
Major milestone for Kangaroo Valley as Moss Vale Road to reopen after three months

Three months after Kangaroo Valley was completely sealed off from the outside world for days by devastating landslides, one of the main arterial roads into the tourist town is set to be reopened.

Back to school road safety

Residents in Kangaroo Valley will mark a major milestone this week when Moss Vale Rd reopens for the first time in more than three months after devastating landslides left the popular tourist destination completely sealed off from the outside world.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the arterial route connecting the town of less than 1000 people with Bomaderry and the state’s South Coast will reopen on July 1, effectively restoring some access in half the time than was first predicted.

“It is fantastic that TfNSW has been able to open the road ahead of the busy school holiday period,” he said.

“The road will open to two lanes at this section from 5pm (on Friday), with two lengths of single lane access open under traffic control while restoration work continues.”

Kangaroo Valley residents took to social media to share their excitement at the news.

“Sounds like I can return home via Bowral,” said Pam Greenwood.

“I am super excited. Thank you to all the workers.”

Bernie McLaughlin said: “This is great progress”.

While shuttle buses connecting the town with the South Coast have run regularly since March, ferrying workers and residents, businesses have nonetheless struggled since the Moss Vale and Cambewarra Mountain routes were closed, with access to the latter still restricted.

Three major sites needed to be repaired along the Moss Vale Rd route near Barrengarry Mountain before access could be restored, Mr Farraway said, including a 50m section where the road had completely slipped away.

“It has taken more than 2500 tonnes of rock fill, more than 100 square metres of reinforcing mesh and concrete, and more than 50 soil nails to completely rebuild the embankment, with new pavement and safety barriers recently completed,” Mr Farraway said.

Landslides near Kangaroo Valley left the town cut-off for days in March 2022. Picture: Transport for NSW
Landslides near Kangaroo Valley left the town cut-off for days in March 2022. Picture: Transport for NSW

A reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place for the sections where work is continuing, with the remainder of the road open with the normal 60km/h speed limit. Completion of the repair works at the two single lane sections will require Moss Vale Rd to be closed to all traffic in late July.

A TfNSW spokesperson said the transport authority is planning to carry out those works overnight, with additional sections of the road also requiring long-term restoration which could take as long as next two years.

Geotechnical investigations involving the drilling of large holes into the slope face have recently been completed at 16 individual sites, the TfNSW spokesperson said, which will inform the next stage of works, including assessment and development of long-term repair options.

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