
Waverley residents call for crackdown on anti-social behaviour in their suburb

Young people urinating on private property, collapsing on roads and brawling are some of the examples of anti-social behaviour eastern suburbs residents say has become commonplace in their suburb.

A photo of some of the CCTV images captured by residents.
A photo of some of the CCTV images captured by residents.

Eastern suburbs residents say they are fed up with late night revellers disturbing the peace in their neighbourhood as they call for a crackdown on anti-social behaviour in the suburb.

CCTV footage captured by homeowners in the Carrington and Bronte Rd precincts in Waverley has revealed vivid examples of early hour antics including fights and brawls, people collapsing on roads, and others urinating on private property.

Residents believe the unruly behaviour is linked to spillover of intoxicated people leaving licenced premises in the area including The Robin Hood Hotel which operates as late as 3am and the Charing Cross Hotel, which trades as late as 2am.

But the owners of both venues have rejected suggestions their pubs are responsible for the anti-social behaviour.

The frustrations of residents were aired at a community meeting where homeowners called for extra police patrols, increased licensing enforcement, and more security guards to patrol streets outside licenced venues.

CCTV photos captured by residents in the Carrington Rd precinct.
CCTV photos captured by residents in the Carrington Rd precinct.

Resident Steve Bodnar, who has lived on the street since 1963, said the “revolting” habit of urinating on people’s homes has become commonplace in the suburb.

“From midnight to 3am we have groups of people wandering on the street, noise and a continual procession of people waiting for Ubers,” he said.

“The noise is constant and the way the place is being treated is awful – you’ve got people urinating on driveways and people’s cars, passing out on traffic islands and getting into fights.

Residents say the issues primarily occur in the early hours of Friday to Sunday.
Residents say the issues primarily occur in the early hours of Friday to Sunday.
Residents say the anti-social antics have become common.
Residents say the anti-social antics have become common.

“You’ve also got people turning up in cars drunk and the first thing they do is urinate on the driveway or in people’s bushes.

“It’s having a big impact on the amenity of the area.”

Julie McAlpin, who chaired the local community precinct group meeting, believes increased security would help bring instances of anti-social behaviour under control.

CCTV captured by a local homeowner.
CCTV captured by a local homeowner.

“I think since things have opened up after Covid, people are very enthusiastic to go out again but perhaps too enthusiastic,” she said.

“We’ve seen young people collapsing off their face and seen some almost getting hit by passing cars.”

“It’s a safety issue.”

Daniel Whitten, owner of the Robin Hood Hotel, has rejected claims the anti-social behaviour was linked to his venue – suggesting it was instead due to revellers drinking in the CBD before attempting to “kick on” in Waverley.

CCTV of a person falling on a local road.
CCTV of a person falling on a local road.

“We often get people who have been drinking elsewhere and then try to come into the hotel and get refused. Then they stay in the area before trying to get a lift or to walk home,” he said.

“Like any pub we have instances of anti-social behaviour but we minimise it through our plan of management, security and have spent money soundproofing and double glazing windows.”

Residents have called for more security in the suburb.
Residents have called for more security in the suburb.
A photo of a person collapsed on a local road.
A photo of a person collapsed on a local road.

Warren Livingstone, owner of the Charing Cross Hotel, also has refuted claims the venue was contributing to anti-social activity in the suburb.

Mr Livingstone instead attributed disturbances to young people drinking alcohol in local parks into the early hours on Fridays and weekends.

“Since Covid there’s been an escalation in house parties in the area and the number of people drinking Queens Park parks is significant – at night it’s full of underage drinking,” he said.

“We’ve put on extra security as a show of good faith to the local community and from our perspective it’s not an issue for us,” he said.

Daniel Whitten, pictured inside the Robin Hood Hotel.
Daniel Whitten, pictured inside the Robin Hood Hotel.

In a statement, A NSW Police spokesman said: “officers from Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command conduct proactive patrols of the local area, including high visibility operations during peak periods to target anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related crime.”

“Licensing police work closely with venues to ensure the safety and security of patrons and the community,” the spokesman said.

“Residents are encouraged to raise their concerns directly with their local police.”

A photo of a CCTV image captured by residents in Waverley
A photo of a CCTV image captured by residents in Waverley

A Waverley Council spokeswoman said the council was “aware of (community) concerns”.

She said after consulting with residents, a dedicated pick-up and drop-off bay was implemented outside the Robin Hood Hotel and Charing Cross Hotel to assist in transporting people home.

“Council meets regularly with Police and other relevant authorities to forward and discuss any concerns raised by community members, including disorderly conduct in order to keep our local government area safe,” she said.

Mr Whitten rejected calls to hire extra security guards to patrol the streets beyond the immediate vicinity of the pub.

He said the venue already pays each security guard $63 dollar an hour in wages and hiring additional guards would be financially prohibitive for the venue.

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