb ad has divided the nation. (Pic: Supplied)
The new lamb ad has divided the nation. (Pic: Supplied)

I reckon Luke Pearson of NITV said it best when he wrote: “The ad perhaps is a fitting theme for Australia Day: forget about or completely misrepresent Australian history and contemporary society, and buy stuff instead.”

I am rostered on to work this Australia Day and, when I finish, will avoid licenced venues like the plague and am unlikely to go to any parties. Although I somehow suspect all of those annual invites to Australia Day parties are likely to dry up after this column.

The fact I don’t take part in Australia Day celebrations has never surprised my friends.

I’ve often forgone heading to dance festivals and the like in favour of sitting at home listening to the Beach Boys — I’m a nanna at heart, they say.

I don’t care, I just can’t think of anything worse than yahooing with a group of people who think it’s fine to rub salt into the wounds of people who understandably are deeply traumatised by remembering January 26, 1788.

Besides, it seems to me some of the fiercest defenders of Australia Day’s current date are also those who have an irrational fear that Australia is nowadays being “invaded” by other cultures.

A side of hypocrisy with your lamb, anyone?

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